
Determine an ethical stance on one of these dilemmas, and defend your viewpoint. In addition, provide the pros and cons of your stance.

The role of a nurse practitioner

As a health care provider, an NP will face many ethical dilemmas. Review this report about 21st-century nursing ethics. Although this report uses an MD-based survey, it still provides a recent example of the top ethical dilemmas in clinical practice. Determine an ethical stance on one of these dilemmas, and defend your viewpoint. In addition, provide the pros and cons of your stance.

Your content should have 500–700 words with at least 2 scholarly references.

What is a liberal social worker? What is a conservative social worker? Identify relationships, contradictions, gaps, and inconsistencies in the current literature

Literature review of Liberal and Conservative Social Workers


• provide summaries and evaluations of findings/theories in the research literature of liberal social worker vs. conservative social worker

• include qualitative, quantitative, or a variety of other types of research;

• should define and clarify the problem being reviewed;

• summarize previous research to inform readers of where the research stands currently in regard to the problem;

• identify relationships, contradictions, gaps, and inconsistencies in the current literature;

• suggest next steps or further research needed to move toward solving the problem.

• APA 7th edition

• 20 peer reviews



What is a liberal social worker

What is a conservative social worker

Their political ideologies



Social work training ideology at universities

The challenge of liberal vs. conservative social work frame of work

Develop a research frame of work according to NASW

Draw a conclusion

Describe the model that the social workers appear to be utilizing to make their assessments. Discuss the potential for bias when choosing an assessment model and completing an evaluation.

Social Work: Comprehensive Assessment of a Case Study

Read the case study of Paula Cortez, and in a 3-page paper, complete the following:

• Utilizing two of the assessment models provided in Chapter 5 of the Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families: Evidence-Informed Assessments and Interventions (see attached), provide a comprehensive assessment of Paula Cortez.

• Using the Cowger article, identify and discuss two areas of strengths in Paula’s case.

• Analyze and summarize the perspectives of two members of the multidisciplinary team,

particularly relative to Paula’s pregnancy.

• Describe the model that the social workers appear to be utilizing to make their


• Discuss the potential for bias when choosing an assessment model and completing an


• Provide an explanation of the specific strategies that YOU, as Paula’s social worker,

would use to avoid these biases.

Include a heading for each section based on the bulleted assignment guidelines. Support your response with specific references to the attached resources and provide full APA citations for the references used.

Discuss ways you would disseminate research-based evidence; how would you share with your peers? Include your thoughts on why it is important for you to be involved in communicating and applying nursing research evidence.

Applying and Sharing Evidence

Select and describe one of the conclusions from the required article from the Week 6 assignment that you found interesting and applicable to practice. Describe how you would apply the evidence to improve nursing practice. Explain your answer.

Discuss ways you would disseminate research-based evidence; how would you share with your peers? Include your thoughts on why it is important for you to be involved in communicating and applying nursing research evidence.

Qualitative Analysis


Even though qualitative studies may be challenging due to the use of unfolding techniques and the large amounts of word data, findings are valuable in helping to understand and determine the patient or informant’s perceptions, feelings, and experiences. These types of studies are just as valuable as quantitative studies in helping to establish an evidence-based nursing practice.

What details did you discover that you had not noticed before? How do you think this exercise can help you to interpret the text better?

Discussion: Tools for Hermeneutics

The student will post two (2) threads of 400 words each and you must support your assertions with at three (3) scholarly citations from a minimum of two (2) sources in current Turabian format. Each reply must incorporate at least one (1) scholarly citation in current Turabian format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include the Bible, textbooks, scholarly articles. From a conservative viewpoint

1. Using the 9 items to consider when reading sentences as listed in chapter 3 of Grasping God’s Word (i.e., repetition of words, contrasts, comparisons, lists, cause and effect, figures of speech, conjunctions, verbs, pronouns), list as many observations as you can find in Acts 1:8. You may list these by noting what category the item falls under (e.g., “contrasts”) and then offering an example of that item. For example, an observation would be to note that the sentence starts off with the conjunction “but,” which connects the sentence to the one above it in a contrasting matter. This item could be listed under both “conjunctions” and “contrasts.” We will follow the basic instructions for this assignment as given on page 64 of your text. Do not offer an interpretation or an application of the text. At this point I want you to list as many of the 9 items as you can find. How do you think this exercise helps you to understand the text better? What did you discover that you did not already notice about this passage?

2. Utilizing the 9 items a reader should observe in paragraphs (see chapter 4 of Grasping God’s Word), list as many of these items as you can observe in Philippians 2:1–4. Offer the items as a list (e.g., you could list the “emotional terms” of the passage including such words as “encouragement” or “comfort”). The goal here is to see how many of the 9 you can find in Philippians 2. We are not interested here in interpretation or application, just observations concerning the details of the paragraph with regards to the 9 items a reader should observe. What details did you discover that you had not noticed before? How do you think this exercise can help you to interpret the text better?

What is that book about? What is the historical setting of the text? What is the immediate foreground? What is the social context of the text?

