
Are there any situations that you feel you would prefer to avoid so as not to have a high probability of failure? Discuss how you would attack such a situation with the tools that you have at your disposal now.

leadership paper

In this term paper you to reflect on your preferred leadership style. You will have studied a number of leadership styles in the course (Authentic Leadership; Servant Leadership; Transactional Leadership etc.). Identify which one of these styles that you feel most comfortable with and why. If you have led organizations, please describe them briefly and cite your role in the organization. You are encouraged to be anecdotal and describe situations that you might have encountered and that you may now have handled differently.
In the spirit of Situational Leadership Theory, identify several situations (2 or 3) that you would feel most uncomfortable in leading. In each case state what you would have to do to be successful in each of these situations. Are there any situations that you feel you would prefer to avoid so as not to have a high probability of failure? Discuss how you would attack such a situation with the tools that you have at your disposal now.
This paper should be at least 2000 words, double spaced and in APA format with references and citations as needed. Please include any graphs, process flow diagrams, organizations charts, survey results, etc. that help tell your story more vividly in an appendix. In general, your paper should be a maximum of 2,500 words, double-spaced, single-sided, 12 point, Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, with no grammar or spelling errors.

Identify and describe a social problem that relates to policy in the area you chose. Describe in one paragraph the problem itself. Next, describe in one paragraph the reasons that social workers might want to address policy related to this problem. Can you please do voting?

Midterm Exam Questions

Each of the four questions can be answered on their own, it does not have to be one long essay. Question and answer form but sophisticated

1.Identify and describe a social problem that relates to policy in the area you chose (either voting or social work licensure). Describe in one paragraph the problem itself. Next, describe in one paragraph the reasons that social workers might want to address policy related to this problem. Can you please do voting?

2.Using the Code of Ethics as a resource, think about the ways that policy advocacy to address the identified problem connects to social work values and ethics. Choose at least one of the six ethical principles to discuss, as well as at least two ethical standards. For each, describe the ways in which advocacy related to this problem can help to move us closer to practice within the ethical principle or standards chosen. Provide at least 2-3 sentences on each (a total of 6-9 sentences in this answer overall).

3.Identify and describe at least two existing policies that relate to this social problem. You may choose to use Social Work Speaks, your textbook, or other resources. For each policy, describe the name of the policy, the level of government, and the geographic location of the policy. Next, in a few sentences, describe how the policy connects to the social problem. You will write 1-2 paragraphs for each of the two policies.

4.Finally, choose one point in the policy process where you think a social worker might be able to intervene to address this problem. This may connect to one of the policies you described above, or it may be a different part of the policy process. Describe why you think this point in the policy process is one that lends itself to social work intervention for this issue and what you think the social worker might do. Your answer to this question should be 1-2 paragraphs.

What theoretical model will you use and how will you overcome barriers to implementation? What sources of internal evidence will you use in providing data to demonstrate improvement in outcomes?

Ted Talk

below is the prompt. I will be using this paper as my speaking points for the Ted Talk video. I would like the research / Ted Talk topic to involve pediatric patients .

Create a 10-15-minute TED Talk style presentation that summarizes the clinical problem and the research and summarize the knowledge available on the clinical problem related to implementation of a practice change in your clinical practice environment based upon your findings. Address the following in your video:

Summarize the clinical problem and available research.
Describe how you intend to operationalize the practice change in your practice environment.
What theoretical model will you use and how will you overcome barriers to implementation?
What sources of internal evidence will you use in providing data to demonstrate improvement in outcomes?
Are there any ethical considerations?
The presentation should be a simulation of what you would present to unit staff in effort to gain buy-in as you promote a practice in professional nursing.

What is the problem? (What is the issue around your text that you want to investigate?) What is your solution? How are you going to arrive at your solution?

The little black boy by William Blake

Note well: Assignment instructions

The term “prompt” means assignment or instructions.
This is where you submit your final draft. You will not be submitting a “prompt”; you will be submitting a brief essay.
You are proposing a topic for your research essay–that research paper will be due a few weeks before the end of the semester. This assignment is not the research paper.
Topic Space: Some text that we have read or will read during the course.

Include a working bibliography–rather than a Works Cited or Reference list because you don’t actually have to cite your sources: list the most interesting poems or stories you see on the syllabus reading list. What particular text do you want to do your research essay on. I originally wanted to make everybody write about the novel that we will read about halfway through the course: Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Wolff. But I decided to open your choices up to any of the texts we will study in the course.

