
What are the different kinds of “silences” in Abrego’s article? Why does Abrego want us to think carefully about these silences?

Canvas in the SIP #7 assignment inbox.

Here’s the link to the video

Please submit your answers for all four questions to Canvas in the SIP #7 assignment inbox. Additionally, please copy and paste your answer to Question 4 into our class discussion thread for SIP #7. Do not paste all your answers into this discussion thread. Just share your answer to Question 4. Rationale: I want students to see what their classmates wrote for Question 4 as a springboard for discussion. (Remember to include Question 4 in your main SIP #7 submission that you give to me.)


Question 1. According the Al Jazeera video on YouTube, how did U.S. foreign policy in the 1980s contribute to the rise of Central American migration into the United States? Explain in 4-6 sentences, drawing in some detail from the video.

Note: Al Jazeera is a media network funded by the government of Qatar, although it has a reputation for objective, high-quality journalism.


Question 2. According to Buckaloo, what was wrong with Carter’s policy toward Nicaragua? What were the consequences of Carter’s missteps? Explain in 4-6 sentences, drawing in some detail from the article.


Question 3. What are the different kinds of “silences” in Abrego’s article? Why does Abrego want us to think carefully about these silences? Explain in 4-6 sentences, drawing in some detail from the article.


Question 4. What is something that you found surprising or puzzling while reading these articles or watching the video? Explain in 4-6 sentences and provide details or short quotations from at least one of the sources. **Remember to also paste Question 4 into our Canvas Discussion thread for SIP #7.

How do you feel about it? What do you want to explore? What questions do you have?


Read chapter 2 “Identities” in Everyday Women’s and Gender Studies. Reflect on a section, word, quote, or phrase that strikes you as interesting or provocative. In the style of a personal journal, write a reaction to or reflection of this reading. Is any of this new information to you? How do you feel about it? What do you want to explore? What questions do you have?

What action do you expect the audience to take?-Why should the audience care?

Analyze an image and discuss the context, significance, and the message it conveys to the audience.

• Topic:
o An iconic image or photograph with a global implication, significance, and meaning
 Suggestions:
• An image or picture in U.S. with social, cultural, political, historical impact on another country/ region in the world
• A significant image or picture in another country/ region in the world and its social, cultural, political, historical impact on U.S., other countries, or the rest of the world
• Two images or pictures of one issue/ event but in two different countries, regions in the world
• A significant global issue
• An issue with political, cultural, or social significant in another country other than U.S.
• UN, UNESCO, WHO website
• Major media and publications such as National Geography, Times, Vouge, …
 (Submit a copy/ picture of image with Rough draft and final draft)
• Format and length
o MLA format, in-text citation, works cited page
o 3 full pages
• Sources
o At least two credible sources (NO Wikipedia!) preferably from the library databases:
 > Topic overviews >
• “Opposing Viewpoints,”
• “Issues and Controversies,”
• CQ Researcher
• Credible, unbiased, objective media sources (found in library databases)
o New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, BBC, New Yorker, Economist, Associated Press, Foreign Affairs, Atlantic, Politico.
 United Nations, UNESCO, World Health Organization
 .gov and .edu sources
o NOTE: provides a brief explanation of the image; therefore, it should NOT be considered as one of the two required sources; you need more in-depth and complete sources.
Sample outline
• Paragraph # 1: Introduction:
o Introducing the issue and providing in-depth background information relevant to the topic.
 Origin (if possible, research and find out the location and circumstances of the picture and photographer/ publisher)
 Brief description, Audience, Context (social, historical, political, …)
o Developed, analytical Thesis: introduce the image and issue + meaning of the image (global implication/ significance/ purpose of the image)

• Body paragraphs
o Paragraph # 2:
 In-depth Description and Brief Analysis of the emotions the image evoks:
 Colors and shades, Objects and shapes, People and places
 Arrangement of elements on page, Foreground and background
 Words/ phrase
 Feelings that the image evokes in the audience
 Reason behind these choices/ arrangements/ ….
 In-depth descriptive details
 Analyze and discuss the emotional effects on the audience and the reason behind these choices
 Create a visual for the audience through description
o Paragraph # 3, 4, 5:
 Analysis of context, global implication & significance, major causes and consequences
 Social, historical, political context
 Major causes and consequences
 Global causes, effects, consequences, purpose, significance
o Reminder:
 While analyzing the elements and global significance/ purpose, relate the supporting details to the image
• Conclusion:
o The global significance of the issue
o So what:
 Why should the audience care?
 What action do you expect the audience to take?
 Any proposed solutions

• Apply Academic tone, word choices, and conventions
• Revise for grammatical and mechanical errors
• Apply MLA format, in-text citation, and works cited page

Discuss whether you think that these generic skills should form a greater part of an Accounting degree than has been your experience.


