
What kind of impact does this particular participant provide on an attempt to discover the meaning of a text? How important is this component?


post two (2) threads of at least 400 words For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least three (3) scholarly citations from a minimum of two (2) sources in current Turabian format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include the Bible, textbooks, scholarly articles, and online sources

You must respond to at least 2 of the following questions in separate threads. Consider these questions with the information in your textbooks in mind, but feel free to use other sources as needed to add to the conversation. In the subject line of each of your threads, acknowledge which question is being answered (e.g., “Discussion: Introduction to Hermeneutics, Question 1”), and restate the question within your thread. Post each thread as a new topic.

1. Give a definition of hermeneutics and then offer a discussion of the importance of 1 of the following components in interpretation – the role of the author of the text, the role of the original readers of the text, or the role of the interpreter. What kind of impact does this particular participant provide on an attempt to discover the meaning of a text? How important is this component?

2. Four challenges for Bible interpretation are listed in your text—the distance of time, cultural distance, geographical distance, and distance of language. Offer an argument for which challenge is the easiest to overcome and which is the most difficult. Be sure to define the challenge and to identify clearly the problems inherent in it.

3. Throughout the history of the Bible, allegorical methods have been employed as a means to discover a “hidden meaning” in the text. Outline the use of allegorical approaches and discuss the benefits and pitfalls of utilizing such an approach to interpret Scripture today.

4. Consider the history of biblical interpretation and choose 1 time period and 1 person whose method offers the most promise for attaining a clear interpretation of Scripture today. Be sure to identify the person and the method with special focus on how that method aids a modern interpreter in understanding Scripture

What is the topic or subject of this reading assignment?-What is the author writing about?-What is the author’s thesis statement?

On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion

Be sure to refer to specific passages from the relevant texts to defend your attributions of arguments and views to the philosophers you discuss, and to cite your sources using a consistent citation

A. present and explain the main line of argument pursued by Mary Anne Warren in “On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion.” Your paper should identify and explain Warren’s main thesis and explain its significance

In the article titled “On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion,” Mary Anne Warren argues that abortion is morally permissible at any point of a woman’s pregnancy. Perhaps the strongest argument that Warren gives for this claim.

Warren defends an extremely permissive view on abortion, according to which abortion is morally permissible at any stage of the pregnancy and under any circumstances.

b) present and explain what you take to be the strongest objection to this argument presented by Lee & George in “The Wrong of Abortion.”

I think the strongest objection to this argument is that the embryo is a complete or whole organism, though immature.

And (c) evaluate Warren’s argument. Does Warren respond to this objection? If so, how?

Warren argues against the claim that fetuses are persons by suggesting that personhood is not something that is automatically a part of being a member of the human species, but has to do with the possession of certain characteristics, all of which, she argues, fetuses lack

Is Lee & George’s objection ultimately effective? Lee and George’s objection ultimately is not effective. Why or why not?
I think Lee and George’s objection is not effective.

This is an assignment I did on the Warren’s stance on abortion

A. What is the topic or subject of this reading assignment? What is the author writing about?
The author is discussing their stance on abortion

B. What is the author’s thesis statement? What is the main claim or point the author is trying to make or defend?
Her main thesis is that a woman should be allowed to have an abortion at any point during her pregnancy and for any reason.

C. What is the author’s argument for this claim? If the author makes more than one main argument, summarize each one. In each case, be brief, but detailed.
I suggest that the traits which are most central to the concept of personhood, or humanity’ in the moral sense, are, very roughly; the following:
1. consciousness (of objects and events external
and/or internal to the being), and in particular the
capacity to feel pain;
2. reasoning (the developed capacity to solve new and relatively complex problems);
3. self-motivated activity (activity which is relatively independent of either genetic or direct external control);
4. the capacity to communicate, by whatever means, messages of an indefinite variety of types, that is, not just with an indefinite number of possible contents, but on indefinitely many possible topics;
5. the presence of self-concepts, and self-awareness, either individual or racial, or both

Fetuses are not persons because they do not satisfy this criteria

D. Does the author consider any objections or counterarguments to their claim or arguments? What are they? Does the author cite a source for the objections or counterarguments they consider? If so, what are they? Provide a brief but detailed summary of each counterargument or objection the author considers.

