
Explain why any noticeable volatility in the currency’s exchange rate against the US dollar occurred, giving adequate reference to knowledge learnt during the course.

Investigate Finland’s adoption of a negative interest rate policy and the implications for its currency’s value.

In recent decades, some major economies and regions, including Japan, the Eurozone, and a few others, have adopted zero and then negative interest rates: a historically unconventional monetary policy response. This assignment requires that you investigate Finland’s adoption of a negative interest rate policy and the implications for its currency’s value and develop an essay on this topic. In this essay you will need to explain why any noticeable volatility in the currency’s exchange rate against the US dollar occurred, giving adequate reference to knowledge learnt during the course. You need to cite appropriate references from academic journals, government announcements and publications, newspapers, institutional reports, etc., to support your argument.

What agencies have you enlisted for help in your case. Explain your reasoning as to why they are important to your case

Child Abuse Case

Preliminary Investigation advising your initial strategy. This must include the specifics for each type of offense and an offender(s) profile.
What agencies have you enlisted for help in your case. Explain your reasoning as to why they are important to your case.
Interview all the people of interest in proving your cases. This must include the alleged victims and suspects, not to forget any witnesses that can support your case. The interviews should consist of a minimum of 3-5 questions and answers for the people on the above list.
What type of evidence was discovered? Be sure to describe how the evidence supports the offense.
Present your cases to the DA or prosecuting attorney for prosecution. Make sure to present the suspect(s) and their subsequent offenses you want them charged with in a criminal court.
Advise your thoughts on the application of these cases to a Civil Court of Law.
Your final paper should be 6-8 pages (of content) in length in APA format and include a title page, in-text citations, and references. You should have a minimum of three credible sources to support your writing

How does your understanding of each of these competencies positively impact your ability as a leader to evaluate curriculum materials and models and ensure alignment with standards?

Leadership Journal: Leadership Competencies

To prepare for this journal read Howard Gardner’s Five Minds for the Future (Links to an external site.) . You will specifically reflect on each competency within the source:

  • A disciplined mind
  • A synthesizing mind
  • A creative mind
  • A respectful mind
  • An ethical mind

Throughout your program you have discussed, and will continue to discuss, the importance of becoming a 21st-century educator. Equally important is preparing your students for being 21st-century learners. One way to do both is through reflective guidance in what Howard Gardner describes as the “Five Minds Howard Gardner for the Future.” According to Gardner (2008), the “Five Minds are competencies which young people and the society need in the twenty first century going forward” (p. 2). For your leadership journal, reflect on each of these competencies as a leader in the field of early childhood education.

Part 1: Content/Course Reflection (1pt.)

  • How will you prepare those children, their families, and the staff in your care in each competency? Be sure you provide specific details on each competency.
  • If you were to add a sixth competency, what would it be and why?

Part 2: Program/Personal Reflection (2pts.)

  • How does each competency influence you as a leader personally? Be sure you provide at least one example for each competency.
  • How does your understanding of each of these competencies positively impact your ability as a leader to evaluate curriculum materials and models and ensure alignment with standards?

Integrative and Critical Thinking Expectations (demonstrated within the content of the journal):

  • Connections to Experience (.5 point): Meaningfully synthesizes connections among experiences both within and outside of coursework to deepen understanding of fields of study and to broaden own points of view.
  • Reflection and Self-Assessment (.5 point): Envisions a future self and possibly makes plans that build on experiences that have occurred across multiple and diverse contexts.

Do you think it is fair to say that virtue ethics, as Tamar Gendler explains this moral theory, is a type of human programming and, if so, does this view challenge or undercut the idea of good human behavior as a matter of choice rather than response without thought?

Virtue essay

According to Sommers, what is the main problem today and what is her basic answer both in terms of content and scope? And then, from the lecture by Dr. Gendler, explain how we can turn normative commitments into descriptive laws and what does it mean to do that, according to her explanation of Aristotle’s virtue ethics (video link)? Do you think it is fair to say that virtue ethics, as Tamar Gendler explains this moral theory, is a type of human programming and, if so, does this view challenge or undercut the idea of good human behavior as a matter of choice rather than response without thought? Explain. Do you think this approach of Professor Gendler to how virtue ethics becomes part of us goes along with Professor Sommers’ thesis on what is needed in schools today or not? Explain. Finally, what part of Christina Sommers’ analysis and proposal you find convincing, if any, and what part of it, if any, do you find questionable?

