
Is Mrs. De La Rosa entitled to Medicare Benefits? Explain the Criteria of why she may or may not be qualified for Medicare. Which Medicare Benefits is she eligible for ?

Support Department for Clarity Health.

Mrs. De La Rosa had worked for the past 30 years as part of the Administrative
Support Department for Clarity Health. She just turned 65 and decided to retire in the next 6 months. She filed for her retirement with Human Resources and to get information of her Benefits as a long-standing employee of the Company. A week later she received the preliminary letter of determination of benefits entitlement from her company and CMS. She is concern about the following issues regarding her insurance and care:

a. Is Mrs. De La Rosa entitled to Medicare Benefits? Yes, or No? (2 Points)

b. Explain the Criteria(s) of why she may or may not be qualified for Medicare. (4 Points)

c. Which Medicare Benefits is she eligible for (A, B, C, and D)? (4 Points)

Does the article include: introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, references? Yes/List any missing item

Suggested questions for the Article Critique submissions.

Answer the following questions and write not more than a two-page critique for each of the articles that you select

  1. Is the title appropriate? Yes/No
  2. Is the article theoretical, empirical, or both? Theoretical/Empirical/Both/Practitioner oriented
  3. Does the article include: introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, references? Yes/List any missing item(s)
  4. Does the article introduce the problem or new concepts clearly? Clear/Unclear introduction
  5. Does the article address problems of significant concern to sustainability and/or social responsibility? Highly significant/Somewhat significant/Not significant
  6. List three important facts from the literature review that the author(s) use(s) to support the main idea(s) of their article. 1-, 2-, 3-, or lacks objective reasoning/uses biased or unreliable sources
  7. Are there any propositions or hypotheses? Yes/No If so, how many? Number___________.
  8. If yes, then are propositions or hypotheses logically derived from the theory or conceptual framework? All logically derived/Some logically derived/None logically derived/No propositions/hypotheses
  9. Was the sample size sufficient? Yes/No/No sample size mentioned If not, then it should have been about ____.
  10. Did the author(s) draw correct conclusions from the study/sample/analysis of their research intentions/hypotheses? Yes, all correct/Yes, some correct/No, all wrong/No hypotheses were tested/Not applicable
  11. Was the discussion supported by appropriate statistical analysis? Based on statistics analysis/Purely conjectural/Not applicable
  12. List any examples of bias or faulty reasoning that you found in the article. Free of bias and supported by reliable sources/Speculative reasoning/Biased use of sources/Promoting a perspective
  13. What information or ideas discussed in this article are also considered in your textbook and/or presented in this class? 1-, 2-, 3-, or All-new information
  14. Managerial implications of the findings? Yes, practical use(s)/Limited application(s)/Not actionable
  15. Did the article make a significant contribution to sustainability and/or social responsibility literature/fields? Very significant/Somewhat significant/Not at all significant/Can not determine
  16. Your opinion/analysis/critique. Open-ended presentation

Why did this material stand out for you? Did you agree or disagree with it? What other thoughts and connections did you make? Did it connect with your experiences outside the class?


A description of the material including reference to specific reading(s). What was the main argument in the reading?You are just simply describing what the material claims.

An analysis of the material. Here you are looking to identify any assumptions, limits in the material OR/AND the parts of the material that are compelling and evidence based

A reflective component. This involves an explanation of its personal impact: Why did this material stand out for you? Did you agree or disagree with it? What other thoughts and connections did you make? Did it connect with your experiences outside the class? Did it connect with material you have learnt in other classes?

This first part of the assignment must be between 300-400 words. At the end of the reflection post, you must include the word count in parentheses.

Part Two: Response

Choose one of your classmates post to respond to. This must include two components:

One way in which you share a perspective or agree with their post and why.

One way in which you differ or disagree and why.

The second part of the assignment must be between 200-300 words. At the end of the response you must include the word count in parentheses.

Write a short essay on when and why it was introduced and how it overcame the problems of its predecessor.

Calendars (Time and Society )Western world is the Gregorian Calendar

The calendar widely in use in the Western world is the Gregorian Calendar. Write a
short essay (3-4) on when and why it was introduced and how it overcame the
problems of its predecessor (the Julian calendar). Compare it to any other calendar: either
ones we have mentioned (Hebrew or Chinese) or one that we have not (e.g. Buddhist,
Mayan, Islamic). In what sense is the Gregorian calendar better? Is it in any sense the
best possible: e.g. check out the concept of “leap-seconds”. Wikipedia is a good place to
start, but there are a wide variety of books in the library.

