
Does Dakota have Christmas disease?-What treatment might be available in the future to help patients like Dakota? What do you think about the treatment. Do you support or oppose it? Why?

Dakota have Christmas disease

Summarize the videos
Give us your opinion on the topic. What did you like about the videos, what you did not like?
Does Dakota have Christmas disease? Justify your answer
What treatment might be available in the future to help patients like Dakota?
What do you think about the treatment. Do you support or oppose it? Why?

Find and post a video that better explains the CRISPR technology

What you learned from this study and how it contributes to patient outcomes/nursing etc.-Whats the goal of the study

Clinical and Pathophysiologic Aspects of ECMO-associated hemorrhagic complications

Please answer all of the questions listed below from the article that I will attach.

1. The goal of the study
2. Design (double blind, random, placebo, etc), must be human study
3. Number of participants in the study
4. The findings of the research
5. Recommendations/ strengths and limitations
6. What you learned from this study and how it contributes to patient outcomes/nursing etc.

Write on the current research for the three theories you selected and how they are being used in organizations today. Make sure to include current organizations and examples.

Foundational Theorist

  1. Identify three out of the five foundational theorists (please see theorist I have chosen below) and discuss how their background, theory, and provide an example.
  2. Write on the current research for the three theories you selected and how they are being used in organizations today. Make sure to include current organizations and examples.


The paper should also contain the following:

  • Write a minimum of an (4) full-page paper that is double spaced and Times New Roman 12 size font.
  • Only peer-reviewed journal articles can be used from the library. That means you will be required to use your online databases for STC. (I have included the link)
  • You must use a minimum of six references.
  • Make sure you cite no more than 2-3 in-text citations. Emphasis on paraphrasing.
  • Include a reference page using APA format 7th Edition.


Foundational Theorists These are the three foundational theorists I have chosen.

Administrative Theory by Henri Fayol

Human Relations Theory by Elton Mayo

X&Y Theory by Douglas McGregor

What do you think about the idea of putting an economic value on ecosystem services, as discussed in the NPR article? Is this possible? What would be the advantages and disadvantages of this approach?

Iceberg model of systems thinking

1.What is likely to happen over time as a positive feedback loop occurs, and why are positive feedback loops a potential concern in relation to climate change? Use a specific example of a positive feedback loop in your answer.

2.Consider the iceberg model of systems thinking discussed in the Sweeney article. Give an example of a problem in your life (could be social, professional, environmental, etc.) and explain how the iceberg model can be applied to it. Be sure to identify 1) the event 2) the patterns 3) the structure, and 4) the mental model.

3.What are three examples of ecosystem services that you can identify in your immediate environment (say, within a mile of where you live)? For each of your examples, indicate which category of ecosystem service it belongs to.

4.What do you think about the idea of putting an economic value on ecosystem services, as discussed in the NPR article? Is this possible? What would be the advantages and disadvantages of this approach?

5.Are you optimistic about the potential for widespread systems change to address current planetary crises? Why or why not?
Grading Rubric (100 points)
1. Mention at least 5 specific points as you address these 5 questions. (40 points)
2. Explanation at a critical level, not just recitation of facts. (30 points)
3. Respond (thoughtfully) to at least one other post. (20 points)
4. Length of first post, around 300 words. (10 points)

What driving forces were prevalent in the WIS exercise? – What were the key success factors of the WIS industry?-How does ‘equifinality’ affect the strategy-making process in general?

The ‘Words-in-a-Sentence” (WIS) exercise

Question 5. The ‘Words-in-a-Sentence” (WIS) exercise was a competitive endeavor that pitted several teams in class against each other in the WIS industry. Each team was allowed to organize and re-organize during the course of the exercise. In Chapter 3 of Thompson et al., the concept of driving forces is discussed relative to an organization’s external environment.

a. What driving forces were prevalent in the WIS exercise?

b. What were the key success factors of the WIS industry?

c. Finally, discuss the concept of ‘equifinality’ as presented in the WISexercise? How does ‘equifinality’ affect the strategy-making process in general?