Exegetical commetary

I basically need this 1. Historical Background: – In which book is the text set? – What is that book about? (brief summary, just a few lines) – What is the historical setting of the text? What is the immediate foreground? (i.e. what happens afterwards that may be related to the text?) – Are there geographical details in the text? If so, which ones? Explain their meaning in the text – What is the social context of the text? Explain any words that may need explanation 2. Literary Context: – Who is (or is believed to be) the author? And (if applicable) the editor? – What is the date of composition believed to be? Is the date of composition the same as the time the text refers to? – How does this text relate to other parts of the chapter in which it is set? And to other parts of the book in which it is set? (check Peterson) – How does the book in which the text is included relate to other parts of the Bible? (i.e. in which group of books is it included?) – How does this particular text refer to other parts of the Bible? (if applicable) 3. Form: – Is this text prose or poetry? – What is its genre? Why do you think so? – What are the most important stylistic devices used? i.e. metaphors, similes, euphemisms, etc.) 4. Characters: – Who are the characters in the text? (Notice verbs and pronouns in particular: who is speaking? about whom?) 5. Words and Images: – Have a look at the nouns, adjectives, and verbs and their meaning in the text. How could you group those words? Explain any peculiarities 6. Structure: – In your view, how is the text structured? i.e. what are the parts and subparts (if applicable) in the text? Justify your view. 7. Literal meaning – Based on your analysis, what do you think the author meant at the time when he wrote the text in the book of Amos? (explain all the verses) 8. Analysis of secondary literature:

Explain how you would involve three key stakeholders in supporting the practice change recommendation. Discuss one specific barrier you may encounter when implementing the practice change recommendation.

Education on lifestyle changes to lower obesity

A. Discuss the impact of a clinical practice problem on the patient(s) and the organization it affects.

1. Identify the following PICO components of the clinical practice problem:

• patient/population/problem (P)

• intervention (I)

• comparison (C)

• outcome (O)

2. Develop an evidence-based practice (EBP) question based on the clinical practice problem discussed in part A and the PICO components identified in part A1.

Note: Refer to “Appendix B: Question Development Tool” for information on the creation of an EBP question.

B. Select a research-based article that answers your EBP question from part A2 to conduct an evidence appraisal.

1. Discuss the background or introduction (i.e., the purpose) of the research article.

2. Describe the research methodology.

3. Identify the level of evidence using the Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice (JHNEBP) model.

Note: The article you select should not be more than five years old.
Note: Refer to “Appendix E: Research Evidence Appraisal Tool” for information on how to level a research-based article.

4. Summarize how the researcher analyzed the data in the article.

5. Summarize the ethical consideration(s) of the research-based article. If none are present, explain why.

6. Identify the quality rating of the research-based article according to the JHNEBP model.

Note: Refer to “Appendix E: Research Evidence Appraisal Tool” for information on how to establish the quality rating.

7. Analyze the results or conclusions of the research-based article and explain how the article helps answer your EBP question.

C. Select a non-research article from a peer-reviewed journal that helps to answer your EBP question from part A2 to conduct an evidence appraisal.

1. Discuss the background or introduction (i.e., the purpose) of the non-research article.

2. Describe the type of evidence (e.g., case study, quality improvement project, clinical practice guideline).

3. Identify the level of evidence using the JHNEBP model.

Note: The article you select should not be more than five years old.
Note: Refer to “Appendix F: Non-Research Evidence Appraisal Tool” for information on how to level the non-research-based article.

4. Identify the quality rating of the non-research-based article according to the JHNEBP model.

5. Discuss how the author’s recommendation(s) in the article helps to answer your EBP question.

D. Recommend a practice change that addresses your EBP question using both the research and non-research articles you selected for Part B and Part C.

1. Explain how you would involve three key stakeholders in supporting the practice change recommendation.

2. Discuss one specific barrier you may encounter when implementing the practice change recommendation.

3. Identify one strategy that could be used to overcome the barrier discussed in part D2.

4. Identify one outcome (the O component in PICO) from your EBP question to measure the recommended practice change.

E. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

F. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Discuss any legal issues regarding the grading of your student’s essay and whether you could display the student’s work. How does the First Amendment apply to this situation?

First Amendment: Religion and Education

Assessment Description

You have a standard practice of displaying all student work in your classroom. Recently, you assigned students to write any essay and submit a pictorial depiction on the person they considered to be their hero. One of your students submitted an essay on Jesus and a drawing of the Last Supper.

In a 500-750-essay, discuss any legal issues regarding the grading of your student’s essay and whether you could display the student’s work. How does the First Amendment apply to this situation?

IMPORTANT: Include at least five references in your essay. At least three of the five references should cite U.S. Supreme Court cases.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

What constitutes meaningful compensation for an organ donor, especially if the donor is poor and the recipient is wealthy?

Organ sales and donation

What constitutes meaningful compensation for an organ donor, especially if the donor is poor and the recipient is wealthy? What examples of human organ sales can I find that match or do not match your definition of meaningful compensation? What other terms related to organ sales and donation would be suitable for an argument of definition?

How long have you been with the agency? How long in social work? Is the agency public or private? Non-profit or for-profit? How is your agency funded? How many social workers are in your office?

Interview a social worker.

What is your official job title and with whom are you employed?
Where did you get your formal education?
How long have you been with the agency? How long in social work?
Is the agency public or private? Non-profit or for-profit? How is your agency funded?
How many social workers are in your office?
Is your supervisor also a social worker?
no, how do you think it has made a difference in their approach to supervision by not being a social worker?
Describe the population you serve.
What are your primary tasks as the social worker?
What type of agency training was provided for a social worker?
What type of services do you provide?
you have to do home visits?
How are you involved in social work advocacy?
What is your caseload? Do you feel that it is manageable?
Do you feel that the job is stressful?
What are ways you practice self-care?
How long do you generally work with a client?
What determines when a client’s case is closed?
What value do you provide in your job to clients, coworkers, supervisors, etc.?
Could you share a positive client interaction and a negative interaction?
What words of wisdom would you provide new social workers?