
Discuss the problems of the increasingly complex issues security and risk management must face as technology becomes more pervasive with new emerging technologies.

The nature of cyber threats has changed dramatically over the past three decades

Considering the above statement, write a discussion paper on the following:

On how the nature of cyber threats has changed over the past three decades, and how you see the landscape of cyber security threats and risks evolving over the next ten years with emerging technologies, and consequently the challenges faced by management to deal with them.

Guidance: discuss the problems of the increasingly complex issues security and risk management must face as technology becomes more pervasive with new emerging technologies.

Include in the discussions any legal, ethical, and professional issues that are likely to arise.


The discussion paper should be 1,800 words and written using references based on the IEEE referencing system, supplying full details of all references used.

1. A relevant discussion of evolving issues and challenges facing security and risk management in the next ten years with new and emerging tech with relevant examples.

2. An analysis and evaluation of relevant factors about why cyber threats have changed over the past 3 decades

3. Discussion of any legal, ethical, and professional issues that are likely to arise.

4. Relevant supporting arguments and good discussion.

What does this device do to the narrative? Does it help to remove or protect the reader from the full horror of what is being described?

Political Literature

Consider Dracula as an epistolary novel (that is, a novel written in the form of letters). What does this device do to the narrative? Does it help to remove or protect the reader from the full horror of what is being described? More generally, how does the structure of Dracula work to promote or undermine its political message? If Bram Stoker is trying to write a novel justifying and embracing British colonialism, does the fact that his novel is all conveyed third hand help to cover over and distance from the violence of colonialism?

What changes have been observed in the frequency of mental illness, substance abuse, and self-injurious behaviors among children and adolescents?

Research paper, APA

The COVID-19 pandemic has had, and continues to have, a major effect on the mental health of people worldwide. How have rates of mental illness been impacted by the pandemic? What changes have been observed in the frequency of mental illness, substance abuse, and self-injurious behaviors among children and adolescents? Which factors contribute to the changes we are seeing in mental health, such as the illness itself (e.g., what are some of the actual neurological effects of COVID for some people even after recovery from the primary illness), fear for others who may be vulnerable, psychological effects of long-term social isolation/distancing and quarantine (e.g., not attending school or engaging in routine activities, missing out on social opportunities, etc.), and uncertainty for the future? Use at least five outside sources of research to support your thesis. Note: We are not asking about your personal story and how you personally have been impacted by COVID. Undoubtedly, your experience will inform how you view the issue and how you interpret the data. However, we are seeking an objective, research-based essay, not a personal narrative, for this assignment.

In what ways does the article surprise you? In what ways does it not? How does the author hook the reader?


For this week, please read the attached article and answer the following questions:

1- how does the author hook the reader?

2- In what ways does the article surprise you? In what ways does it not?

3- As an aspiring nurse, how do you view medical dramas and television shows that “gloss over” the truth of the industry?

dentify a psychology topic you want to explore. Carry out a literature search on the topic using the electronic database, psycINFO,

Library Citation Project

1) Identify a psychology topic you want to explore

2) Carry out a literature search on the topic using the electronic database, psycINFO,

3) Use Boolean terms to broaden and narrow your search

4) Learn what “peer reviewed” means, and write a citation using APA Style.

Please enter all answers on this WORKSHEET provided and

Use the VISIAL GUIDE for help filling out the form.

Describe your approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research. Identify at least two strategies that you would use that you found to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research.

Module 3 | Part 3

A correctly formatted APA citation of the article you selected, along with link or search details.
Identify a professional practice use of the theories/concepts presented in the article.
Analysis of the article using the “Research Analysis Matrix” section of the template
Write a 1-paragraph justification stating whether you would recommend this article to inform professional practice.
Write a 2- to 3-paragraph summary that you will add to your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan that includes the following:
Describe your approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research.
Identify at least two strategies that you would use that you found to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research.
Identify at least one resource you intend to use in the future to find peer-reviewed research.

