
How did African Americans respond to emancipation as news spread across the South? How did southern whites respond to the end of the Civil War? What event brought Reconstruction to an end?

Credit Mobilier- Horatio Alger novels

How did African Americans respond to emancipation as news spread across the South?

How did southern whites respond to the end of the Civil War?

What event brought Reconstruction to an end?

Why did Johnson not punish former Confederate leaders for their role in causing the Civil War?

What was Lincoln’s plan to treat Confederate officials?

Chapter 15

What was Credit Mobilier?

The landscape of the Great Plains encouraged the establishment of what?

Economic expansion in the far West after the Civil War relied heavily on what?

What incited the Indian wars of the 1860s?

Senator Henry Dawes’ beliefs about Indian integration into white society failed to recognize what about Indian values?

Why did African American men choose to enlist in the U.S. Army to serve in the West?

Where did the Chisholm Trail start and end?

What were the conditions of the Homestead Act?

Why did frontier women participate in the temperance movement?

Why did the Mormon Church abandon polygamy?

Chapter 16

Why were Horatio Alger novels popular?

What did Congress desire to do with the passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act?

Rapid industrialization was enabled by what kind of relationship between business and government?

What was needed to develop the national market for raw materials and finished goods?

What was the key to the transformation of the former Confederacy to the “New South”?

Why were farmers and rural residents able to participate in the new consumer culture of the late 19th century?

Advocates of the free maker argued that what was the key to success?

What did trusts destroy?

How did businessmen of the Gilded Age believe the government protected their rights?

How did the numbers of white-collar workers change between 1870 and 1910?

Approximately how many African Americans were lynched between 1884 and 1900?

According to James Bryce, what was to blame for the mediocre cast of presidential candidates during the Gilded Age?

Who were the majority of unskilled workers during the Gilded Age?

Chapter 17

How did the growth of manufacturing affect skilled tradesmen?

Which entertainment sites appealed to the working class?

Why did married women do “piecework” in their homes?

Why was there a high rate of child labor at the turn of the 20th century?

Jazz music developed from diverse musical traditions where?

Why did many Jews come to the U.S. from Russia?

Chapter 18

Where did the majority of immigrants come from around 1907?

Which groups were at the bottom of the racial hierarchies invented by biologists in the early 20th century?

What did eugenicists believe?

What did the devastating fires in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in cities such as Chicago lead to?

What was the Hull House and who founded it?

Why were immigrants loyal to party bosses and machine politicians?

Chapter 19

What was the main purpose of the Civil Service?

Ida Tarbell exposed what?

Which demographic group did Progressives generally come from?

Which Progressive Era feminist sought women to compete on equal terms with men by freeing them for domestic chores?

How did W.E.B. Du Bois differ from Booker T. Washington?

Why did some women oppose women’s suffrage?Why is the Mann Act significant?

President Roosevelt’s intervention in the Pennsylvania coal strike suggested his willingness to do what?

Why is Upton Sinclair’s novel The Jungle important politically?

Which president introduced racial segregation to the federal government?

The results of the 1912 presidential election suggested Americans wanted what?

What were the strategies of NAWSA and the NWP? Which did Wilson ultimately support?

What are the cardinal virtues of the Cult of True Womanhood?

What was the first public meeting to discuss women’s rights in the United States?

Will send login information once assigned writer

Of the five styles of conflict management discussed in Shearhouse (2011) or Bauer and Erdogan (2011) which one do you think would be the best approach for Nick Cunningham to take?

 A fictional case of a manager caught between a rock and hard place.

1.) Do you think this conflict that Nick Cunningham a fictional case of a manager caught between a rock and hard place. faces is functional or dysfunctional? Explain your reasoning, and cite Bauer and Erdogan (2011) or Luthans et al. (2015) in your answer.

2.) What is the source of this conflict? Use the terminology from Bauer and Erdogan (2011), or Luthans et al. (2015) in your answer. For example, is this conflict a result of relationship/interpersonal issues? Or from tasks/roles? Other?

3.)Of the five styles of conflict management discussed in Shearhouse (2011) or Bauer and Erdogan (2011) which one do you think would be the best approach for Nick Cunningham to take?

4.)What other advice would you give Nick Cunningham based on the concepts discussed in any of the background readings?

Did the negotiations involve integrative or distributive bargaining? What stages of negotiation did management go through, and did these stages match the five stages discussed in Bauer and Erdogan (2011)?

Module 3 SLP

For the Module 3 SLP you will be applying the concepts you learned in the background materials regarding conflict and negotiation to a situation from your own personal experiences. Carefully review the background materials regarding types of conflict, causes of conflict, negotiation stages, and conflict management styles. It is important to first understand these comments from the background readings before starting this assignment.

Once you have thoroughly reviewed the background materials, think of a situation in the workplace where a conflict erupted and management had to intervene and some type of negotiation was involved. Then write a three page paper addressing the following four questions, and make sure to cite at least one of the required background readings for each of your four answers :

1.)Was this conflict functional or dysfunctional?

2.)What was the cause of the conflict? Use the terms from the background materials in your answer—for example, was the conflict a result of interpersonal issues, a specific task involved, due to inter-organizational issues, etc.