Discuss the different trends in Congress and what you think it means for the representation of citizens in the House and Senate? Does it matter if members of Congress look like most Americans?

The changing face of Congress in 7 charts and Racial and ethnic diversity increases yet again with the 117th Congress.

Descriptive representation is a way of thinking about representation in which it is thought to be important that representatives have the same racial, gender, ethnic, religious, or educational backgrounds as their constituents. Review how Congress has changed over time with respect to race, gender, veteran status, education, and religion in the Pew Research articles “The changing face of Congress in 7 charts” and “Racial and ethnic diversity increases yet again with the 117th Congress.” Discuss the different trends in Congress and what you think it means for the representation of citizens in the House and Senate? Does it matter if members of Congress look like most Americans? What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of stronger descriptive representation in Congress?

Write a description and analysis of the three articles and how they have “legal” significance. Tie them into the content covered in this course

Term Paper for Business Law Class

1. Research three articles in non-daily periodicals or journals (so not a daily newspaper). The subjects shall be anything related to the class materials that we have covered throughout the semester, i.e., the law in business. Please do not use a daily newspaper or website such as NYTimes, Wall St. Journal, Washington Post, AJC, FoxNews, MSNBC or CNN. Use business magazines and/or professional journals such as Harvard Business Review, Inc. or Forbes. You are not limited to just these listed. Wikipedia and Google are not journals. They may be used as starting points for your research and for additional references.

2.Write a description and analysis of the three articles and how they have “legal” significance. Tie them into the content covered in this course. The three articles may be related subjects or three separate legal concepts. Do not cut and paste from the articles. It needs to be your own words reflecting your thoughts.

3. Include a Table of References using MLA or APA style format.

Explain the legacies of the European Renaissance and Reformation movements and assess the impact of these legacies on the 21st century

Legacies of the Renaissance and Reformation

In an essay of 1,000 words, explain the legacies of the European Renaissance and Reformation movements and assess the impact of these legacies on the 21st century. Include in your analysis a discussion of the historiography of the period (Refer to Burckhardt and Von Ranke). How does their interpretation of these events differ from modern interpretations of these events?

Cite three to five relevant, scholarly sources in support of the content.

Explain your chosen concept to your peers using some kind of expression of creativity or alternative media such as a video, song, picture, or website you create yourself

week 6 discussion/creative project

Assignment: Choose a concept related to immunity and infectious diseases and be prepared to present it to the class discussion board. You will explain your chosen concept to your peers using some kind of expression of creativity or alternative media such as a video, song, picture, or website you create yourself. The content should be relative to this course and both the educational value and entertainment value will be considered.

Provide an evidence-based rationale for a Patient Service Innovation (PSI), outlining reasons why you believe this field-specific strategy will address a clearly specified area for improvement.

Using distraction methods as effective pain management for paediatric oncology patients experiencing procedural pain.

You have been asked to provide an evidence-based rationale for a Patient Service Innovation (PSI), outlining reasons why you believe this field-specific strategy will address a clearly specified area for improvement. Refer to the SMART principles. This will include a chosen strategy for change, and refer to key theories and frameworks regarding leadership and change management principles. A thorough review and understanding of the related evidence base regarding the PSI needs to be demonstrated, including field related and other research along with other healthcare information and literature; patient satisfaction reports; NICE or other clinical guidelines; findings and recommendations from inquiries and reports; findings and recommendations from ‘never events’ and patient safety incidents) and so forth. You need to outline how the proposed changes for service improvement will be implemented, monitored and subsequently evaluated (e.g. via clinical audit). The strategy must consider the role of individual nurses in advancing nursing care and service delivery, along with organisational clinical governance frameworks, and associated change management strategies.

What question would you investigate during a Learning Cluster? Describe why this topic is one you are passionate about and how you envision solving or supporting this particular issue.

Learning Cluster or research seminar

During January block, Soka students participate in a Learning Cluster or research seminar where students work in teams with faculty to propose, research, and model constructive approaches to local, regional and/or global issues. What question would you investigate during a Learning Cluster? Describe why this topic is one you are passionate about and how you envision solving or supporting this particular issue.