You should have a minimum of 5 sources listed altogether. They can be different primary texts that you have glanced at or looked at more carefully. Or you may include secondary texts if you want to go ahead and start looking for secondary sources (academic articles about an author or text).

So the proposal has to have two parts in this order:

Your text: 400-500 words, proposing your topic and plan of action–the plan of action should reflect the next stage in the process, doing the annotated bibliography.
Working Bibliography — 5 Sources Minimum
How to Write Your Paragraphs: My Implied Rubric

Study the excerpt from Bergmann’s book that is attached here. Consider Bergmann’s approach to proposals in the handout, especially her two examples of student proposals: your topic is different, but you need to use the same kinds of statements and language. Bergmann Research Proposal Assignment.pdf To reiterate: Bergmann lays out the general idea for this paper on pages 77-79 of the handout. Study the language in the examples–this is what your proposal should sound like. But her examples are not in MLA format: you must use MLA. Note that personal reasons for choosing your texts are encouraged.

Grading Criteria for the Essay

You should consider these bullet points as a checklist for your essay: this is not really a rubric, but these are the criteria upon which I will be grading this paper.

The proposal needs to reflect the two requirements of the final research paper: 1) the preparation you will need to for a researched discussion of some text we are going to cover, and, 2) some description of how you think your narrowly focused inquiry will work. So how do you propose to focus your inquiry? What questions about the text do you want to answer by doing research?
For the next major assignment in the paper process you will have to do an annotated bibliography. I suggest looking at some academic articles, especially for the conceptual work you will need to do for the research paper, perhaps not to read them immediately, but to see what kinds of academic discussions are going on concerning the author or poem or story that you want to write about.
Your Working Bibliography needs to include 5 sources listed in MLA or APA style. If you cite sources in your paragraphs, make sure they are listed in the Working Bibliography. This is not an annotated bibliography. Do you know the difference?
A proposal is not like a normal essay: your audience is different, usually a professor or an expert on your topic or your superior at work. Your purpose is to propose: to get them to say yes to your idea for research (in this case on some aspect of the privacy issue) or to get them to help you get on a good track to do some research. What kin do of issue about your text do you propose to research? How have you shaped your research question and why have you shaped it that way? Why is it worth researching? What do you expect to find? How will that help you answer your research question?
Note well: in this proposal you are not doing the research or reporting on any in-depth research. Your research so far has not been focused and in-depth.
The proposal needs to make the case that your research will be worthwhile, that it will serve some good purpose.
Instead of a thesis, you begin with explaining your research question: and you develop the question by thinking more and more carefully about your text or author as you build up your working knowledge or the research on the text.
Formatting: you must use MLA–this means for both citation mechanics and for layout of the whole document.
Sentencing: your sentencing is key to the clarity of your writing and thinking. You sentencing should be absolutely free of these particular errors: fragments, comma splices, fused sentences, and mixed constructions. And if your sentences are unreadable or unclear, you will not succeed.
Final drafts should be between 400 and 700 words.
You are just trying to make the point that you have a good idea for research on one of our texts and good questions related to the idea.


Here are Bergmann’s focus questions. You will have to make some adjustments for our literary context. You should give clear answers to them in your proposal:

What is the problem? (What is the issue around your text that you want to investigate?)
What is your solution?
How are you going to arrive at your solution?
What product(s) will be the outcome? (Sort of built into your assignments: annotated bibliography and an essay.)
When will it be finished? (By the deadlines . . . ?)
What resources will be used/needed?
But this is not really a problem/solution kind of topic. So how must you alter her focus questions to produce a good proposal in this situation?

If you want to be an Aviation Maintenance Technician are there any gaps or surpluses in that field? If so, where are they? Which of these companies are currently/actively hiring?

Aviation Employment Trends

Consider that you are a writer for a widely distributed aviation magazine. Your boss has charged you with writing an article on employment trends in the industry. For example: If you want to be an Aviation Maintenance Technician are there any gaps or surpluses in that field? If so, where are they?

Your article must be 2-3 pages, not including the title page and reference page. Through the lens of your chosen career field address the following elements:

Identify the major contributors/companies in your career field.

Which of these companies are currently/actively hiring?

Examine the impact of employment trends on the industry, explaining what it means for those just entering the field.

Explain gaps or surpluses in that field.

APA format required.

state a reasons why you support your chosen leader and at least one reason you believe the other leader’s ideas are flawedt least two.