Identify at least two strategies that you would use that you found to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research. Identify at least one resource you intend to use in the future to find peer-reviewed research.

Module 3 with a template

A correctly formatted APA citation of the article you selected, along with link or search details.
Identify a professional practice use of the theories/concepts presented in the article.
Analysis of the article using the “Research Analysis Matrix” section of the template
Write a 1-paragraph justification stating whether you would recommend this article to inform professional practice.
Write a 2- to the 3-paragraph summary that you will add to your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan that includes the following:
Describe your approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research.
Identify at least two strategies that you would use that you found to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research.
Identify at least one resource you intend to use in the future to find peer-reviewed research.

Describe in detail what data analysis techniques would be appropriate to apply to your proposed study and justify why they are appropriate.

Pro and cons of paying college athletes

Your final Data Analysis Report must be between 400-500 words and include the following:

State your variables and hypotheses.
Describe in detail what data analysis techniques would be appropriate to apply to your proposed study and justify why they are appropriate.
Explain why these are appropriate for your study. Be specific and include the appropriate statistical tests.
Refer to the information provided in your readings and resource

Explain your professional beliefs about this disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.

Controversy Associated with Personality and Paraphilic Disorders: Narcissistic personality disorder

Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide on assessing, diagnosing, and treating personality and paraphilic disorders.
Select a specific personality or paraphilic disorder from the DSM-5 to use for this Assignment.
Use the Walden Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations.

Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected disorder.
Explain your professional beliefs about this disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a patient that may present with this disorder.
Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to this disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.

Discuss the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria, and treatment for each clinical model selected.

 Altered Immunity and Infection

Indicate which clinical models you chose in the subject line of your initial post.

Select one clinical model illustrating altered immunity and one model representing infection. Discuss the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria, and treatment for each clinical model selected.

● Demonstrates an understanding of concepts with supporting statements and rationales.
● Post includes original thoughts, opinions, and ideas for all questions asked.
● Post includes in-text citations and corresponding reference with support from required textbook.
● Demonstrates an understanding of concepts with supporting statements and rationales.
● Post includes original thoughts, opinions, and ideas for all questions asked.
● Post includes in-text citations and corresponding reference with support from required textbook.
● Includes APA in-text citations and references with no errors.

Did the time in your life change you in some way? Did you learn a valuable lesson? What is the reason for telling this story?

The Day My Life changed

A narrative essay has a purpose, so you need to have intent and a reason for telling a particular story. Did the time in your life change you in some way? Did you learn a valuable lesson? What is the reason for telling this story?

would this be legal and ethical or illegal and unethical, or a combination of the two? How might you be viewed in the organization if you hire a less qualified person? What would you do?

Look at each situation from the perspective of all groups concerned: customers, stockholders, employees, and community

1.You are a general manager of a cosmetics firm. The results of a study show that your major brand could cause skin cancer. From the different viewpoints stated above, is this legal and ethical or illegal and unethical, or a combination of the two, and what is the potential outcome of the company if it does nothing? What would be your recommendations and why?
2. You have the opportunity to offer a job to a friend who really needs it. Although you believe that the friend could perform adequately, there are more qualified applicants. From the different viewpoints stated above, would this be legal and ethical or illegal and unethical, or a combination of the two? How might you be viewed in the organization if you hire a less qualified person? What would you do? Explain your justification.Man’s shoes on pavement with word right and arrow and wrong and arrow going different directions.
3. You are the vice president of a beer company in a state that sets the legal drinking age at 21. Your boss asks you to organize a lobbying effort to have the drinking age reduced to 18. From the different viewpoints stated above, would this be legal and ethical or illegal and unethical, or a combination of the two? Does this violate the company’s social responsibility to the state and/or surrounding towns? What would you do? Explain your justification.
4. Because of a loophole in federal laws, you find that you could legally pay your workers less than the minimum wage. The cost savings you recommend may mean you’re getting a choice promotion. From the different viewpoints stated above, would this be legal and ethical or illegal and unethical, or a combination of the two? What would you do? Explain your justification.
Discuss at least two situations. Be sure to consider both short‑ and long‑range consequences.