
How does Gardner illustrate how to overcome obstacles and build and maintain strength? Discuss the specific obstacles and struggle or conflict Gardner faces in reaching or maximizing the strengths selected/noted.

The Pursuit of Happyness” reflection in relation to positive psychology

Watch the movie, “The Pursuit of Happyness” featuring Will Smith as Chris Gardner. This film can
be viewed on in its full entirety. Reflect on the movie to determine how principles of
positive psychology were depicted in the life of the protagonist (Chris Gardner). Write an essay on
your review of the movie based on the guiding questions below.
Your essay is expected to contain the following:
• Title page. This includes the name of the institution, the title of the essay, your name and
student number, the name of the course and the course number, your tutor’s name and the date.
• Introduction. This will provide the reader with an overview of the content of the paper and a
brief summary of the main aspects of the movie.
• Body of the essay. This is the main part of the essay.
• Provide responses to the guiding questions given using headings as appropriate.
• Your review should be supported by appropriate literature.
• Ensure that all of your sources are cited in text according to APA 7.
• Conclusions. This should follow logically from the information outlined in the body of the
• References. Every source which appears in your essay must appear in your reference list using
the APA 7 style of referencing.
• Length. The essay should be no more than 3 pages, excluding the title and reference
PSYC 3060 – Positive Psychology. Academic Year 2021/2022, Semester 1
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In completing this review, students are expected to demonstrate that they have utilized required
readings and other scholarly writing on positive psychology. Effort should be made to read widely and
use key concepts in analysing the movie. Students should avoid using conversational language,
contractions and extensive use of verbatim quotes. The essay is expected to reflect independent
thought and not a simple report of what happened in the movie.
Guiding Questions:
1. Outline how issues related to the following were depicted in the movie
a. Pleasure and positive experiences
b. Happiness
c. Positive thinking
d. Character strengths and virtues
2. Which one of the strengths would you say Gardner possess in the film (select at least 3)? Why?
Define each strength. (Ex: creativity, vitality, fairness etc.)
3. Discuss the specific obstacles and struggle or conflict Gardner faces in reaching or maximizing
the strengths selected/noted.
4. How does Gardner illustrate how to overcome obstacles and build and maintain strength?
5. Is the tone/mood of the film inspiring or uplifting? Why or why not?
6. What impact did the film have on you? Were you inspired after watching the film? Why or
why not?
7. What is the role of happiness in this story?
8. What specific tenets of Positive Psychology are evident in the film? Expand on at least 2
9. How would you evaluate the overall wellbeing of the protagonist in the context?
10. To what extent are the issues identified relevant in a real-life situation?
11. Based on the issues identified in question 1, what recommendations would you make about
what could be done differently, to improve the overall wellbeing of the protagonist or someone
in a similar situation?
12. What is the significance of the word “happyness” vs “happiness” in the title of the film?

What draws you to the subject? What is your role in it? Who else is involved, if anyone? Does the use of narrative involve several narratives or focus on different aspects of one narrative?

Descriptive narrative on sibling bond

As you begin working on this project, consider the basic elements. What draws you to the subject? What is your role in it? Who else is involved, if anyone? What structure works best as a framework for the piece – a list, a chronology, a definition, a structured argument, a narrative, the interview form, something else? Does the use of narrative involve several narratives or focus on different aspects of one narrative? What meaning does the story have? Meaning points to the idea you are trying to explain. What is the essential notion you wish to impart to the reader? What emotion? Respond to these questions in your journal or notebook as you develop your idea.

Should the government regulate social media if it helps prevent the spread of fake news and misinformation?-Write a 10-20 sentence summary that focuses on critically evaluating what is going on, from your personal perspective

Current Event Article and Summary Analysis

Find a Current Event Article students will find a current news article (online or in print) about Social Media Regulation(ie: should the government regulate social media if it helps prevent the spread of fake news and misinformation?) that has taken place within the federal level of American governments or politics, in the last 3 months, News articles must be connected the topic(s) assigned to the week that they are due.
Summary and critical analysis Write Up Students will post a minimum of one page summary and critical analysis. Summary and critical analysis need to formulate an opinion that focuses on connecting the topic of government into our daily lives… into everything we do…

Write a 10-20 sentence summary that focuses on critically evaluating what is going on, from your personal perspective. Interject your opinion. You should be making a statement, argument, and your personal opinion about the subject matter, should be known. However, this needs to be done in a professional, scholarly and academic manner. Focus on explanation, reason and rationalization, to provide a clear opinion statement and discussion of their personal perspective and political position towards the event or issue in their article.
In addition, to receive full credit, students MUST include a direct link to the original article’s text that they are using to complete this assignment.

