
Drawing on at least one additional assigned text from Weeks 1-5, discuss what Beloved tells us about the experiences and afterlives of chattel slavery in the United States.


– Drawing on at least one additional assigned text from Weeks 1-5, discuss what Beloved tells us about the experiences and afterlives of chattel slavery in the United States.
– Response papers should be between 2-3 pages double-spaced in length, and 12-point, standard font.

Explain the affects of the autonomic nervous system on heart activity, including the specific receptors. Explain the different blood types and a transfusion reaction.

Exam 1

Answers should be clear and concise to address the main points of each topic as discussed in the subsequent weeks with a minimum of 250 words.

An associated diagram/graph should be drawn (student-created) or included from the Internet (please include the URL) to help clarify any of your points. Utilize the checklist below to assist with completion of each essay answer: 10 points:

The information is correct and the main points of the topic are explained appropriately 5 points:

A personal example or an application is included, which effectively help to strengthen the topic’s points. 5 points:

An appropriate diagram/graph is included to enhance the topic’s points. The diagram/graph could be student-created or an image from the

Internet (please include the URL). 5 points:

There are no grammatical and/or spelling errors. 5 points:

Each topic question is answered in a minimum of 250 words.


Explain the action potential of a cardiac pacemaker cell.


Explain the action potential of a cardiomyocyte cell.


Explain the cardiac cycle.


Explain the affects of the autonomic nervous system on heart activity,

including the specific receptors.


Explain the different blood types and a transfusion reaction.


Explain the clotting pathways

Looking at the clothes you wear, the products you buy, and the forms of entertainment you enjoy-how many of these are the result of truly independent choices verses the influence, at least to some degree, of peer pressure?

Power of peer pressure

How is peer pressure different in college than high school?

Was there more peer pressure or less peer pressure in high school?

Looking at the clothes you wear, the products you buy, and the forms of entertainment you enjoy-how many of these are the result of truly independent choices verses the influence, at least to some degree, of peer pressure?

How does it work? What was its original intended use? What are the common side effects or long term effects?


1st paragraph
a. Please list the name of the drugs or surgical procedures that are currently used to treat this disease.
i. Make sure to describe the drug or surgical procedure.
1. How does it work?
2. What was its original intended use?
3. What are the common side effects or long term effects?

2nd paragraph
a. Please list any drug(s) or procedures that are in clinical trials for this disease.
i. Please list in which phase of clinical trials the drug is in
ii. Please list the method of drug delivery and how it works (if known)

How did Muhammad Ali take huge personal risks when he refused to be conscripted for the war in Vietnam? What reason’s did he give for refusing to be conscripted?

Muhammad Ali contribution to  the Vietnam War.

Address the following in this essay:

How did Muhammad Ali take huge personal risks when he refused to be conscripted for the war in Vietnam?
What reason’s did he give for refusing to be conscripted?
Why did Jackie Robinson oppose Ali’s stance?
How did public opinion about the Vietnam War change over the years, according to the sources? Did this show that Ali’s position had moral weight?
How did Muhammad Ali contribute to the 2016 Presidential election controversy on Muslim immigration? How would you connect his stance in 2016 with his stance in 1967, specifically in connection to how he understood his moral responsibility as a Muslim?
Do you agree or disagree that Ali’s religious beliefs were sufficient justification for his refusing to fight in Vietnam? Were his actions selfish or unselfish? Do you agree or disagree with Jackie Robinson’s position? Give reasons for your response.

Determine the most critical merger or acquisition that has contributed to Caterpillar’s performance and success in achieving organizational goals.

Strategic Management Research Journal Part 4.

Write a 525- to 700- Microsoft word response to the following prompts in your journal entry. Remember the journal should be research written. Remember APA formatting is required, inclusive of the title page, level headings, 3rd person, and a thesis sentence. Do not focus on the word journal. Rather, complete each assignment using research writing format. :

Identify Caterpillar Inc.’s short-term and long-term goals.
Evaluate how mergers and acquisitions in the last 3-5 years have contributed to Caterpillar Inc.’s performance and affected its organizational goals.
Determine the most critical merger or acquisition that has contributed to Caterpillar’s performance and success in achieving organizational goals. Defend your choice.
Evaluate the effectiveness of Caterpillar’s operational plan for global strategies (international, multi-domestic, global-standardization, or transnational). Include supporting research or data.

Why might nonspecific factors influence psychoactive drug effects more than the effect of an antibiotic? Why do people say that LSD is one of the most potent psychoactive drugs?

Quiz 2

Chapter 5

  1. Why might nonspecific factors influence psychoactive drug effects more than the effect of an antibiotic?
  2. Why do people say that LSD is one of the most potent psychoactive drugs?
  3. Which type of tolerance is related to physical dependence, and why?