Yes, warren considers counter arguments

The counterargument is that fetuses are persons

E. Does the author respond to these objections/counterarguments? If so, how. Provide a brief but detailed summary of each response.

Warren counters the claim that fetuses are persons by claiming that personhood is not inherent in being a member of the human species, but rather requires the possession of certain characteristics, all of which, she claims, fetuses lack.

F. In your view, does the author successfully argue for their thesis? Explain why or why not.

Yes, the author convincingly defends their thesis. This is because even if a potential person has a right to life, that right cannot possibly outweigh a woman’s right to obtain an abortion, because the rights of any actual person invariably outweigh those of any potential person.

This is an assignment I did on Lee and George
A. What is the topic or subject of this reading assignment? What is the author writing about?

The author is writing about their stance on abortion. They think that abortion is wrong.

B. What is the author’s thesis statement? What is the main claim or point the author is trying to make or defend?

The thesis: An intended death of a fetus is morally wrong.

C. What is the author’s argument for this claim? If the author makes more than one main argument, summarize each one. In each case, be brief, but detailed.

Lee and George argue that intentional abortion is unjust and therefore immoral. They say “the burden of carrying the baby, for all its distinctness, is significantly less than the harm the baby would suffer by being killed; the mother and father have a special responsibility to the child; it follows that intentional abortion (even in the few cases where the baby’s death is an unintended but foreseen side effect) is unjust and
therefore objectively immoral.”

D. Does the author consider any objections or counterarguments to their claim or arguments? What are they? Does the author cite a source for the objections or counter arguments they consider? If so, what are they? Provide a brief but detailed summary of each counterargument or objection the author considers.

Yes, they do consider counterarguments to their claim. For instance, they discuss certain defenders of abortion have argued that in order to be a person, an entity must be self-aware (Singer, 1993; Tooley, 1983; Warren, 1984).

Another counter argument is that the being who is you or I came to be at conception, but
contends that you and I became valuable and bearers of rights only much later, when,
for example, we developed the proximate, or·immediately exercisable, capacity for

Another counter arguments they consider is that, abortion is not a case of intentionally killing the child, but a choice not to provide the
child with assistance, that is, a choice to expel (or “evict”) the child from the womb, despite the likelihood or certainty that expulsion (or “eviction”) will result in his or her death (Little, 1999; McDonagh, 1996; Thomson, 1971).

E. Does the author respond to these objections/counterarguments? If so, how. Provide a brief but detailed summary of each response.

Their response to the first counter argument
are that the embryo is human: it has the genetic
makeup characteristic of human beings. Third, and most importantly, the embryo is complete or whole organism, though immature.

Their response to the second counter argument was “we are living bodily entities. We can see this by examining the kinds of action that
we perform. If a living thing performs bodily actions, then it is a physical organism.”

Their response to the third counter argument was “we human beings have the special kind of value that makes us subjects of rights in virtue of what we are, not in virtue of some attribute that we acquire some time after we have come to be.”

F. In your view, does the author successfully argue for their thesis? Explain why or why not.

No, the author’s thesis is not successfully argued. I say this because I disagree that carrying the baby to full term would cause less harm than killing the baby. I believe that a woman should be able to decide whether she is emotionally, physically, or financially stable enough to carry out a full-term pregnancy

What have you learned by completing this course and how will you use what you have learned to work at dismantling racism?

Dismantling Racism

This is for a 6 week class called Dismantling Racism. It focuses on learning our implicit bias, how race is a social construct, educating ourselves on being a better ally and changing work place environment.

clearly answer the question, “What have you learned by completing this course and how will you use what you have learned to work at dismantling racism?”

reference by author’s last name and article page numbers at least three required articles from the class (full citations or a bibliography are not required). Please choose 3 out of the 4 sources uploaded to reference

Describe in detail three of the stages-Quality of writing-Accurately diagram the process

The criminal justice process stages from arrest through final appeal.

