
How do you see the structure of markets (feel free to select one specific market or industry of your interest) post-pandemic?

Application of managerial decisions for a better society

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, many scholars are hoping that this natural crisis might help individuals and governments change their decisions towards more inclusive and sustainable policies.

1) How do you see the structure of markets (feel free to select one specific market or industry of your interest) post-pandemic?

2) Are we (consumers, producers, and governments) prepared for the inevitable next disaster?

Consider discussing inclusion, equity, diversity, and sustainable policies

Why do we engage in apologetics (chapter 1 in Gould)? What is the relationship of truth to knowledge and faith (chapter 2 in Gould)?

Discussion: Introduction to Apologetics

The student will complete two discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of at least 400 words. There are two parts to each prompt, so approximately half of the 400 words should be dedicated to each part. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least one scholarly citation for each prompt part. Be sure to avoid extended quotes. These citations must be in the current Turabian format. Each reply must incorporate at least one scholarly citation in the current Turabian format, also while avoiding extended quotes. Acceptable sources include the textbooks and the Bible.

Answer the following questions:

Why do we engage in apologetics (chapter 1 in Gould)?

What is the relationship of truth to knowledge and faith (chapter 2 in Gould)?
In your thread, give a cohesive response to those 2 questions. Your thread must incorporate the following topics from your assigned reading:

A definition of apologetics that is supported by biblical and practical reasons for doing apologetics (chapter 1 in Gould)
A definition of truth that indicates the relationship of truth to knowledge as well as to faith (chapter 2 in Gould)

Which problems are illustrated in the video? How do you relate those problems to either adverse selection or moral hazard?

Externalities and Incentives: The Economics of COVID

The latter is current as we face a historic health epidemic. Watch the video and share your inputs as you relate to the two questions below.

1) Which problems are illustrated in the video? How do you relate those problems to either adverse selection or moral hazard?

2) Are you satisfy with the solutions provided to solve the problems mentioned in the video clip? Do you have other suggestions? Elaborate

Link to the video:

Do the theories you selected differ on the roles of nature versus nurture? Does one theory favor one role to a greater degree than the other? Or is one more neutral in regard to the role of nature and nurture?

4-2 Project One Milestone

As you can see, each theory makes certain assumpons about the origins of personality. Depending on the theory, the focus
can be on unconscious movators, unmet needs, social forces, acceptance by your parents, biology, or your predominant
tendencies or traits. If you find yourself following only one parcular theory or approach, you might develop tunnel vision. You
might miss observaons, inferences, and conclusions that don’t fit the assumpons of your chosen theory. That is why it is
important to be aware of more than one theory, while acknowledging how they compare and contrast. Understanding the
differences between theories will allow you to acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of each theory. It will also allow you
to think of the person on different levels.
For this assignment, you will compare and contrast two personality theories or approaches from the personality theory list. For
example, humanisc psychology and psychoanalyc theory are almost polar opposites so these are easier to contrast, yet there
are some commonalies, too. The choice of which two personalies or approaches to compare is up to you. This milestone
prepares you for Project One, due in Module Six.
Personality Theories and Approaches
Humanisc psychology
Psychoanalyc theory
NeoFreudian/object relaons theory
Trait approach
Biological perspecve
To begin your milestone, first select two personality theories from the list provided that you think contrast in meaningful ways.
Next, use your Project One Milestone Template to address the following rubric criteria:
1. Idenfy which two theories or approaches you will compare and contrast and explain why you chose them. Your
response should be about 2 to 4 sentences.
2. Describe how your two chosen theories differ by selecng 3 topics from A through G below. Your response for each
topic should be about 3 to 5 sentences.
A. Scien�fic nature
Do the theories you selected differ on their scien�fic nature? Is one theory more scien�fic? Consider the
techniques used to collect informaon and devise theories.
Jusfy your response.
B. Nature versus nurture
Do the theories you selected differ on the roles of nature versus nurture? Does one theory favor one
role to a greater degree than the other? Or is one more neutral in regard to the role of nature and
Jusfy your response.
C. Origin of problems
Do the theories you selected differ in their determinaon of the origin of mental health or adjustment
Jusfy your response.
D. Pathology
Do the theories you selected differ in the emphasis on the pathology of problems versus focusing on
thriving and finding meaning in life? Or is one theory more neutral on the role of pathology versus
Jusfy your response.
E. Free will
Do the theories you selected differ on the role of free will? Does one theory do a beer job of conveying

G. Internal versus external smuli
Do the theories you selected favor the role of internal or external smuli more? Do they define behavior
as more acve or reacve?
Jusfy your response.
3. Describe at least one similarity between your two selected theories. Your response should be about 3 to 5 sentences.

Identify any areas of weakness, concern, or uncertainty experienced this week. What did you do and what would you now do differently, if anything.

Reflection on school counseling internship/practicum

  1. Describe some of the activities you have been involved in during the week. Especially identify group and individual work, direct and non-direct services.


  1. Identify 2-3 concepts learned or insights gained this week.


  1. Identify any areas of weakness, concern, or uncertainty experienced this week. What did you do and what would you now do differently, if anything.