You are required to:

1. Identify and describe the generic or professional skills that employers require in the area of financial accounting. You should consult:

at least five academic journal articles, although eight articles will ensure better coverage of the research

Professional sources and books can be used in support, but not instead of academic articles, so you still need your FIVE ACADEMIC JOURNAL ARTICLES (AT LEAST!)

Draw some conclusions about the kind of skills employers require.

Please note that these skills do not include the technical skills concerning specialist knowledge of accounting rules and procedures and you should not consider skills of this kind in this coursework.

2. Select three of these skills and explain how the work you have done in modules taken in the area of financial accounting has helped you to acquire these skills.

You may include auditing modules in this area but not modules in management accounting, finance or taxation.

If you are a credit entry student you can refer to your previous studies in financial accounting and the learning outcomes that are relevant to achieving these skills.

You can include this module, Financial Accounting Theory.

3. Discuss whether you think that these generic skills should form a greater part of an Accounting degree than has been your experience.

What is a storybook you might use that connects to this lesson?-How does the teacher assess student learning? Are there opportunities for students to self-assess?

Discussion Board 2: Reflecting on a Differentiated Lesson

Use detailed notes from the video, what you have learned from class discussions, and Week 4 and 5 articles to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the learning target for the lesson?
  2. Describe how the teacher implements the three phases of a lesson (Launch, Explore, and Summarize)
  3. How does the teacher assess student learning? Are there opportunities for students to self-assess?
  4. How is the lessons differentiated?
  5. What is a storybook you might use that connects to this lesson?

What is the nurse executive’s role in promoting a culture of diversity and inclusion? How can this be accomplished?

Diverse and inclusive culture

Drawing on your reading assignment for the week, answer the following:

How can the presence of a diverse and inclusive culture improve recruitment and retention?
In assessing the culture of a healthcare organization, what would you look for as evidence of an inclusive culture?
Describe the current culture you work in related to diversity and inclusion.
Does your current organization provide education and training on diversity and inclusion? If so, in what format?
What is the nurse executive’s role in promoting a culture of diversity and inclusion? How can this be accomplished?

Support your work with professional references.

(CO 2 and CO 3)


You must provide a reference for either each OR the entire posting. Please use APA for your reference citation. You must always apply your assigned readings plus other readings. You will also have citations in the text of your responses as well as references at the end of your responses.

Your initial or first posting will be due by Wednesday at 2400 EST and your last posting will be due by Sunday at 2400 EST. You must post an initial posting and at least one additional posting.

Do you think that Descartes is right? Do you think that all persons can be reduced to the description Descartes gives?

Philosophical essay

Topics for Paper #2:
Below are 4 possible paper topics. Pick just one as the subject of your paper and write a short philosophical essay on it (see the philosophical writing guide in Unit One for helpful writing tips.) Your essay should be argumentative, and your conclusion should be announced somewhere near the beginning of your paper.

1. In Book I of his Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle argues that the highest human good must be both complete and self-sufficient. Define each condition carefully. What, specifically, do each of these standards mean? How can we be sure that a good that meets both conditions is the highest human good? Is it possible for a good to meet both conditions yet fail to be the highest human good? Explain.

2. Aristotle believes that when things are fulfilling their function well, they are “good” and achieve the “excellence” proper to the sort of thing they are. For example, a knife may be either good or bad. It is good if it has the excellence of cutting well, because cutting is the function of a knife. So, a knife that cuts well is a good knife. This is easy to determine in the case of things (artifacts), but it sounds odd to ask what the function of a human being is. How does Aristotle go about determining and assessing the function of a human being? (Hint: Be sure to consider the kind of being a human is. How are humans different from plants and animals? What are their most basic natural capacities?)

3. In his “Letter to Menoeceus,” Epicurus argues that death is not bad for the one who dies. (It may be bad for other people, but Epicurus is not here concerned with that case.) What is Epicurus’ argument for that conclusion? Give his specific reasons for thinking that death is not bad for the one who dies. Set these out as clearly as you can. Then, when you have done that, try to formulate a criticism of this argument: take up the position of someone who thinks that death can be bad for the one who dies, and try to figure out where (if anywhere) in his argument Epicurus went wrong. (Tip: Try to think of a case where being dead is bad for the one who dies, then explain how that shows Epicurus’ argument to be flawed if indeed it is.)

4. Having established that he exists, Descartes remarks in Meditation II (AT 25), “But I do not yet know sufficiently clearly what I am …” What does he decide he is and how? As carefully as you can, reconstruct Descartes’ arguments for his conclusion. Do you think that Descartes is right? Do you think that all persons can be reduced to the description Descartes gives?

