
What are the emerging trends identified in the report?-After reading this report, what are your overall impressions of the state of agile?


It should contain four paragraphs that answer the following questions:

What’re the most salient trends that you find in reading the report?

What are the emerging trends identified in the report?

After reading this report, what are your overall impressions of the state of agile?

The attached report should be used to answer the first two questions. The third question should use two other references.

What implications do those points have towards the human services field?-Would you recommend the document to someone else? Why or why not?

Critical Analysis Writing Assignment

After reviewing the link in the Resources for Assessment, write a 1 page essay analyzing the points made by the authors.

The essay should include:

An introduction to the two or three main points made by the author(s).

What implications do those points have towards the human services field?

Would you recommend the document to someone else? Why or why not?

Would you recommend an agency or organization becomes trauma-informed? Why or why not?

APA style required.

How you equipped to fulfill the dream/vision/goal so far?- Describe your dream/vision/goal you want to achieve in your future.

Entrance Essay

1. Describe your dream/vision/goal you want to achieve in your future.
2. How you equipped to fulfill the dream/vision/goal so far?
3. How your study at California Trinity School of Business can help you achieve your goal?

Why do you want to be a biomedical scientist-Which has been your most satisfying research project and why it was satisfying to you.

Personal Statement

• Personal Statement is to include the following,
o List your prior research experience in chronological order, indicating the role you played in each project.
o Indicate which has been your most satisfying research project and why it was satisfying to you.
o Summarize your current scientific interests and career goals.
o Specifically answer the question: “Why do you want to be a biomedical scientist?”
o Your personal statement should be two to four pages if single-spaced, or three to five pages if double-spaced.

How can managers distinguish a motivational problem from other factors that affect an individual’s performance?

Motivation Among Employees

Write a 3-page minimum response to the following question. Remember that cover sheets, reiterating the assignment, and reference pages do not count. APA style is required and you should have a minimum of 3 references.

How can managers distinguish a motivational problem from other factors that affect an individual’s performance?

What role can managers and clinical leaders play to improve staff morale and motivatio

How can you apply this information to your future as a language arts teacher? Be specific about details/strategies from the study to implement in your future classroom.


Find a research article about TEACHING LANGUAGE ARTS TO L. D. STUDENTS, but do not use Education Digest, ERIC Digest, Teaching K-8, or Instructor. Articles must be at least seven pages of text.

Upload a PDF of the article with your assignment.

Provide the APA citation for the article.

Use the following three headings in your assignment:
1. SUMMARY – at least one page 0 2 4 6 8 10
State the main points.
Discuss the method of the study, and describe the participants.
2. CRITIQUE- at least one page 0 2 4 6 8 10
Critique and analyze the method of study and design of the research.
3. CLASSROOM CONNECTIONS- at least one half page 0 2 4 6 8 10
How can you apply this information to your future as a language arts teacher?
Be specific about details/strategies from the study to implement in your future classroom.

Find a research article about TEACHING LANGUAGE ARTS TO L. D. STUDENTS, but do not use Education Digest, ERIC Digest, Teaching K-8, or Instructor. Articles must be at least seven pages of text.

Upload a PDF of the article with your assignment.

Provide the APA citation for the article.

Use the following three headings in your assignment:
1. SUMMARY – at least one page 0 2 4 6 8 10
State the main points.
Discuss the method of the study, and describe the participants.
2. CRITIQUE- at least one page 0 2 4 6 8 10
Critique and analyze the method of study and design of the research.
3. CLASSROOM CONNECTIONS- at least one half page 0 2 4 6 8 10
How can you apply this information to your future as a language arts teacher?
Be specific about details/strategies from the study to implement in your future classroom.

Description of the learning activity required of learners: Within this section, the MSN student provides the following required elements

Rubric Development

Criteria for Content

1. Description of the learning activity required of learners: Within this section, the MSN student provides the following required elements.

– Identification of the purpose of written assignment

– Description of the required WRITTEN learning activity

– Identification of the level of the learner

– Identification of practice setting of the learner (i.e., nurse professional development; academic)

– Provide two learning outcomes for the required written assignment using Bloom’s revised taxonomy

2. Identification of content and format criteria for the WRITTEN learning activity: Within this section, the MSN student provides the following required elements.

– Identification of three content criteria for the written learning activity

– Explain how each of the three content criteria contribute to the identified learning outcomes

– Transfer each of the three content criteria to the rubric template

– Identification of two format criteria for the written learning activity

– Explain how each of the two format criteria contribute to the identified learning outcomes

– Transfer each of the two format criteria to the rubric template

3. Identification of performance levels for the learning activity: Within this section, the MSN student provides the following required elements.

– Identification of four performance levels for the written learning activity with a textual description

– Identification of four performance levels for the written learning activity using numerical parameters

– Descriptors of the required performance level are mutually exclusive

– Placement of performance levels in the rubric template

4. Development of descriptors for each criterion at each level of performance for the learning activity: Within this section, the MSN student provides the following required elements.

– Identification of descriptors for each criterion at each performance level

– Identification of descriptors that are mutually exclusive

– Identification of descriptions that are measurable

– Add descriptors within the rubric template

** Rubric, template, and tips for assignment attached

What were Apple’s major competitive advantages? Has Steve Jobs finally solved Apple’s long-standing problems with respect to the Macintosh business?

Apple Case Study 2

Read on 4&5 the hbr book and the apple case to answer the following questions below:
4.Building Your Company’s Vision (Book) By James C. Collins; Jerry I. Porras
5. Reinventing Your Business Model (Book) By Mark W. Johnson; Clayton M. Christensen; Henning Kagermann

Business Strategy
Apple Case: Differentiation

Assignment Questions

1. What were Apple’s major competitive advantages? Has Steve Jobs finally solved Apple’s long-standing problems with respect to the Macintosh business?
2. How does Apple’s differentiation strategy reflect its vision?
3. Why can’t Apple use the same strategy as other PC manufacturers, such as Dell and Lenovo?

Describe the client-specific strategy including the relevant factors in the selection of treatment objectives. Make sure to address how stimulability is a consideration.


1. Describe the developmental/normative strategy. This strategy tends to be the most effective for articulation and language intervention with children. Explain why this is the case. (2 points)


2. Describe the client-specific strategy including the relevant factors in the selection of treatment objectives. Make sure to address how stimulability is a consideration. (2 points)


3. Write a brief summary (2-3 sentences) of each of the theories of learning listed below (3 points)

Innateness Theory/Biological Model

Behavioral Model

Constructivism/Interactionist/Integrative Model


4. Provide a brief description including a specific example of each type of reinforcement listed below. (4 points)

Positive reinforcement/primary

Positive reinforcement/secondary-social

Positive reinforcement/secondary-token

Positive reinforcement/secondary-performance feedback


5. Explain the difference between continuous and intermittent reinforcement. Give scenarios when it would be appropriate to use each of these. (2 point)


6. After reading the information provided in the chapter about the dynamics of therapy/clinician client relationship, describe a few ways (pick from several listed) a clinician could build rapport or enhance their professionalism? (2 points)

Please make a list of at least 10 facts that you learned about Autism from reading this section or 10 comments about facts that you know that were validated by Carly’s behaviors

Reflection of the parents

• Read Section 1 of Carly’s Voice

• 1. Based on your reading and your previous knowledge and experiences, write a
two to three-page reflection of the parents’ reaction to their daughter’s issues.

• 2.  make a list of at least 10 facts that you learned about Autism from reading this section or 10 comments about facts that you know that were validated by Carly’s behaviors etc.