Map (diagram) the criminal justice process stages from arrest through final appeal. You may use a simple flow chart or you may choose another type of chart to diagram.

After diagramming, take three of the stages and explain them in detail. This assignment is worth fifteen percent of your final grade, so please ensure you produce high quality graduate work. Ensure you properly Bluebook your resources.

The grading criteria is:

Accurately diagram the process (40%)

Describe in detail three of the stages (40%)

Quality of writing (10%)

Proper Bluebook citations (10%)

A paragraph for each  of the three stages you discuss and a simple diagram

Identify a topic of interest to you within your concentration, and write two or three sentences that briefly articulate this subject

Article Analysis 1.B

Identify a topic of interest to you within your concentration, and write two or three sentences that briefly articulate this subject. Then generate bibliographic entries for all three articles— typing these in appropriate and correct bibliographic style. You
should consider and survey all three articles, but you are required to read
closely and thoroughly only one article. (The article titled ” The Psychological State of Teachers during the COVID- 19 Crisis: The Challenge of Returning to Face-to-Face Teaching” should be the article you read closely). Select one of the articles as your
focus: (The article titled ” The Psychological State of Teachers during the COVID- 19 Crisis: The Challenge of Returning to Face-to-Face Teaching” should be the article of focus).

Discuss one similarity, and one difference, between an evolutionary-based theory of emotion and a culture-based theory of emotion

Written Assignment 2

Please number your answers. Four to six sentences per answer please. Concise, accurate, relevant to the question, easy to understand.

1. Discuss one similarity, and one difference, between an evolutionary-based theory of emotion and a culture-based theory of emotion. 4-6 sentences each, citing from text and readings as needed.

2. Think of a time when you felt a strong emotion. What brought it on? Did you follow the cultural rules for the experience and expression of this emotion? If so, what rules were they, and what would have happened if you had not followed them? If not, what made it difficult to follow these rules?

What is your favorite print media and why? – What do you find effective about it? – How do you use it?

After watching posted for Lesson 2, and reading the articles as well, think about:
• What is your favorite print media and why?
• What do you find effective about it?
• How do you use it?
• What would you do to improve it?
• If you were to design your own print media, what would it be?
Write a 350 word paper about your rationale.

What is the goal of your product?- Who are you building this product for?-What specific problem is it going to solve for your users?

Define what product you will build for your final project.

In doing so, answer the following questions in as much detail as possible:
1. What is the goal of your product?
2. Who are you building this product for?
3. What specific problem is it going to solve for your users?
4. How are you going to deliver this product? (Is it a smartphone app or website?)

Feel free to further elaborate on the rationale for your product, but at the very least, these questions should be answered.

whats fusarium head blight (FHB)-what is modeling plant disease

Models to forecast the risk of fusarium head blight

-whats fusarium head blight (FHB)
-economic importance of the disease
-what is modeling plant disease
-approaches in a modeling plant disease
-significance of modeling

What are the consequences of the social inequality for the people experiencing it? How does it impact their life outcomes or opportunities?

social science

(Book called social science on introduction to the study of society 27th edition) (300 words needed)

Find a NEWS article that addresses a recent example of social inequality. It can involve any form of inequality discussed in the book, such as race or ethnicity, gender, class, etc. (A news article is an article from a media source like a newspaper or magazine such as the New York Times, FOX, The Washington Post, VICE, etc. that addresses a current event. It does not include sources like Wikipedia, eHow, dictionaries, academic journals, or other information websites.)

Write a minimum 300 word essay that answers the following questions:

Based on the article you chose, how is the social inequality described? How does it relate to the forms of stratification discussed in the book?

According to the article, what are the consequences of the social inequality for the people experiencing it? How does it impact their life outcomes or opportunities?

How can the form of social inequality be addressed so we can move towards a more fair and just society?