
Compare and Contrast the two major characters in this movie describing their different personality traits (Bill Murray as Bob Wiley and Richard Dreyfuss as Dr. Marvin).

Compare and Contrast the two major characters in this movie describing their different personality traits

Compare and Contrast the two major characters in this movie describing their different personality traits (Bill Murray as Bob Wiley and Richard Dreyfuss as Dr. Marvin). Look at Dr. Marvin’s professionalism or lack there of and any ethical and confidentiality issues and responsibilities observed in the movie. Include in your paper the different theories and theoretical perspectives learned and observed throughout the movie and apply them in your psychological analysis. Also include some therapeutic techniques observed throughout the movie. (please include academic support) to increase clarity to your paper.

Is the title appropriate? Does the article include: introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, references?

Why Diversity Matters

Suggested questions for the Article Critique submissions Answer the following questions and write not more than a two-page critique for each of the articles that you select

  1. Is the title appropriate? Yes/No
  2. Is the article theoretical, empirical, or both? Theoretical/Empirical/Both/Practitioner oriented
  3. Does the article include: introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, references? Yes/List any missing item(s)
  4. Does the article introduce the problem or new concepts clearly? Clear/Unclear introduction
  5. Does the article address problems of significant concern to sustainability and/or social responsibility? Highly significant/Somewhat significant/Not significant
  6. List three important facts from the literature review that the author(s) use(s) to support the main idea(s) of their article. 1-, 2-, 3-, or lacks objective reasoning/uses biased or unreliable sources
  7. Are there any propositions or hypotheses? Yes/No If so, how many? Number
  8. If yes, then are propositions or hypotheses logically derived from the theory or conceptual framework? All logically derived/Some logically derived/None logically derived/No propositions/hypotheses
  9. Was the sample size sufficient? Yes/No/No sample size mentioned If not, then it should have been about.
  10. Did the author(s) draw correct conclusions from the study/sample/analysis of their research intentions/hypotheses? Yes, all correct/Yes, some correct/No, all wrong/No hypotheses were tested/Not applicable
  11. Was the discussion supported by appropriate statistical analysis? Based on statistics analysis/Purely conjectural/Not applicable
  12. List any examples of bias or faulty reasoning that you found in the article. Free of bias and supported by reliable sources/Speculative reasoning/Biased use of sources/Promoting a perspective
  13. What information or ideas discussed in this article are also considered in your textbook and/or presented in this class? 1-, 2-, 3-, or All-new information
  14. Managerial implications of the findings? Yes, practical use(s)/Limited application(s)/Not actionable
  15. Did the article make a significant contribution to sustainability and/or social responsibility literature/fields? Very significant/Somewhat significant/Not at all significant/Can not determine
  16. Your opinion/analysis/critique. Open-ended presentation

Choose a concept related to immunity and infectious diseases and be prepared to present it to the class discussion board

Week 6 Biology of public health creative project

Assignment: Choose a concept related to immunity and infectious diseases and be prepared to present it to the class discussion board. You will explain your chosen concept to your peers using some kind of expression of creativity or alternative media such as a video, song, poem.( we will stick with the poem for this one)The content should be relative to this course and both the educational value and entertainment value will be considered.

Write a one-page paper with clearly defined terms, topics, and developed thesis sentence that identifies one hero and one villain from Beowulf


Write a one-page paper with clearly defined terms, topics, and developed thesis sentence that identifies one hero and one villain from Beowulf. Make sure to support your assertions using examples from the assigned readings.

Can you tell me how that experience helped to make you who you are today? How would you answer her question?


Focus Question:

It’s 30 years in the future. You are successful in your chosen field and have been asked for an interview by a popular and influential journalist. Towards the end of the interview, she asks you this question: “In 2022, you graduated from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, where you also completed the International Honors Program in Lloyd International Honors College. One of the requirements of that program was to study abroad. Can you tell me how that experience helped to make you who you are today?” How would you answer her question? (450 words)

Explain the purpose and audience for the training. Describe a discrimination issue facing your workplace

Memo to the CEO of the company

1. Describe a discrimination issue facing your workplace (you can focus on discrimination based on race, religion, ability, national origin, age, sex, etc.)

2. Propose a training session to address the problem. Be sure to detail:

Explain the purpose (routine/annual training, training conducted in response to a violation, etc.) and audience (executive leadership team, hiring managers, low-level managers, employees/staff, etc.) for the training
Include a description of the training
Include anticipated costs (time, etc.) and benefits (to the company, individual, etc.) of the training

What should the inputs for the circuit be? What do you expect the output to look like? What should be the input to the code. What do you expect the output to look like?

Gene Editing

For class, find a circuit or Matlab code and/or Simulink that you will base your project on. Upload a word document to the Assignment folder containing the following:
• Title of your project • A brief explanation of what circuit or code is needed, and what the function of it is. • Include a screenshot of the circuit or code • Link to the website where you found the circuit or code . Circuit: ■ What should the inputs for the circuit be? ■ What do you expect the output to look like? . Code ■ What should be the input to the code/Simulink ■ What do you expect the output to look like?

Discuss whether patients should be allowed to decide whether they should live or die. Does the ethic of preserving life outweigh the patient’s right to make this decision?

Right to Die

Discuss whether patients should be allowed to decide whether they should live or die. Does the ethic of preserving life outweigh the patient’s right to make this decision? Your response is to be 400-500 words. While this Assignment should reflect your personal beliefs, appropriate reference citations are to be included.

Do you agree, disagree, or both agree and disagree with Heglar’s point? Write a one-paragraph argument of at least 100 words that explains your answer to this question.

Discussion on Recyling Matters?

Read the link and respond to each of the following questions. You will need to write at least two paragraphs for each question. When you are done posting your response, reply to at least one classmate in no fewer than 75 words.

1. Some students interpret Heglar’s essay, “I Work in the Environmental Movement: I Don’t Care If You Recycle” as, “There’s no use in recycling (or changing light bulbs, or installing solar panels, or adopting a vegan diet). There’s not much the individual can do.” But is that Heglar’s point? What is the basic argument that Heglar makes in her article? Write a one-paragraph summary of at least 100 words that explains her argument. You need to read to the end of the article to really understand her main idea. It is not what the title implies.

2. Do you agree, disagree, or both agree and disagree with Heglar’s point? Write a one-paragraph argument of at least 100 words that explains your answer to this question.

Report on two separate myths which will include a summary that tells us the bare bones story of the myth a in depth description of the origin of the myth

Folklore Mythology

Report on two separate myths which will include a summary that tells us the bare bones story of the myth a in depth description of the origin of the myth how we know this myth who are the people known to the myth and where it was found for example online in a book or movie and lastly a description of the natural context in which the myths was or is performed and what culture group originated from and dated 10 sources need 5 for each myth each one need to be 2 pages long