Identify a specific problem or a potential problem or an area for analysis.-Analyze current research.

Combining the leadership styles

Introduction – Discussion begins with a summary of the purpose statement that leads to a brief explanation of the logical organization of the literature review. Include a paragraph that explains the literature search strategy and describes the sources.

Identify the themes or sub-topics around which the literature review has been organized into a coherent narrative discussion. Theoretical or conceptual framework(s) related to the study are presented. Historical research as well as the most recent research related to the topic of study is present. Discussion has depth and presents a critical analysis and synthesis of the literature that provides a context for the dissertation study. Discussion of conflicting findings and/or theoretical positions causing intellectual tension in the field is included. Discussion is comprehensive, organized, and flows logically. Use themes and/or subtopics as headings.

Summary discussion summarizes key points presented in chapter 2 and supporting citations are given for key points. Contradictions and uncertainties that support the need for the proposed study are highlighted.

Tip: Approximately 25-40 pages, depending on topic area. Please note the literature review will contain several sub-headings that will be specific to your doctoral project. You want to include the most recent research in your literature review. The literature review is comprised of 80-100 different sources supporting the study. When conducting the literature review the most recent literature on the topic should be presented. Candidates should strive for 85% of sources within the past 10 years and 40% within the last 5 years with the majority of sources being scholarly, peer-reviewed sources.

Activity Outcomes
Identify a specific problem or a potential problem or an area for analysis.
Formulate research questions.
Assess the literature in addressing your research question.
Analyze current research.
Present scholarly research findings of doctoral project.
Acquire skills and motivation for lifelong higher-level learning and achievements.
Practices ethical behavior in regard to information and information technology.

Discuss one thing that Continental Congress could do and one that Congress could not do under the articles of confederation

All the information for the essay is found in the modules. Please use the definitions from the modules to define the concepts from the outline.

After obtaining its independence, the newly freed American states decided to create a new government. In fact, they wrote a constitution named “the Articles of Confederation.” However, this first form of government did not really work in our country. Therefore, the framers of the constitution decided to write a new document. In order to have a better understanding of our current government and constitution it is essential to know why our government emerged, the document that established rules in our first government, the type of government that we first had and its failure, our new government and constitution. Please finish your essay by comparing and contrasting the articles of confederation with the U.S. Constitution.
Address the following concepts in your essay:
a) Define social contract (1 point)
b) Define constitution (1 point)
c) Define confederation (1 point)
d) Provide two characteristics of the articles of confederation (1 point)
e) Discuss one thing that Continental Congress could do and one that Congress could not do under the articles of confederation (1 point)
f) Provide at least two reasons about why the document (articles of confederation) failed (1 point)
g) Discuss Shay’s rebellion (1 point)
h) Define Representative and Direct democracy (2 points)
i) Define Majestic Vagueness (1 point)
j) Define the concept of Separation of powers and list the branches (1 point)
k) Define the concept of checks and balances (1 point)
l) Checks and balances (provide one way in which each branch checks on each other) (3 points)
m) Compare and contrast the articles of confederation with the U.S. constitution (4 points -2 similarities and 2 differences)
n) The assignment is written in an essay form, it is grammatically correct and sources are cited correctly (1 point)
Total points: 20

What is your personal opinion of the study conducted?-What are the pertinent results of the manipulation?

Interventions for Imposters

Find an article published in the last seven (7) years in an academic, peer-reviewed journal related to clinical or counseling (e.g., Journal of Social Psychology). The article should describe, specifically, an experiment or empirical study by the researchers. This means that the researchers conducted a study that contains easily identifiable independent and dependent variables.

Please use attached article: Students’ critical incidents of fairness in classroom assessment: an empirical study

Amrendra Kumar Singh. (2019). What Impostors Phenomenon and Fear of Success talk about Indian School Education?: An Empirical Study. Cхід, 5(163), 48–59.

Prepare a 1-2 page summary of the article in your own words.  Be sure to address the following questions in your summary:

  • What is the purpose of the research? (Address specifics regarding the overall purpose of the research in question.)
  • What hypothesis is tested? (Provide a clear statement of the researchers’ prediction.)
  • How did the researchers investigate their research question? (Provide details regarding the study methodology.)
  • What are the pertinent results of the manipulation? (What were the findings and conclusions drawn?)
  • What is your personal opinion of the study conducted? Should it be repeated?  What could be improved?
  • What is your overall impression of the work? What are the implications of the study?

Your summary should be written as a coherent essay (do not format as a list of answers to these questions). You may include additional insights in your analysis, but you must address these key issues