
It Takes More Than Good Looks to succeed at Television News Reporting

What you think about his tips, tricks and ideas.
What has caught your eye?
What does he do that you might want to consider doing for your own work?
What impressed you about the pages you’ve read.
What has struck a chord in you thus far?
You should use the text and cite page numbers or chapters; you might include brief quotes from the book, and since all the stories are also available on Youtube, you can make references to those too in your essay.

Why – why this assignment?

Freedman is a terrific storyteller who expresses himself well in both print and on video. You too are burgeoning storytellers. His tips and tricks are less about a dusty old text and more from real life-lessons on the streets.

His stories are profiles, always featuring people. He uses characters wisely and well to engage his audience, to give them someone they can relate to, or have empathy for.

Are you doing (thinking) the same way. Maybe, you should?

For goodness sake, be sure to proofread your work and use spellcheck and

Come up with another specific example of how people may interpret reality in different ways.

Does Epidemiologic Theory Exist

Once you have completed the reading, please respond to the following questions:

  1. In a couple of different places in the reading, Krieger mentions that one of the core assumptions of science (and the creation of theory) is that there is a commonly shared biophysical world. This refers to the idea that there is a real, physical world outside of us and that we all participate in it together. This is in contrast to the idea that there is no “real” world outside of us and everything we experience is just a figment of our imaginations. Krieger notes that while it is commonly accepted that there is a shared reality, we all participate in together, “this assumption does notpresume this referent reality is commonly perceived or understood by all individuals” (23). In other words, just because we all participate in a shared reality does not mean that we all perceive it the same. She gives three examples: color-blindness, interpretations of what it means when the sun sets, and how people define race. Please come up with another specific example of how people may interpret reality in different ways.
  2. Krieger also states that “scientific observation is not a passive phenomenon: what we ‘see’ and apprehend depends on the ideas we have about [what] we expect—and do not expect—to ‘see’ (24). This is a very important point and helps to explain why a lot of scientific research and theory creation perpetuates racism, sexism, and other forms of oppression. Please explain what this means in your own words and come up with a specific example of how this could perpetuate racism, sexism, or another form of oppression in scientific research. 
  3. On page 31, Krieger writes about the “mandate of epidemiology,” noting it is not one that is necessarily shared with other social sciences (like sociology). This mandate suggests that the purpose of epidemiology “is to create knowledge relevant to improving population health and preventing unnecessary suffering, including eliminating health inequities.” Please reflect on this statement and explain how it applies to sociological research. There isn’t a correct answer to this question. I am just asking you to explain how you understand the purpose of sociological research or, rather, what you think the purpose ought to be.
  4. Based on what you learned from this reading, please explain what the role of theory is in scientific research.

Write a short synopsis of what is happening in the song. AND, explain why this song is significant during the time period it was composed.

Folk Music

For our use, we will use the following working definitions of Folk Music:

1. Music that arises principally in rural areas and is passed down by oral tradition, is performed mainly by amateur musicians, is widely known at all levels of society, and is usually regarded as typical of a nation or ethnic group. Students of folk music must study popular music also because it draws material from folk music, transmits it back to folk groups, and contributes material to the oral tradition. — David Evans, Big Road Blues, 1983.

2. 2. Music written by specific songwriters that suggests folk music in its mode of performance, instrumentation, subject matter, or tonal and rhythmic style. The straightforward songwriting of contemporary coffeehouse folk music. — Richie Unterberger, Music USA, 1999.

Assignment Instructions: This assignment will give you the opportunity to discover – at a basic entry level — the music of some prolific American Folk Singer/Songwriters. Popular artists include (but are not limited to): Ma Rainey, Leadbelly, Blind Lemon Jefferson, Hank Williams, Pete Seeger, Arlo Gutherie, Woody Gutherie, Bob Dylan, Tracy Chapman, Joni Mitchell, Janis Ian, Ani DiFranco, Joan Baez, The Carter Family, Tom Paxton, Peter Yarrow, Patty Griffin, Johnny Cash & Bill Monroe.

Choose one singer-songwriter from the list above. If you wish to go “off list”, you must clear this with your instructor BEFORE completing the assignment. Put your name in parentheses next to the singer-songwriter’s name.
Provide a short biography of the singer-songwriter. Include date of birth, the style of music he/she was most well known for + provide a synopsis of their contributions to folk music.
Research one culturally significant song written and/or performed by the artist. Study the lyrics carefully. You must choose a piece of music that comments on happenings in American culture or history. This is a critical component in the genre of Folk Music. Provide a functioning hyperlink for the song in your submission. (I want to listen to your song while reading your work!).
Clarification example: “Both Sides Now” is a wonderful song composed by folk artist Joni Mitchell. However, the lyrics do not reflect what was happening in American culture at the time. Rather, it is simply a song about love. Therefore, this piece is not an appropriate example for this assignment.