Editorial assignment

ooker T. Washington, “Atlanta Compromise” (1895), .

W.E.B. DuBois, “Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others” (1903), (also, see the excerpts that are available in this submodule).


First, read both documents carefully

Second, create a persona and perspective from which to write. Some suggestions are:

a black southern sharecropper.

a white Atlanta businessman.

a black, female domestic worker in Atlanta.

a black 17-year-old living in Harlem.

Write an editorial (300-400 words, or more than 1 page and less than 2) in support of DuBois OR Washington from your persona to one of the following newspapers:

Chicago Defender – the leading black newspaper of the day.

Atlanta Journal – Atlanta daily newspaper; championed the “New South”; very conservative on race.

Atlanta Independent – black weekly newspaper published in Atlanta.

In your editorial, include

a brief introduction (2-3 sentences) of your character

state at least two (2) reasons why you (as your character) support your chosen leader

and at least one (1) reason you believe the other leader’s ideas are flawed.

Bring in at least one direct quote from each primary source.

In other words, you are comparing the two men, but ultimately supporting one over the other as having the best vision for black Americans, ca. 1903.

What does this statement mean? Even if life is hard, and someone dies shortly after finding the New World, does that mean they have created nothing from it? Has nothing been left to his or her descendants?

American Civilization

In this fun and short assignment, you are crafting a letter from the colonies. In that regard, look at life in Colonial New England or the Chesapeake. Think about the motivations for change, the trials of life, and why we continue to seek a better life in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Most importantly, earnestly consider the value of life v the dream and reality. What does this statement mean? Even if life is hard, and someone dies shortly after finding the New World, does that mean they have created nothing from it? Has nothing (or possibly something greater) been left to his or her descendants?

Cite anything, not your own, especially paraphrased material (you should have mostly paraphrased material). Moreover, your word count is 250 to 500 words. Use description, be precise, and show a sense of creativity in this first analysis exploration.

Link/Material to help with letter:

Explain using art how the images illustrate changes in techniques, society, materials, or other change brought about in art or society during this time period.

Works of art,
Choose at least three works of art, one from the 14th C., one from the 15th C., and one from the 16th C. (at least one piece of art from each century) from Northern Europe and/or Italy. Compare and contrast your selected images based on a common theme that unites the images selected. For example, the Annunciation, the Nativity, the use of perspective, linear versus painterly, or other theme. Explain using art how the images illustrate changes in techniques, society, materials, or other change brought about in art or society during this time period.

The paper should be typed using APA style for citations and presentation (12 pt. font, double-spaced, standard margins), 3-5 pages long and submitted here in this Dropbox as a Word document (.doc or .docx). Proofread your work prior to submission. The Tutoring Center and Writing Center are open for anyone who would like to use these resource.


Has this changed your perception of hunger? If so, how. If not, why? How would this apply to your future, professionally or personally?

Hunger and Global Environment Project

750-1,000-word document to be submitted individually. You may use reputable websites, but be sure your facts are accurate.
a. Briefly state global and local hunger and food insecurity issues (how prevalent is this issue).
b. Summarize the physical findings used in nutritional assessments for malnutrition (Table E-5 in new textbook) ** Leave this open. I will fill in.**
c. Research information on three different organizations that address local or global hunger or malnutrition. Summarize who they are, how they got started, what they do, and how/when/where college students could get involved. Quote their mission statement. Are they a faith-based organization, if so what affiliation? If not, what is their affiliation?
i. Ideas: Community garden, Feed my starving Children, Waste not AZ, Food donation, Feeding America, Hunger Project, Children’s Hunger Fund, St. Mary’s foodbank, Phoenix Rescue Mission, Give a HECK, Etc.
ii. GCU campus opportunity: N/A ** I listed my choses at the bottom.

d. Describe a plan of implementation. How will you get involved? How can a college student get involved?
e. “Why would college students get involved with this organization?” Quote a related Bible verse then describe a rationale for action against hunger from the beliefs of the Christian worldview. Below are some examples, but you may include any others you feel meet the criteria.
i. Bible verses related to Global Hunger:
ii. Interpretations about generosity and duty to the poor:
iii. A Biblical Response to Poverty that also covers hunger:
f. After involvement in an organization of your choice, discuss: ** Because of COVID, Instead of actual involvement, write about what you would have done if you volunteered for the organization**
i. Has this changed your perception of hunger? If so, how. If not, why? How would this apply to your future, professionally or personally?