Should the Federal Government pay tuition for everyone for all 4 year universities and colleges?-Write a 10-20 sentence summary that focuses on critically evaluating what is going on, from your personal perspective

Current Event Article and Summary Analysis

Find a Current Event Article students will find a current news article (online or in print) about Free College For All (Should the Federal Government pay tuition for everyone for all 4 year universities and colleges?) that has taken place within the federal level of American governments or politics, in the last 3 months, News articles must be connected the topic(s) assigned to the week that they are due.
Summary and critical analysis Write Up Students will post a minimum of one page summary and critical analysis. Summary and critical analysis need to formulate an opinion that focuses on connecting the topic of government into our daily lives… into everything we do…

Write a 10-20 sentence summary that focuses on critically evaluating what is going on, from your personal perspective. Interject your opinion. You should be making a statement, argument, and your personal opinion about the subject matter, should be known. However, this needs to be done in a professional, scholarly and academic manner. Focus on explanation, reason and rationalization, to provide a clear opinion statement and discussion of their personal perspective and political position towards the event or issue in their article.
In addition, to receive full credit, students MUST include a direct link to the original article’s text that they are using to complete this assignment.

Write a letter as if you were preparing to send it to the CEO of an EHR vendor of your choice (MEDITECH).

M4D1: Clinical Decision Support for Population Health and Personalized Medicine

Introduction to the Activity
Health data volume is expected to continue to grow dramatically in the years ahead. Capturing the data is not the problem, however analyzing and mining the data for meaningful findings is. Welch, Kawamoto, Drohan, and Hughes (2014) declared “[f]or CDS to become valuable for personalized health care, much effort needs to be made to develop the infrastructure and relevant applications to converge towards common, standards-based approaches to enable CDS for personalized medicine across various health care organizations and health information systems” (p. 408).

Instructions to Learners
Write a letter as if you were preparing to send it to the CEO of an EHR vendor of your choice (MEDITECH). Leveraging the readings to substantiate claims made, declare the importance of accelerating the convergence of a common infrastructure to enable CDS for personalized medicine or population health management. Propose an example of a CDS rule or tool that would benefit the clinical users (and subsequent patient(s)), and what harm could ensue if the CDS was not implemented.

How is the white savior complex different than pop culture heroes? The same ? Do you think today’s hero is only real if it’s someone from pop culture or someone from your personal life? Explain

Who or what is a hero? (Humanities Discussion)

Please answer one or more of the below questions.

1) What is an example of white saviorism? explain.

2) How is the white savior complex different than pop culture heroes? The same ?

3) Do you think today’s hero is only real if it’s someone from pop culture or someone from your personal life? Explain

4) Do you think the two “heroes” from the two articles are related why or why not?

. Distinguish between, and evaluate, different perspectives and proposed responses to educational and social problems/issues that can affect learning and progression

Inclusive Pedagogy and Evidencing Impact on Learners

Learning outcomes assessed in this assessment

1. Distinguish between, and evaluate, different perspectives and proposed responses to

educational and social problems/issues that can affect learning and progression

2. Critically evaluate notions of transformative learning and how these may relate to

principles of social justice

3. Interpret and critically appraise own resourcefulness and application of professional

curiosity and inquiry to enable inclusive pedagogy for teacher development and practice

4. Develop, implement and evaluate strategies to support positive educational experiences

and outcomes for all learners

Learning Outcomes (Los) are your ‘Touchstones’ in terms of reflecting on your existing

knowledge and continuous learning. Need to demonstrate how you meet these LOs in the Module

What is the problem with the hero according to the article in the Atlantic? What are the commonalities between the articles ? Any conclusions about the figure of the hero in our society?

Deconstructing the hero (Humanities Paper)

Write a one-page (12 point font, double spaced) paper that addresses one (or more) of the following questions:

1) What is the problem with the hero according to the article in the Atlantic?

2) What are the commonalities between the articles ?

3) Any conclusions about the figure of the hero in our society?

4) Choose one of your heroes (fictional, not someone you know personally) and apply each step of the hero’s journey (Joseph Campbell’s theory). Elaborate in detail and in full sentences of how their story applies to these steps.

Write a personal narrative essay in which you identify the factors and experiences that were most important in shaping your literacy skills, literacy habits, and attitudes towards reading and writing

Personal narrative essay

Write a personal narrative essay in which you identify the factors and experiences that were most important in shaping your literacy skills, literacy habits, and attitudes towards reading and writing. Who or what has influenced your experiences with reading and writing? Reflect on how, why, and what these aspects mean to you now as an adult and as an emerging academic student.

Who is your primary demographic? Why? What interests might your audience have? List 10. What is the primary platform for your audience? What is the secondary platform? What portion of the audience funnel will you focus on? Why?

social media branding


You own a record shop based in Montreal, Quebec focused on retro style music products for cool, modern living for millennials. You sell both records and music players that are bluetooth compatible. The shop has both a flagship store and also an option to buy online. Music sold is focused on local musicians and artists on the rise. You are new to the market and want people to discover your business, so you’re offering a 15% discount for both in person and online shopping.

Answer the following:

Who is your primary demographic? Why?

What interests might your audience have? List 10.

What is the primary platform for your audience? What is the secondary platform?

What portion of the audience funnel will you focus on? Why?