Discuss the possible defenses that could be reasonably asserted by the doctor to each claim, and why that defense might apply.

4-3 case study

This assignment gives you an opportunity to consider the facts of a case potentially involving claims of negligence. You will have the opportunity to analyze the possible claims, as well as the potential defenses to any claim presented by the plaintiff. The facts of the case are described below.

Following an automobile accident, a 46-year-old man was brought to the hospital emergency department by an ambulance. The patient seemed to be alert, was able to answer questions, and claimed to be suffering from a great deal of pain. The physician administered 15 milligrams of morphine intravenously. The patient needed blood but refused a transfusion. After being observed in the emergency department for several hours, the patient was placed on a medical-surgical unit for observation. The following morning, he was unresponsive, and he was eventually pronounced dead. It was later discovered that he had a long history of drug and alcohol abuse. The night of the accident, he had injected heroin and drank several shots of tequila and multiple cans of beer. He had not disclosed any of this to the doctors or nurses treating him. Several years later, his estate sued the physician, claiming medical malpractice.

Analyze the possible outcomes of the lawsuit under one of the following scenarios:

If death was the result of overdose
If death was the result of failure to administer blood
If death was the result of subdural hematoma
In your short paper, analyze the potential success of a claim for negligence under one of the three possible scenarios. Include a detailed discussion of each element of the negligence claim and why that element is met or not met. Discuss the possible defenses that could be reasonably asserted by the doctor to each claim, and why that defense might apply. Lastly, include a paragraph describing which, if any, claim you believe might be the most successful against the doctor and why.

How did the ways they approached colonization and profit in the Americas affect the ways they interacted with Native peoples and what were the results?-How did their motivations and ambitions differ?

The spanish, french and english empires: the comparison

Compare Spanish, French, and English colonization efforts from 1492-1700. How did their motivations and ambitions differ? What made them similar? How did the ways they approached colonization and profit in the Americas affect the ways they interacted with Native peoples and what were the results? Be sure you dedicate a paragraph to each one of these three European empires. In your conclusion, discuss which approaches worked the best, or if we can even rate them as successful or unsuccessful.

Part of the American identity involves intervening in the face of injustice. Do you agree with this point? What boundaries should exist to those interventions?

Henry David Thoreau’s “Resistance to Civil Government.”

Post 1: Look at Henry David Thoreau’s “Resistance to Civil Government.” He claims that it is not just our right as Americans, but it is also our duty to defy unjust laws. This is a very American idea. Part of the American identity involves intervening in the face of injustice. Do you agree with this point? What boundaries should exist to those interventions? Support your claims using “Resistance to Civil Government” AND one of the other assigned readings from this week.
300 words minimum (excluding quotations and citations)
Include two properly and integrated quotations (one from each work) to support your claims. You may use either direct or paraphrased quotes. See the Literary Analysis Tools Modules in Weeks 1 and 2 for information about integrating and citation quotes.

Explain the topic United States National Debt and it’s relevance in terms of the economy.

United States National Debt

The paper should explain the topic and it’s relevance in terms of the economy.Paper must be atleast 1000 words ,double spaced,Times New Roman Font APA citation format .Atleast 5 references (APA Format) .Paper should include an introduction ,body ,and conclusion

How does an increase in awareness, of the factors that affect what differing generations believe, positively support a healthy and productive work environment?

Identify the generation you fall into Generation Z

Consider your own expectations and beliefs. Do they align with what our content suggests about the characteristics of your identified generational group?

Research one generation that differs from your identification and shares some of the events that have shaped this generation, including their beliefs and behaviors.

Discuss the relationship between events within your generation versus your researched generation.

How might these events, that have developed our ideologies, affect a work environment that includes both generations?

Identify one generation that could potentially be more difficult for someone in your identified generation to effectively work with.

What variables may create this challenge (e.g. communication style, wellness, life balance, etc.)

How does an increase in awareness, of the factors that affect what differing generations believe, positively support a healthy and productive work environment?