
What are the personal and/or communal ethical factors that may be involved in determining the moral position of either side given a contemporary debate, such as those concerning animal rights, stem cell research, abortion, the death penalty, and so forth?

Kant’s Ethics and Our Duty

Kant’s famous First Formulation of the Categorical Imperative reads, “Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.” Kant taught morality as a matter of following maxims of living that reflect absolute laws. “Universal” is a term that allows for no exceptions, and what is universal applies always and everywhere. Don’t forget about the second formulation of the categorical imperative which states, “Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of another, always at the same time as an end and never simply as a means.” It is just as important.

Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, address one of the following sets of questions:

1) What are the personal and/or communal ethical factors that may be involved in determining the moral position of either side given a contemporary debate, such as those concerning animal rights, stem cell research, abortion, the death penalty, and so forth?

2) Elaborate in detail the ethical positions arrived at by using the Kantian categorical imperative relative to the long standing debate surrounding the death penalty or abortion. Argue the ethics from the point of view of the prisoner or from the fetus

3) Evaluate the ethical positions in part two. You will want to detail whether they are convincing, logical, correct, consistent, etc.

Explain 2 similarities and 2 differences between the Hindu and Confucian Legal Traditions.

Hindu and Confucian Legal traditions.

Explain 2 similarities and 2 differences between the Hindu and Confucian Legal Traditions. 400 words with at least 1 scholarly citation from 1 scholarly source in addition to the textbook/course material in Bluebook format. Each reply must incorporate at least 1 scholarly source cited in Bluebook format. When appropriate, acceptable sources include the textbook and the Bible. However, each discussion thread must include a citation to a source in addition to/other than the textbook and the Bible.

Discuss the impact that the Christological and Trinitarian debates from Nicaea I (325) to Chalcedon (451) still have on churches today.


The student will post one thread of 400 words and must support their assertions with 3 scholarly citations in Turabian format (notes-bibliography or author-date list). Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include the textbook(s), the Bible. Reference Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity (3rd Edition) by Mark A. Knoll, chapters 3 and 4 and Exploring Christian Herifrom a conservative viewpoint:

Discuss the impact that the Christological and Trinitarian debates from Nicaea I (325) to Chalcedon (451) still have on churches today.

Write a 2 page essay that evaluates, or makes a judgment on Instagram . Essay must be written in MLA format.

The Popularity of Instagram

Write a 2 page essay that evaluates, or makes a judgment on Instagram . Essay must be written in MLA format. The criteria to follow are going to be somewhere along the lines of its simplicity, intended audience, and its visual design.

Explain why you chose the specific instrument tool and discuss how and when you would utilize the tool. Explain how you would use the information gathered from the tool in a session.

Social Work: Screening and Assessment Tools

Provide a response in which you indicate the screening and assessment tools you believe you could most likely use in your practice as a pediatric ambulatory care social worker. Then, given this type of practice and client population, explain why you chose the specific instrument tool(s) and discuss how and when you would utilize the tool(s). Finally, explain how you would use the information gathered from the tool in a session.

Support your response with specific references to the attached Resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for the references used.

What are the book’s strengths and weaknesses? Support your statements with specific evidence from the text.

Nature’s Metropolis

Write a scholarly review of Nature’s Metropolis. Be sure to evaluate Cronon’s argument(s), methodology, and use of primary sources. What are the book’s strengths and weaknesses (FYI: “The book is boring,” “the book is too long,” and/or “the book is difficult to read” are unacceptable weaknesses.)? Support your statements with specific evidence from the text.

Explain how you made your conclusion. Try to find informaiton regarding to reputation of the organization. What is the substance of the information on the website? Does it tend to be consistent with current scientific research?

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Screenin Criteria a

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Your Observations
61 Launch Meeting – Zoom
Week 3 Computer Hardw

What link did you Choose:
What are the credentials of the individual(s) who assembled the website or authored the information? Are the authors credentials pertinent to the content of his/her website? For example if the individual is recommending dietary advice, is he or she a Registered Dietitian (RD)? Can you validate the Credenticals i.e school attendend, education… etc,
Has th e person been published in a peer-reviewed journal? Trying searching Medline, Pub-Med, LexisNexis or other databases by actor name to see if they can be found. This is particularly important if the author claims to have been published.
101111111r What is the substance of the information on the website? Does it tend to be consistent with current scientific research? (Give examples) Does the author provide scientific research to back up health claims, (explain what they provide) Do the author(s) make difficult-to-believe claims or voice conspiracy theories as to why their opinion is not taken seriously? (EX: “Drug companies don’t lf want you to know, because they will lose money”..) (Give examples) Are all of the statistics cited? References cited? Look for references to make sure they excist. If none present explain what is the majority of the information provided. Are they trying to sell you something? If products are being sold you should consider the information biased

Does the website look like a business or an individual effort. Explain how you made your conclusion. What kind of webserver? Commercial, non-profit, government, educational… explain how you made your conclusion. Try to find informaiton regarding to reputation of the organization. Search for the name of the organization using a search engine to see what types of results you get. Explain your finding and provided links sources Look for news stories about the organizations in online access to newspapers. Look for both positive stories (awards, grants etc) and for negative ones (lawsuits, federal indictments, etc.) Again explain, and provide link sources to the information found if you couldnt find explain how and what you searched!

Explain briefly which project you would recommend to senior management of Aisha Plc under each technique and state your reason why you would recommend that machine.

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

They want you to appraise the two prospective projects using the following investment appraisal techniques:                                                                                                                        [46 MARKS]

  • Payback (8marks)
  • Accounting rate of Return (10 marks)
  • Net Present Value (12 marks)
  • Internal Rate of Return (16 marks)


Write a report (of around 500 words) to the senior management of the company explaining how each of the techniques works. Your report should include at least two advantages and two disadvantages of each technique.                                                                                                           [16 MARKS]


Explain briefly (in around 200 words) which project you would recommend to senior management of Aisha Plc under each technique and state your reason why you would recommend that machine.

Explain recommended course of action for each item listed in the issues log, noting the impact of the issue on scope, planning communications, and resourcing based on the identified changes to the process flowchart and the project charter.

4-3 Assignment: Project Management Strategies

Need more specifics to support process changes.
Lean Manufacturing: Need to eliminate two more steps.
Sustainability: Provide enough information about improving environmental factors.
Process changes & Issue log: Explain recommended course of action for each item listed in the issues log, noting the impact of the issue on scope, planning communications, and resourcing based on the identified changes to the process flowchart and the project charter.
Operations management techniques: needs more support.

Is this view of women and girls as prostitutes, drug addicts, and owners of opium dens how women are usually portrayed during this period?

Reading Response 9

For this response, you will look at the seedier and more violent side of the Comstock.

Read the following 4 items (3 of the items are from chapter 4 of Uncovering Nevada’s Past ): “The Virginia Evening Chronicle reports on Opium on the Comstock”, the article about Julia Bulette at this link (Links to an external site.) “Julia Bulette’s Probate Records”, and “Mark Twain’s Description of the Execution of John Millian, 1868.”

In 250-500 words, discuss whether you think that drug use and violence were a result of the boomtown, wide-open frontier aspect of the Comstock, or just the normal problems of a 19th-century city. Is this view of women and girls as prostitutes, drug addicts, and owners of opium dens how women are usually portrayed during this period?