As an aspiring nurse, how do you view medical dramas and television shows that “gloss over” the truth of the industry?


For this week, please read the attached article and answer the following questions:

1- how does the author hook the reader?

2- In what ways does the article surprise you? In what ways does it not?

3- As an aspiring nurse, how do you view medical dramas and television shows that “gloss over” the truth of the industry?

How does the case reflect the important issue of balancing the legal rights of the individual and the rights of society as a whole?

 Questions posed by the case:

1) How does the case reflect the important issue of balancing the legal rights of the individual and the rights of society as a whole?

2) What role do you believe health care providers should play in implementing driving laws and regulations?

3) Identify any changes you would make to prevent the types of outcomes that occurred in this case. Consider this for the individual, the health care provider and in relation to actual policy/ regulations.

4) What would be your plan to effectively communicate the lessons learned in this case? To whom and how?

Discuss the first settlers who came to Jamestown. What was their purpose in moving there? What were their first interactions with Powhatan/ the Powhatan Confederacy like? How did the colonists/ Natives make use of each other

Pocahontas and the Powhatan Dilemma

Using Pocahontas and the Powhatan Dilemma, you will need to write an essay of at least 750 words answering ALL of the following questions using specific evidence from the book to support your answers fully.1) Discuss Pocahontas’ childhood. How did she fit into Powhatan’s larger family structure? How was she perceived by the English as opposed to her own people? How is her personality described?2) Discuss the first settlers who came to Jamestown. What was their purpose in moving there? What were their first interactions with Powhatan/ the Powhatan Confederacy like? How did the colonists/ Natives make use of each other- what were each group trying to get from the other? Would you characterize their relations as more positive or negative during this early period? Why? 3) Discuss John Smith. Why was he so important to Jamestown? What was his relationship like with Powhatan? What was his relationship with Pocahontas like? Did he and Pocahontas seem to view their relationship in the same way?4) Discuss the relationship that Pocahontas had with John Rolfe. How does he (Rolfe) describe his feelings for her? Why does the author believe that Pocahontas wanted to be in the marriage even though we do not have her testimony? What motivations does Townsend think Pocahontas might have had when agreeing to marry Rolfe?5) Why does the author believe that Pocahontas decided to go to London? What was her experience like there? How does she show her own agency while there? Do you think that the trip was what she and the other Natives was expecting of England? What do you think it showed them about the English/ colonists?6) Discuss the relationship between Opechankeno and the colonists. What drove his anger towards them? How did this drive the decision towards the attack towards the colonists in 1622? Would you agree that this attack was ultimately beneficial towards the colonists? Why or why not?

What did you learn from completing your own Ten-Year Letter? Was it a useful exercise? What are some action points that you will implement in your life based on your Ten-Year Letter?

10 year letter.

Provide a brief update on how your client is doing in the coaching process and how he/she is progressing toward his/her stated goals.

Give a brief description of the coaching session. Include how you would introduce and walk your client through the Ten-Year Letter exercise. Provide a clear rationale that is supported by course material for using the Ten-Year Letter exercise. How does it help your client reach his/her goals? What did the client learn from this exercise? How did the client benefit?

This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your understanding of the Ten-Year Letter exercise as explained in the textbook. Make sure you support your Case Study adequately.

Thread – Part 2

Provide a brief personal reflection of your experiences with this assignment. What did you learn from completing your own Ten-Year Letter? Was it a useful exercise? What are some action points that you will implement in your life based on your Ten-Year Letter? What did you learn from writing the case study? Could you see yourself using the Ten-Year Letter exercise with future clients? What did you learn from incorporating the Ten-Year Letter exercise with your hypothetical client?

Write about which of the 11 ICF Core Competencies (it may be more than 1) is supported and developed through your integration of this particular exercise into your session and into your own life. What skills/concepts are being practiced and developed through integrating this exercise and how are they connected to the Core Competencies?