3.)Of the five approaches to conflict management outlined in Shearouse (2011) or Bauer and Erdogan (2011), which approach most closely describes the approach used by management to resolve this conflict?

4.)Did the negotiations involve integrative or distributive bargaining? What stages of negotiation did management go through, and did these stages match the five stages discussed in Bauer and Erdogan (2011)?

What does it mean to be human in a world that works at a scale and speed beyond human comprehension?

Posthumanism, posthuman, technological advance and human beings, are we already cyborgs, how is it to be a human in this age

PAPER PROMPT: What does it mean to be human in a world that works at a scale and speed beyond human comprehension? Scientific and technological advancements develop at speeds to which we cannot attend. Information develops at an exponential rate. Medicine targets our brain chemistry and our longevity and from intelligent mechanical prosthetics to xenotransplants affect who we are. In such a world do we change what it means to be human? In other words, are we already posthuman? How do we fit or not in such a world?

What is the staff nurse’s role in evidence-based practice in your organization? How much do you think evidence-based practice is valued by your colleagues on the nursing staff?

Evidence-based Practice

What is the staff nurse’s role in evidence-based practice in your organization?

How much do you think evidence-based practice is valued by your colleagues on the nursing staff?

How was breeding and selection of animals for particular traits and talents part of the evolving process of domestication? How did it add value to cattle? In what way was pure breeding and livestock speculation a function of the Market Revolution?

Animal & Society

• How was breeding and selection of animals for particular traits and talents part of the evolving process of domestication? How did it add value to cattle? In what way was pure breeding and livestock speculation a function of the Market Revolution?

• How did humans imagine wolf behavior? By contrast (or, accordingly?) what were wolves probably doing in those many decades? Did their behavior change over time? Why were wolves unable to cope with human predation? How does Jon Coleman determine what historical wolf behavior may have been?

How have companies used the idea proposed by the authors of the article? In other words, what are the practical implications for managers, scientists, or entrepreneurs, depending on the case?

Tesla Article Analysis

Make a deep analysis of the Tesla article and answer the following questions:

1. The main message of the article

2. How have companies used the idea proposed by the authors of the article? In other words, what are the practical implications for managers, scientists, or entrepreneurs, depending on the case? Use examples from the article to make your point

3. List three things that your group found to be enlightening or interesting in the assigned article.

4. In what ways do you think you could apply or use the knowledge presented in this article?

You should not conduct outside research for the case analysis

• Cite APA style

Write an essay that explains the origins of the American Revolution by discussing the specific complaints that different groups (seaside merchants, politicians, backcountry settlers, Indians, slaves, freedmen) of Americans had against the British government.

Build up to American Revolution Essay

Essay instructions ! :
After more than a century and a half of English colonial settlement in North America, a coalition of British colonies along the east coast declared their independence from the British crown in the summer of 1776. In the seven years that followed, a bloody war raged, pitting British soldiers and loyal colonists against revolutionary colonists who identified themselves as American. The American Revolution took shape not immediately in the mid-1770s, but over the course of many years. The path to revolution was laid out clearly in 1763 with the end of the Seven Years War between Britain and France, in which many American colonists had fought for Britain. Over the next 13 years, a series of policy decisions by the British Parliament alienated and enraged various groups of colonists, who slowly crafted a distinct national identity. Consider the challenges anti-British colonists faced in cultivating a new national identity in the 1760s and 1770s. Since the early 1600s, English colonies in North America had been home to a wide variety of people, from different economic classes, ethnic and religious traditions, races, and regions. Think about ways that class, religious, and ethnic identity inhibited the formation of an anti-British coalition. Write an essay that explains the origins of the American Revolution by discussing the specific complaints that different groups (seaside merchants, politicians, backcountry settlers, Indians, slaves, freedmen) of Americans had against the British government. Your essay should explain the series of events between the early 1760s and 1776 that culminated in the drafting of the Declaration of Independence. How did so many different groups of Americans, who had long considered themselves to be loyal British subjects, reach a point where they desired to be a free and independent people? How did race (Africans, African Americans, Native Americans, newly arrived immigrants) cause different people to join opposing sides or remain neutral? This essay is not about the Revolution itself. Do not discuss events past the war’s beginning (1776 at latest), unless linked to answering this prompt.

Explain how race impacts the social institution. Identify a form of race inequality associated with the social institution and use theoretical perspectives to explain the social behaviors that perpetuate the inequality.

Social Stratification Part II: Race

Choose a social institution to describe and analyze the effect that the stratification elements of race have on that social institution. Include the following in your analysis:

Explain how race impacts the social institution.
Identify a form of race inequality associated with the social institution and use theoretical perspectives to explain the social behaviors that perpetuate the inequality.
Suggest measures for the social institution to implement to help alleviate the racial inequality you identified.
Provide a minimum of three to five scholarly sources to support your analysis and conclusion. Additionally, you will need to include statistical data of the expression of stratification regarding Race within the social institution.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide,

Explain the meaning of “Appearance of Impropriety” Analyze the quality of codes of conduct Explain the legal role of codes of conduct.

Appearance of Impropriety

Learning Outcomes- at the conclusion of this week’s study students will be able to
Explain the meaning of “Appearance of Impropriety”
Analyze the quality of codes of conduct
Explain the legal role of codes of conduct.