Chapter 17

  1. Explain what is meant by “value-free” values clarification programs, and why they fell out of favor in the 1980s.
  2. What do ALERT and Life Skills Training have in common, besides their effectiveness?
  3. What is the distinction between secondary and tertiary prevention?

Chapter 18

  1. Compare and contrast drug legalization and drug decriminalization.
  2. What are two important factors that should be considered when developing effective drug policy?
  3. Give an example of an unintended consequence associated with inappropriate drug policy?







Discuss the different choices you have made, from the working on the thesis statement, the design of the interview guide, carrying out the interviews and analysis

Qualitative and quantitative methods

Specification of contents and design
Length and disposition of the tasks
• Two separate tasks, one quantitative method and one qualitative method.
• Both tasks should be maximum 10 pages, EXCLUDING attachments (look at the bottom for specification of attachments)
• Write a separate introduction for each of the tasks, and since both tasks have the same topic you need to describe the common topic in both introductions.

Common for both tasks (quantitative and qualitative)
• Choose topic and design the thesis statement with basis in the chosen topic. The same topic should be explored both quantitative and qualitative, but it does not need to be the exact same thesis statement/research questions. It would be natural for a qualitative project to focus on other aspects than a quantitative project.
• The project need to be designed to be completed independently.

The quantitative task
• Choose one of the topics that are highlighted I “Levekårsundersøkelsen for Nordland 2014”, it is this dataset that will be used for the analysis. There are many topics to choose from : Political activity, worklife, leisure activities, social network/family, local society, well-being etc. Concretize the topic to a researchable thesis and formulate some concrete research questions that can either be formulated as questions or as assertions.
• The thesis statement/research questions does not need to reflect a regional issue, even though the dataset is from Nordland County.
• Choose variables you want to use in the analysis. Pick one or two effect variables, and some explanatory variables you can use to analyze variation in the effect variables. Think through what explanatory variables that can help with explaining. F.ex. is it reasonable to expect a difference between sex, age or rich-poor?
• Boxmodel or two that shows how you think the coherence between the variables are.
• Try to choose variables on different levels, so you show different statistical analysis.
• Discuss how you perceive the validity between your theoretical term (f.ex. social network or political activity) and the concrete questions that are asked in the question form.
• Carry out the statistical analysis and present the results in text and tables. Use both uni-variate, bi-variate and multivariate analysis (multivariate through multivariate crosstables or multivariate regression). Execute significance tests of the analysis. Present and interpret these tests. Only use the most important from the tables in the text, and put the ones that aren’t interpreted in text, as attachments (as long as they support the analysis, f.ex. if you have checked for something, but did not find any)
• Discuss if the analysis has answered the research questions (validity)
• USE METHOD CURRICULUM ACTIVELY when discussing choices made.

The qualitative task
• Formulate a limited thesis statement with base in the same topic as for the quantitative task
• Make an interview guide
• Create information writing in coherence with the demands for information in the personal data act.
• Recruit participants (2 people, no names)
• Datacollection (Interview)
• Transcribe the interviews
• Present the findings (show how you have coded, categorized and analyzed the material)
• Discuss if and how your findings from your study and the analysis of these can contribute to answer the thesis statement.
• Discuss the different choices you have made, from the working on the thesis statement, the design of the interview guide, carrying out the interviews and analysis. Also include discussions of what you eventually would have done different if you were to do it again.
• Use method curriculum in the discussion
Attachments that are required
The quantitive task
• Tables/analysis that you don’t wish to use directly in the text
The qualitative task
• Information writing
• Interview guide
• Section (2 pages) of coding schematics with transcribed text from the interviews and coding

Why did Torres evaluate her investments using two methods: Ratio analysis and Cash Flow Analysis. What did these two methods tell her?

Case Study 

The case discussion and homework should review the following questions:

1. Summarize this case.

2. Why did Torres evaluate her investments using two methods: Ratio analysis and
Cash Flow Analysis. What did these two methods tell her?

3. What did you learn from the Analysis performed? Include the common financial
statements, sustainable growth model and the benchmark results in your analysis.

Describe the impact of COVID-19 on you, your loved ones, and your community? How have the government’s program and responses benefited you, family, and community?

covid 19 impact

The purpose of this assignment is to gain a deeper knowledge of how current issues are being handled nationally and internationally. The assignment specifically helps to understand the onset and progress of COVID-19 and its impact on individuals, families, communities, and nations and emerging social policies.

In a three page paper, describe the impact of COVID-19 on you, your loved ones, and your community? How have the government’s program and responses benefited you, family, and community? What changes would you recommend? Compare and contrast COVID-19 responses of the U.S. government with other developed countries. Title page is required and be sure to follow APA 7th edition formatting guidelines in organizing your paper. Upload your assignment as a word document.