
Describe the framework or theory to be utilized as the conceptual underpinning of the project and to assist in the evaluation of the project.

Executive Final Presentation Paper for Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) Implementation and Evaluation

Implementation Context (20 points):
Describe the problem, the setting, and the context.
Identify impacted end user(s).
Breakdown the workflow of the impacted end user(s) without the technology and predict workflow with the technology.
Identify key stakeholders who need to ‘buy-in’ to solution’s implementation and the importance of their buy-in.
Assess competing solutions for the proposed CDSS which expands upon their existing gaps or inevitable competition for the proposed CDSS.

Implementation Approach (20 points):
Identify key champions who garner change for a successful clinical implementation.
Identify risks upon implementation and subsequent methods to mitigate identified risks relating to any existing impediments (change management, behavior management, cultural notions, etc.).
Describe data sources needed and extracted from source systems, and the complexity of obtaining such data elements.

Implementation Plan (20 points):
Create a roll-out plan for health care organization to include target areas such as specific service lines, levels of care, etc.
Develop an education plan required to train clinical (or other) end users.
Discuss how you will ensure connectivity and integration to databases encompassing data sources needed for the solution’s success.
Predict environmental and cultural factors which may inhibit the success of the solution.
Outline methods to mitigate risk with the product’s implementation such as change management, behavior management, cultural notions, data obtainment, data timeliness, etc. (specifically to speak to your identified clinical or project champion).
Evaluate existing policies/processes which need to change in order to accommodate the implementation of the CDSS.
Implementation Goals & Evaluation (20 points):
Compose the goals/outcomes which prove the success (or lack thereof) of the solution’s implementation.
Describe the framework or theory to be utilized as the conceptual underpinning of the project and to assist in the evaluation of the project.
Design the methodology of obtaining feedback in order to measure the success of the solution’s implementation.
Discuss the milestones that must be achieved before further-roll out of the CDSS occurs across the organization.
Organization, Writing Style, Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, and Formatting (20 points):
Presentation and style of the paper are consistent with scholarly work and reflect use of APA format (7th ed.).
Be sure to include the requirements outlined in the scoring rubric.
The paper is limited to 10 – 12 pages (excluding the title page and references; abstract not required) and must reflect APA 6th edition standards for formatting (e.g., title page, 2-level headings, references, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, usage) and writing consistent with Standard American English.

Why this leader is considered a leader in the profession of pharmacy. where did they grow up, where did they go to College, where did they work? What were their major contributions to the world?

Edward Squibb

A 3-page paper (1.5 spacing and no bigger than 12pt font) that tells us about the assigned leader (Edward Squibb). In both the paper and the presentation, make sure you tell us why this leader is considered a leader in the profession of pharmacy (or within their community or country). Consider structuring your paper/presentation like it is a brief biography of the leader (e.g., where did they grow up, where did they go to College, where did they work, what were their major contributions to the world).

Identify three pieces of important information we learn in the exposition, three plot points for the rising action, the climax, two plot points for the falling action, and the two pieces of information for the conclusion.

The Grasshopper & the Bell Cricket

After reviewing pages 75-83 in the Norton (which cover plot) and “The Grasshopper & the Bell Cricket” on 456-8, complete the Plot Diagram handout (linked above). Map out the plot of the short story by identifying the elements of the story that correspond to the Freytag’s Pyramid labels on the handout. You can legibly handwrite or type your responses. If you have trouble with the formatting, you can type a detailed list addressing all of the following requirements rather than trying to add text boxes on the pyramid.

Identify three pieces of important information we learn in the exposition, three plot points for the rising action, the climax, two plot points for the falling action, and the two pieces of information for the conclusion. The aforementioned points do not need to be complete sentences, but you must provide specific page numbers for each point you identify. For the conflict, provide two complete sentences: identify the conflict in one and then provide an explanation of why you believe that to be the conflict in the second.

Identify something that you would do differently if given the opportunity? How do you think the outcome would change if you had approached the situation differently?

Journal Week 6

1. In 2-3 paragraphs, briefly describe what you learned from your field experience while working in a domestic violence safe house in the past week.

2. In 2-3 paragraphs, what feelings did you experience during the past week while completing field activities? Provide examples.

3. In 2-3 paragraphs, identify something that you would do differently if given the opportunity? How do you think the outcome would change if you had approached the situation differently? Consult a staff member for feedback to assist in answering this question if you are unable to identify anything on your own.

4. In 2-3 paragraphs, as you reflect on your field experience this week, what human rights have been violated as they relate to the population you serve? What is your plan to advocate for social, economic, and/or environmental justice?

What was challenging about writing an intake interview summary? What information is missing that would have made this easier?

Client Interview


After reading about your client, Sue, you will write up an intake summary. Using the

information provided in the Case Vignette, you will take on the role of the case manager

and prepare an intake summary. Additionally, you will identify questions that you would

ask during your interview.


