
Explain in detail how the sociological imagination is important to the scientific work of sociologists.

Written assignment 2

Provide direct reference to our reading material and define the sociological imagination.

Explain in detail how the sociological imagination is important to the scientific work of sociologists. For example, how is the sociological imagination used in sociological research? Provide at least one example.

After doing your own independent research, analyze an important issue in society from the sociological imagination perspective and contrast this with a non-sociological analysis.

What two search patterns would you use? Why would these patterns be appropriate for this crime scene? Why would these patterns be inappropriate for this crime scene?

Search Lab


1. Using what you’ve learned so far, assess each crime scene. Identify two search patterns you would use and explain your selection. Identify two search patterns you would NOT use and explain your selection. Be sure to highlight what factors for each scene made you select those patterns (e.g. size of the scene, obstacles within the scene, whether the scene would make it easy to preform the pattern, environmental factors, etc.). Remember you will receive a low score if you pick an illogical pattern or give an illogical/incorrect explanation. NOTE: Some of the information given is useful for determining a search pattern and some information is not! Beware of developing tunnel vision!

2. Write your answers in full and complete sentences. Remember you must use your own words for your answer and cite any outside source (anything outside this Canvas course).

Scene 1

a. Based on the description and picture of scene 1 (see below), what two search patterns would you use?

b. Why would these patterns be appropriate for this crime scene? Make sure you address BOTH search patterns.

c. Based on the description and picture of scene 1, what two search patterns would you not use?

d. Why would these patterns be inappropriate for this crime scene? Make sure you address BOTH search patterns.

A shooting occurred in the large open field (~100 yards long by 50 yards wide) pictured below. Three (3) different caliber fired cartridge cases have been located. The field and lake are considered part of the crime scene, so be sure to mention what type of search pattern you would use for an underwater search.

Search lab- Scene 1.png

Scene 2

a. Based on the description and picture of scene 2 (see below), what two search patterns would you use?

b. Why would these patterns be appropriate for this crime scene? Make sure you address BOTH search patterns.

c. Based on the description and picture of scene 2, what two search patterns would you not use?

d. Why would these patterns be inappropriate for this crime scene? Make sure you address BOTH search patterns.

A death investigation located inside the residence pictured below. The decedent was in the living room (~30 feet long by 20 feet wide) on the couch.

Search lab- scene 2.jpg

Scene 3

a. Based on the description and picture of scene 3 (see below), what two search patterns would you use?

b. Why would these patterns be appropriate for this crime scene? Make sure you address BOTH search patterns.

c. Based on the description and picture of scene 3, what two search patterns would you not use?

d. Why would these patterns be inappropriate for this crime scene? Make sure you address BOTH search patterns.

A vehicle dropped off a stabbing victim in the large parking lot of the emergency department pictured below. The victim walked from the vehicle into the emergency department on his/ her own. The vehicle that dropped the victim off then left the scene. Since the hospital only has cameras covering the entrances to the building and not the parking lot, it is unknown where the vehicle entered or exited the property.

Search lab- scene 3.jpg

Scene 4

a. Based on the description and picture of scene 4 (see below), what two search patterns would you use?

b. Why would these patterns be appropriate for this crime scene? Make sure you address BOTH search patterns.

c. Based on the description and picture of scene 4, what two search patterns would you not use?

d. Why would these patterns be inappropriate for this crime scene? Make sure you address BOTH search patterns.

The vehicle pictured below was involved in drug trafficking. The trafficking ring is known to hide money, drugs, and weapons. The crime scene includes both inside the car and the driveway.

Search lab- scene 4.jpg

Why do you see a trend in which more women and minorities are being represented? Do you think the underrepresentation of women and minorities affect Congress’s business?

Research the proportion of women, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans and openly gay or lesbian members of Congress.

1. Reflect on what these patterns say about the nature of representation.
2. Why do some groups tend to be underrepresented in Congress?
3. Why do you see a trend in which more women and minorities are being represented?
4. Do you think the underrepresentation of women and minorities affect Congress’s business?
5. How might we as a people address this situation and strive towards equal representation? Make sure to cite sources used.

What is biodiversity? Why is biodiversity important? What are some of the key threats to biodiversity? Does biodiversity benefit humans?


1.What is biodiversity?

2.Why is biodiversity important? Discuss its importance on a planetary level, on an ecosystem level, and on a personal level. Include a photo illustrating a demonstration of biodiversity that is important to you.

3.What are some of the key threats to biodiversity? Use specific examples, such as focusing on threats to coral reefs or other highly diverse ecosystems.

4.Does biodiversity benefit humans? Explain your reasoning using at least one example.

5. In your opinion, who is responsible for protecting biodiversity? How should this protection be carried out? Use at least one specific example in your answer.

Compare the young main characters (John Harcourt, Jan Yulak, Amy Tan) in each of the three works studied. Clearly, what they have in common is a child/parent conflict.

Callaghan, Stephen, Tan


Your homework assignment is to a write an essay on one of the following topics:


  1. Compare the young main characters (John Harcourt, Jan Yulak, Amy Tan) in each of the three works studied. Clearly, what they have in common is a child/parent conflict. But think critically of ways that these individuals differ or are similar to each other.  Draw inspiration from your own careful thought and abilities to make observations, connections and analyses of their personalities and the circumstances in which they find themselves.


