
How is “good” determined? Explain in one or two sentences what the theory argues is the correct way to determine what is right.

Complete the Ethical Theories Comparison Chart

Over the course of thousands of years, various theories have been offered to explain the best way to determine what is ethical. The search for “good” or correct actions and thoughts has provided several strong approaches that are actively used today. While all of the various ethical theories seek to lead one to being ethical, they differ on how this should be accomplished. Each approach has its own strengths and weaknesses. It is important to understand these differences when analyzing ethical decisions from various perspectives.

For this Assignment, you are to add to the chart you constructed in Units 2, 3, and 5 by adding Ross’ prima facie duties and ethics of care. As with the other chart assignments, you will be providing the following for prima facie duties and ethics of care, using your own words:

How is “good” determined? Explain in one or two sentences what the theory argues is the correct way to determine what is right. This is the main argument of the theory in a nutshell.
Most Noted Philosopher(s): Name the philosopher or philosophers most closely associated with the theory.
Major Strengths: Using phrases or sentences, list at least two major strengths that are specific to that theory.
Major Weaknesses: Using phrases or sentences, list at least two major weaknesses that are specific to that theory.
You may format the chart any way you wish to include all of the required elements. This is your final submission of the Ethics Chart.

What is the name of the policy/law you found on- What is the policy law-What is your purpose in doing this memo

The Mental Ill Proposal with the NYPD:

NYPD to be trained on handling the mental ill distressed people when called.

What is the name of the policy/law you found on
What is the policy law
Give me an example of the issues with the policy/law
What is your purpose in doing this memo

Do not forget your references

Do you think there is anything rebellious in this story?-Write a 500-word or more response essay

Gregor Samsa’s three attempts to return to humanity

Write a 500-word or more response essay discussing Gregor Samsa’s three attempts to return to humanity. First, acknowledge that there were three attempts—they begin when Samsa opens the bedroom door—then, explain them. Give examples of how Kafka combines the physical responses of an insect with the emotions of a human being. Tell me how Kafka shows Samsa as an outsider, a person who understands but who is not understood. Do you think there is anything rebellious in this story?


What established the system of checks and balances? Who are the players? What happens if the system breaks down?

Emer mgmt discussions

week 1
1) What established the system of checks and balances? Who are the players? What happens if the system breaks down?

2) Some political scientists say, “Local governments are the creatures of the states.” What does this mean? What does it mean about relations between the federal government and local governments?



Discuss the domestic use of military troops in emergency management?


What impact did the Holocaust have upon non- Jews? Was Hitler instrumental in the Holocaust or not? Who was responsible?


The proposal should be at least 300 words and should include the topic, a thesis statement, a general overview, proposed sources, the relationship to the course and readings, and how the proposed thesis makes a historiographical argument. The proposal must be posted to the Assignments list as a Word document for grading.

By the end of week 3, please post your assignment, a research paper proposal in the discussion area. Please post the text of your proposal into the text area of discussion rather than an attachment. The proposal should include the topic and a general overview, proposed sources, the relationship to the course and readings, and how the proposed thesis makes a historiographical argument.

PAPER SHOULD BE CITED IN Chicago Manual of Style footnotes


The scope of this course is to trace the origins, chronology, and events of the Holocaust in Nazi Germany, to examine the NSDAP’s (Nationalsozialistische Deutscher Arbeiter Partei, or National Socialist German Workers’ Party, hence Nazi) early years after World War I through 1945, its impact upon society, government, laws, methods, actions, policies, including mass murder and conquest. Students will examine, discuss, and analyze several main issues, such as: Was the average German knowledgeable or even accepting of Nazi policies and actions? How did the Nazis plan and execute the Holocaust? Was the Holocaust well planned and executed, or did it simply evolve as a by-product of World War II? What impact did the Holocaust have upon non- Jews? Was Hitler instrumental in the Holocaust or not? Who was responsible? We will also examine the historiographical debate surrounding the ideas of functionalism and intentionalism. This course contributes to the graduate degree program in that it provides examination of the Holocaust as part of World War II Nazi Germany but also as part of World War II and the Holocaust on a global scale. Assignments in the form of discussions, a book examination, and a research paper will serve as learning activities and as assessment measures based on the course learning objectives.

Describe various leadership theories and how they apply to criminal justice.


Course Objectives #2, #4, and #6 below:

#2: Develop a case study pertaining to a successful leader in a criminal justice related profession.

#4: Describe various leadership theories and how they apply to criminal justice.

#6: Provide valid arguments for and against identified ethical issues in criminal justice leadership.


Individual Process Recording

Write up a verbatim account of an interview/session with a client as soon as possible after the meeting. Write about an interaction that was problematic, difficult, or anxiety-provoking since these will provide an excellent learning experience for you, though in general, account for as much of the exchange as possible.