• Part 1: Complete an Intake Summary template that includes important

information. Remember that this should be brief and include only the information

that is relevant to eligibility for services.

o Your summary will need to include:

▪ The client’s demographic information

▪ Sources of information for the intake interview

▪ Presenting problem

▪ Summary of background and social history related to the problem

▪ Previous contact with your agency

▪ Diagnostic summary statement

▪ Treatment recommendations

o Your intake summary will also need to include your name, the date of

contact, and the date of the summary. (Note: best practice suggests

submitting documentation within 48 hours of client contact).

• Part 2:

o After completing your intake summary, write a brief summary about the


▪ What was challenging about writing an intake interview summary?

▪ What information is missing that would have made this easier?

o Identify what questions you would include in order to identify Sue’s

strengths. Be sure to use proper APA format and include in-text citations

when discussing specific techniques or questionnaires that you may


Client Interview


• Part 1: Your intake summary must be submitted using the provided template

attached to the assignment in Blackboard. You will see that the template includes

comments that provide insight and suggestions as to what information should be

included in each section.

• Part 2: Complete this part in a separate Word document.

Will the article or resource provide you with enough information to write an appropriate summary? Have you had enough variety in your topics, sources?

Essay 5.1

Editorials are fine as well. In cases of other media or resources not reporting on recent news, the source does not have to be as recent, only relevant and interesting enough to serve as the topic of your summary. Some questions to consider: Is the source (and therefore the information) reputable? Will the article or resource provide you with enough information to write an appropriate summary? Have you had enough variety in your topics, sources, etc.? If summarizing an article, is the article recent? There are a variety of ways to approach your summaries, which may be determined in part by the article or resource.

Your summary should also include some level of personal or critical engagement with/reflection on the source. Your summary may do each or only some of the following things: provide several main points in the article, including the position of the author if presented or implied; identify and discuss questions or issues that come to mind as you review the material; articulate what you take to be significant or interesting about the piece; draw connections to something we have discussed in class, etc. If each of your summaries takes the same form, these assignments will,  imagine, grow incredibly tedious for you. This is certainly not the goal of the assignment.

Which doctrine of salvation between the Protestantism and Catholicism makes the most sense to you? Are you with the Catholic or Protestant doctrine?

Discussion 5.1

Which doctrine of salvation between the Protestantism and Catholicism makes the most sense to you? Are you with the Catholic or Protestant doctrine? Provide your learned reasoning for the answer, based on your reading of Prothero’s and Smith’s. Write in no more than 250 words but no less than 200 words.

Which creator is more powerful, the one portrayed in Genesis 1 or the creator in the Enuma Elish? How do the creators create in both stories?

Ancient Creation Stories and Genesis 1

Genesis chapter 1 and the Babylonian Creation Story

Watch this 8 minute video featuring Yale University professor Dr. Christine Hayes discussing the basics of the Enuma Elish (the ancient Babylonian story of creation).

In a one page essay (1″ margins, 12pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced) compare and contrast Genesis 1 and the Enuma Elish:

-Which creator is more powerful, the one portrayed in Genesis 1 or the creator in the Enuma Elish? (How do the creators create in both stories?). Is one creator better or more ethical than the other?

-What is the role and purpose of human beings in both stories? Which world would you prefer to live in, the world described by Genesis chapter 1, or the Enuma Elish?

What benefit do scholars see in struggle and failure? What are some of the possible reasons for the decline in critical thinking skill among U.S. college students?

Week 1 Discussion on Struggle and Critical Thinking


  1. What benefit do scholars see in struggle and failure?


  1. What are some of the possible reasons for the decline in critical thinking

skill among U.S. college students?


  1. How comfortable are you in the understanding and practice of critical

thinking?  Explain.

Discussion Checklist

  1. Have you read the assignment and instructions carefully to make sure you understand the task (including any key vocabulary)?
    2. Does your response address all parts of the prompt and identify topic clearly?
  2. Does your response remain on topic?
    4. Have you extended the respectful courtesy to others of reading all posts?
  3. Have you commented on a minimum of two posts from classmates?
  4. Do a your comments avoid such  shallow, self-referential digressions as “I like…” and “I agree…” (and similar shallow, self-referential digressions)?
    7. Have you planned your responses thoughtfully and reviewed them to eliminate error (of fact and of grammar)?
    8. Have you organized and developed your response adequately?
  5. Have you maintained appropriate tone?

After looking at the Simultaneous Contrast animation, explain how the two hues actually appear different at the beginning.

Art Fundamentals 12th edition

Now that you have thoroughly read the text (Art Fundamentals 12th edition) and explored the websites above, answer the following questions in your discussion thread:

  1. Discuss why you would choose certain hues (colors) when designing a website.
  2. There is much symbolism in color, what did you find that related to you from the Incredible Artsite?
  3. After looking at the Simultaneous Contrast animation, explain how the two hues actually appear different at the beginning.
  4. In the textbook in the chapter on color, there is a painting by Emil Nolde, The Last Supper, 1909. How has the artist used color? If this painting was achromatic, would the values of the hues be successful?