Include a hyperlink to the song that you have chosen.
Write a short synopsis of what is happening in the song. AND, explain why this song is significant during the time period it was composed. (5-8 sentences)
Briefly discuss what was happening in American history at the time this singer/songwriter was composing this music. (3-5 sentences)
How does the song you chose reflect the definitions of folk music? Explain. (3-5 sentences)
Evaluation – Completion of all requirements, accuracy in the content, thoroughly supported responses, functioning URL, professional presentation in spelling, grammar, format, and appearance on the Canvas site.

What does the term “Gilded Age “ refer to? Was that an apt moniker for this time period ? Why or why not?

Gilded age

What does the term “Gilded Age “ refer to? Was that an apt moniker for this time period ? Why or why not? Explain with examples.

Will the article or resource provide you with enough information to write an appropriate summary? Have you had enough variety in your topics, sources, etc.?

Essay 4.1

Post the summary of one recent news article, video, podcast, or other online media relevant to religion. Each summary should include a link to the article or resource. When selecting your article or resource, please consider the source and use good judgment. Also, in terms of news articles, please make sure the article is recent (within the last several weeks).

Editorials are fine as well. In cases of other media or resources not reporting on recent news, the source does not have to be as recent, only relevant and interesting enough to serve as the topic of your summary. Some questions to consider: Is the source (and therefore the information) reputable? Will the article or resource provide you with enough information to write an appropriate summary? Have you had enough variety in your topics, sources, etc.? If summarizing an article, is the article recent? There are a variety of ways to approach your summaries, which may be determined in part by the article or resource.

Your summary should also include some level of personal or critical engagement with/reflection on the source. Your summary may do each or only some of the following things: provide several main points in the article, including the position of the author if presented or implied; identify and discuss questions or issues that come to mind as you review the material; articulate what you take to be significant or interesting about the piece; draw connections to something we have discussed in class, etc. If each of your summaries takes the same form, these assignments will, I imagine, grow incredibly tedious for you. This is certainly not the goal of the assignment.

Write in no more than 250 but longer than at least 200 words.

Why do you think teen use is so popular? What did you learn about these forms of abuse?

Db 3

Two common drugs of abuse for teens that are on the rise are 1) DXM (cough medicine) and 2) prescription medication. In thinking about these issues, why do you think teen use is so popular? What did you learn about these forms of abuse?

How do your communities contribute to and/or challenge white Protestant hegemony and anti-Black racism, xenophobia, and anti-Semitism?

Reflective Paper

You will write a reflective paper that compares and contrasts religious and racial prejudice in the 1920s to religious and racial prejudices in the communities of which you are part. How do your communities contribute to and/or challenge white Protestant hegemony and anti-Black racism, xenophobia, and anti-Semitism?
By focusing on the communities of which you are part, you will have the opportunity to begin to develop the ability to critically examine your own behavior in regards to diversity, equity, and inclusion concepts.
Before you begin writing your paper, you should make a list of your communities. Don’t just think of physical spaces such as the city of Indianapolis, your workplace, your domicile, or your favorite restaurant or religious congregation, but also of your social networks, your state, your nation, or sports team (go STL Cardinals!). In some cases, your membership in these communities is voluntary. In other cases, it may be coerced. Whatever the case, think of the communities that are important to your life.
Be sure to compose a thesis paragraph in which you include a thesis statement about how the religious and racial prejudices of the 1920s are similar to and/or different from those sustained or challenged by the communities of which you are part. Then, explain how you will prove your thesis, briefly outlining the evidence that you will use. Much of this may be personal observation, but it must be specific and detailed. You are welcome to use pseudonyms in order to protect people’s privacy and avoid any defamation. You should include citations of Gordon’s book, however, as you comparing the 1920s to today.

Define social entrepreneurship. What is the difference between social and mainstream entrepreneurship?

Discussion 4 – Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Chapter 6:
Apply and Experience
B.5. Look up the mission statement of a company of your choice and rewrite it by integrating responsible business considerations. Then rewrite the strategic objectives based on the new statement.

Chapter 7:
Remember and Understand
A.1. Define social entrepreneurship. What is the difference between social and mainstream entrepreneurship? Provide examples of each.

If you are where police chief of a jurisdiction, what policies would you implement in order to address the results of this report?

Crime Stat

For this assignment you are to write out a 2 page paper considering the following.

If you are where police chief of a jurisdiction, what policies would you implement in order to address the results of this report? What are the potential flaws of the data collected in this National Crime Victimization Survey?

For this assignment you are to use Times New Roman 12 pt. font using double spacing. Your paper should be at least 700 words or more (2 pages).

Find a type of media or product from which you think that it is stigmatizing or destigmatizing towards mental illness.

Mental illness.

You are asked to find a type of media or product from which you think that it is stigmatizing or destigmatizing towards mental illness. The material may be anything, from movie clips, to advertisement, social media, to newspaper articles or opinions, photos/stories, … as long as you have a good story about it for why and how it could be considered as being (de-)stigmatizing. Report should include the media material/product + story [max. 1 page]