How would you describe this interview? Did it go well or were there any problems you encountered? Please describe:








Evaluate your interactions with the client and explain the interventions used (refer to theories and skills learned; strengths perspective, PROP lens, systems theory, ecological perspective, and all of your micro skills covered in classes 4 and 5)









What will you do next?






4.     What did you learn?




Individual Process Recording Worksheet

Account of Interview/Session (after meeting) Fill out the first three columns for one major interaction.

Client Said Student Said Student’s Thoughts/Feelings Field Instructor’s Comment


Describe and discuss how at least three different institutional agents of socialization influenced this particular value or belief at the core of your self-concept.

Self in Society

In this 3-5 page (700+ words) paper, you will describe and analyze how institutional agents of socialization influenced a core value or belief at the core of your self-concept. The objectives of this assignment are to demonstrate your understanding of the concept of the ‘self,’ how the self is construed through socialization, and how social institutions influence our self-concept.


Identify one core value or belief that defines your “self.” Refer back to Lesson 3 discussions to identify a value or belief at the core of your self-concept.
Describe and discuss how at least three different institutional agents of socialization influenced this particular value or belief at the core of your self-concept.
In Lesson 3 discussions you examined how social group agents of socialization (i.e., your family and friends) shaped a core value or belief of your self-concept. In this paper, think broader about how social institutions (including school, work, mass media [and social media], religion, the legal system, economic system, medicine, etc.) influenced or impacted this value/belief in your life. These institutions may have influenced you via experience with or participation in these institutions, the way the institutions operate and/or are structured, by way of changes in the ways institutions operate or are structured, and more. Employ your sociological imagination and think about the ways that society influenced this value–try to think above and beyond individual interactions to how the way that society is organized and structured influence(d) your value/belief. (A good exercise is to imagine yourself in a different time period or culture because then you can see institutional influences that we take for granted in the here and now.)
Identify, briefly define/discuss, and apply the following concepts in your analysis of this value: self, sociological imagination, agents of socialization, and self-fulfilling prophecy (or labeling).
Be sure to include full reference citations for every resource invoked in your paper (even assigned readings and videos—There should be at least 2 references to course materials in your paper.

Why don’t you go concur the world ? Why don’t you try harder? Why don’t you stand on your ground?

Journal Week 5

What does it mean to be white in America? Being American has different implication for people specially depending on their ethnicity. Why don’t you go concur the world ? No white man is standing between you and your dreams. Why don’t you try harder? Why don’t you stand on your ground? I’ve encountered this attitude many times specially from white people. As if it’s hard for white people to view the world from other perspectives and truth to be told, they never had to because it’s a white men’s world. People of color know exactly what it feels to view the world from a white man view because they encounter racism so many times. They are aware how they think about people from different races. It’s hard to understand others when the world is set up to be yours. As a white man, you’re already a ahead of the game when you come into his world just because of the color of your skin and that is, my friend, privilege. But what does it take for us, as human beings, to try and understand each other and validate each other’s experiences and views in life? It’s important to understand our experiences in this world is not absolute.

It is for sure a terrifying to think we live in a world that your kid as a teenager can get killed by the police. We don’t want to believe it and we don’t want to think about it because it makes us feel unsafe. But the fact is that most African American households have to talk to their teenage boys about how to act around the police and public in general just to stay alive.  Our experiences as Americans can be drastically different because of racism in this country. Life in America has been set up in a way to give a push for whites and give setbacks to others, especially black people. There has been systemically oppression when it comes to certain races in America and that simply can’t be ignored. Racism is not a switch that we can turn off in a day. Just because people have the right to vote doesn’t mean everything is fixed. Racism is systematic problem in this country, it is imbedded in everything and anything.  It takes awareness, openness, and venerability to understand that our experiences in this life is not the same. It also takes courage to come out of your comfort zone and to validate other experiences and feelings so we can have a country in which everyone has an equal chance to succeed.

Do people have expectation of privacy in a public setting? Is a university dorm room a public or private setting? Explain your view.


This is a discussion post, no need to be a formal APA paper.

Read the news summary below. A link to a more detailed overview follows if you feel you need additional information.

A Rutgers University freshman, named Tyler Clementi, committed suicide by jumping off the George Washington Bridge after his roommate, Dharun Ravi, secretly broadcast (via a spycam) Clementi kissing a date he had brought back to the dorm. Ravi was convicted of bias intimidation and violation of privacy in New Jersey; Ravi received a 30-day jail sentence and three years of probation.

Broadcasting video images can be considered “speech” as we understand it today. Commentators characterized the broadcast of live video as hate speech as it conveyed homophobic ridicule of Clementi.

Link to article:

As your main post, address the following scenario-based questions:

Should behavior, such as Ravi’s, be punished, whether by the University or the state government?

How would define free speech? Is Ravi’s behavior ethically defensible as an exercise of free speech?

Do people have expectation of privacy in a public setting? Is a university dorm room a public or private setting? Explain your view.