  1. Reflect on your experiences of the week. Did any affect you either as a person or as a professional counselor?

. What do I already know about my topic?- What are my feelings toward this topic? – What do my readers already know?- What are my readers’ feelings toward the topic?

COLL300 research questions, thesis statement and rhetorical analysis

Write three of your research questions here (remember that, if the question can be answered by YES or NO, it is a closed-ended question that does not invite discussion and so should be revised):

Question 1.

Question 2.

Question 3.

Write your thesis statement here (one complete sentence that is not a question):

Write paragraphs that respond to the questions below:

1. What is my purpose in writing this paper?

2. What do I already know about my topic? What are my feelings toward this topic?

3. What do my readers already know? What are my readers’ feelings toward the topic?

4. What do my readers need to know to understand my point?

5. What information do I need to research and add to my paper?

Begin by looking at the research question(s) which triggered this thesis statement. Then explain your purpose (passing the course is not the purpose here). Your thesis statement is a good place to start, but you need to go a bit further. Are you trying to inform, entertain, persuade, or do something else? Consider the “audience take-away.” What do you want your readers to know, feel, or believe when they finish reading your research paper? A clear understanding of your purpose will help you decide what information to include in your paper and how to organize your paper.

Is universal coverage available? How is the health system financed? How do people pay for healthcare?

Cultural Analysis—Economic Influences

Write a succinct one-page summary about the economics of the culture you would like to focus on.

–> What is the leading industry in the country and in the specific culture?
–> What is the average annual income for the country and the specific culture?
–> Is universal coverage available? How is the health system financed? How do people pay for healthcare?
–> Are there an adequate number of healthcare providers and what is the quality of care received?

Each culture will be different and often times data must be extrapolated from regional and national information available. IMP: CULTURE YOU NEED TO FOCUS ON IS “PUNJABIS IN INDIA”

. How are you supporting your ELLs during school closure? What social, cultural, and emotional factors impact their learning?

Supporting ESOL Students During Remote Learning

Read this article, titled How to Manage ESL/ELL Students During Remote Learning by Sascha Zuger (July 2021)

Analyze how to best support ELLs during distance learning.

Create a thread on the Blackboard discussion forum and post your reflection. How are you supporting your ELLs during school closure? What social, cultural, and emotional factors impact their learning? How can you assist them? Include some of the information presented in the article.

Title your thread Social, Cultural, and Emotional Factors that Impact Second Language Learning. Watch your spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.

Describe your current qualifications for this position including education, skill, abilities, and work experience.


Please answer the following questions under the question. Don’t write it all in
one paragraph.
If hired, will be able to support the Whole Woman’s Health mission, vision, and philosophy?
We are here to transform how our patients experience healthcare.
We have a holistic, patient-centered approach to healthcare. We understand that people experience
medical issues with their whole selves: often including their families, their beliefs, their history and
their dreams for the future. We listen to our patients, trust them, and are here to guide them through
their choices.
We are healthcare providers specializing in holistic, patient-centered care. It is our mission to
welcome and treat the whole person – head, heart and body. We provide medical expertise,
education, counseling, informed consent, and trust. We honor our patients hopes and dreams in all
of the care that we provide.
Are you legally eligible for employment in the United States without any form of work authorization,
visa, or other immigration sponsorship? Yes
Describe your interest in this role.
Describe your current qualifications for this position including education, skill, abilities, and
work experience.
Highest Level of Education Completed
Please list any certifications or training you have obtained relevant to the positions you are
applying (for example: CPR, RN License)
Are you fluent in Spanish?
Have you ever been employed before at Whole Woman’s Health? If so please provide date(s)
of past employment and position(s)

What does this image say about the economic values of a particular culture?-Is there a religious influence in this image?-How about viewing it through an ecocriticism lens?

 Literary Criticism Theory Application

For our discussion this week, let’s see how well you understand literary criticism approaches by examining an image. Take a look at the image below from the cover of a book based on Perrault’s Cinderella or The Little Glass Slipper. Decide upon one or more of the lenses/approaches (Links to an external site.) from which to view this image. (ex.- How might a feminist view this image? What does this image say about the economic values of a particular culture? Is there a religious influence in this image?How about viewing it through an ecocriticism lens?) I would like to see as many approaches as possible discussed throughout this discussion from our large class so refer to the previous slides within this week’s module.

DO NOT SUMMARIZE the plot of the tale. There is no text here, so only interpret based on what you see through that lens.

Begin by identifying the lens/approach you are using, see the Purdue OWL (Links to an external site.).
Briefly define it and then discuss your criticism of the image through that lens.
Simply restating what someone else has said in a different way will not earn you any points. Sure, you may use the same approach as another classmate, but your stance and analysis must differ.
Also, responding to others’ posts by simply telling them what a great job they did in their initial post will also earn no points.
Respond to others’ posts by challenging or furthering their critical approach, not just that it’s interesting or done well. Continue to extend their lens further or question their interpretation and then offer an alternative:)