  1. Compare John Harcourt Senior, Mr. Yulak, and Amy Tan’s mother from the three works studied. Clearly, what they have in common is a difficulty with their child. But (here I repeat word for word the instructions in Topic 1) think critically of ways that these individuals differ or are similar to each other.  Draw inspiration from your own careful thought and abilities to make observations, connections and analyses of their personalities and the circumstances in which they find themselves.


  1. The works studied are presented in three media: short story (Callaghan), radio play (Stephen), essay (Tan). What specific advantages or disadvantages are relevant in how successfully the writers use their chosen medium to communicate their important ideas? (It is necessary to carefully consider the main features of each medium, and how these features might limit or facilitate the authors’ communication with their readership.)

Do you think we have too high an expectation for our presidents? Why do we expect our presidents to do so much? Do the journalists share the blame? Do the presidents themselves?

Paraphrase from J. David Barber:

The president is the first political office children recognize. The president helps people make sense of politics. Congress is a tangle of committees; the bureaucracy is a maze of agencies. The president is one man trying to do a job – a picture much more understandable to the mass of people who find themselves in the same boat. Furthermore, he is the top man. He ought to know what is going on and set it right. So when the economy goes sour, or war drags on, or domestic violence erupts, the president is available to take the blame. Then when things go right, it seems the president must have had a hand in it. Indeed, the flow of political life is marked off by Presidents: the “Eisenhower Era,” the “Kennedy Years.”

We do seem to expect a lot from our presidents. Why is that? We elect them and give them a report card after their first 100 days in office. The expectation that they should be able to fix the economy or solve an international crisis in just a few days seems to be something dreamt up from a Hollywood screenplay. Do you think we have too high an expectation for our presidents? Why do we expect our presidents to do so much? Do the journalists share the blame? Do the presidents themselves? When they run for the office they make sweeping promises that fail to consider the constrictions of the office, but then every candidate for every office does that – even the local dog catcher. Where does Congress or the Courts fit into the public perception of the presidents’ power? Do different presidents’ have different powers? Furthermore, when we consider our expectations of the office, are we imagining a president living in an older era? If we factor in the new globally connected and socially connected world, must we re-evaluate our expectations as to whether presidents can accomplish their agendas? Is there anything that can be done to make a president more successful in achieving his promises?

Have we ever had a president who has successfully met the public’s expectations? Or does it take time out of office for the public’s opinion of the president’s performance to change? For example, people are re-evaluating the presidency of George H.W. Bush. The public and historians are concluding that the Bush I Administration was one of the better administrations in recent history.

Describe and discuss one aspect, other than self-actualization, of Maslow’s theory and one aspect, other than self-actualization, of Rogers’ theory and state how they are similar and how they are not alike.

Maslow and Rogers

1) Maslow and Rogers are both Humanistic theorists and their theories have some concepts in common, such as self-actualization, but they also differ in some respects. For this assignment you will need to do all of the following: a) Describe and discuss one aspect, other than self-actualization, of Maslow’s theory and one aspect, other than self-actualization, of Rogers’ theory and state how they are similar and how they are not alike b) state which of these aspects of the theories you think has more validity and give at least 2 reasons for your thinking, c) discuss the similarities and differences between the two theorist’s definitions of self-actualization and state which you find to be more valid. Give at least 2 reasons for your thinking d) Describe what characteristics you believe a modern self-actualized person would possess, and e) state what conditions or circumstances you think would need to be present in modern society for people to reach a state of self-actualization as you are defining it.

What lessons or examples were new and prompted you to think how you could use those tactics in your own writing? What are the three specific and most important takeaways for you and why?

Freedman book

What did the Freedman book teach you about writing?
What impressed you and why?
What lessons or examples were new and prompted you to think how you could use those tactics in your own writing?
What are the three specific and most important takeaways for you and why?
Make this essay thoughtful; be analytical of your own work.
Cite specific pages in your essay.
What do you most want to remember and apply in your own writing?
Remember: Freedman is particularly good at writing about the use of people, keeping things simple, the suitcase theory, and the rule of threes. Those can be prompts for your essay, but be sure to add others of your own selection.

Do not simply praise or criticize the book—this is not a book report.
Do not waste a single word writing the title or Freedman’s name.
Be thoughtful and insightful about your own writing, and tell us what you think you learned.

We talked about Navy Policy and Strategy, current countries that we have conflict with, and the Elements of National Power (DIME).  How have these lessons impacted you as a Leader?

Warfighting / Adversary Week

This week we talked about Navy Policy and Strategy, current countries that we have conflict with, and the Elements of National Power (DIME).  How have these lessons impacted you as a Leader?

President Kennedy once wrote, “Any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction, ‘I served in the United States Navy.'” Using examples from your own life of service and the DIME framework, show how your life to date would be considered worthwhile to the people of the United States (or your own Country)

In your opinion, is euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide ever morally permissible? Are there some situations in which one might be acceptable but not the other?

Opinion on Euthanasia

In your opinion, is euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide ever morally permissible? Are there some situations in which one might be acceptable but not the other? Explain your answers in detail, and give examples of both their strengths and weaknesses (how can you defend your viewpoint, and what are some arguments that can be posed against your opinion)?