
Describe how you will provide reinforcement for Zoe as she learns the new skill so she can become more independent.


Zoe is a seventeen year old, high school student who has Autism Spectrum Disorder. She is non-verbal and uses an Autism Spectrum Disorder communication device to communicate her wants and needs. She does not seek out her peers or adults unless she needs something. She will use her communication device when prompted. One of her objectives is to use her communication device independently to make a request of another person. Zoe has difficulty completing multi-step activities. She has several job duties at school, including filling the printers and copiers with paper and working in the school store. She often skips steps in filling the copier or printer with paper. For instance, she does not organize the work area with supplies and will forget to close the copier and printer paper drawers. Her work objective is that Zoe will complete all steps in filling the printers and copiers with paper.

QUESTION: Choose one of the two objectives listed above in Zoe’s case study. Answer all THREE of the following questions by describing how you will teach one of the two objectives.

1. Describe how you will prompt Zoe to learn the skill.

2. How will you fade your prompts to promote more independence for Zoe?

3. Describe how you will provide reinforcement for Zoe as she learns the new skill so she can become more independent.

What was our hypothesis before the experiment started? What previous knowledge do you have, makes this a good hypothesis?

Science and Society

What is the problem we are solving?

What was our hypothesis before the experiment started? What previous knowledge do you have, makes this a good hypothesis?

How did we test our hypothesis? What did we actually do? What type of technology did we use to obtain our results?

What were our results? What did we observe from this experiment? (This should include the graph Download graphthat was created as well as a statement about the data from the graph.)

What can we conclude based on our results? REMEMBER: Our conclusions ALWAYS links back to our hypothesis.

What can we do to improve this experiment? How can we make our conclusions better? HINT: Think about what we did and did not do that would make our conclusions more concrete.

Discuss how political figures, activist groups, and major institutions try to set the agenda for public debate.

political agenda of the President, Congress, or local politics.

For this threaded discussion, pick a news item in which the press is reacting to the political agenda of the President, Congress, or local politics.

1a. Discuss how political figures, activist groups, and major institutions try to set the agenda for public debate.

1b. How do such efforts influence the media and the audience? Please write as the professor is asking, I am attaching the required material, add references.

Identify a community health-related knowledge deficit.-what questions would you ask; if it is a quiz,

Ischemic heart disease

Develop a Community-focused Teaching Project that takes 15-20 minutes to present and 10 minutes to assess outcomes (30 minutes total). Be sure teaching materials are attractive and at a lay person/community level, and that your resources are from reputable healthcare sources. Be sure your presentation demonstrates your advocacy for your community audience’s health. Consider diversity and how this topic may impact under-represented groups.

Identify a community health-related knowledge deficit.

Educate yourself on the issue related to this knowledge deficit. Talk with someone in the community about the needs related to this deficit and include their name and role as a citation in your text (not in references). Consider community outcomes as a result of the knowledge deficit. Contemplate on what results you would like to see from your audience when you present this teaching project.

Write 3-5 learning objectives (Slide 2)

Include the url as a citation for each pictures/graphic. For content, place citation(s) at bottom of slide (not on each row) You may use a smaller font size for the url’s and citations.

Research the topic and include at least 3 professional patient resources (organizations such as American Heart Assn, American Cancer Society, Mayo Clinic, etc.). Also include at least 3 references on the last slide and be sure there are matching citations (at the bottom of the slides) for each reference – these may be the same but need to be listed on separate pages. Don’t forget hanging indents for your references.

Develop a power point of up to 20 slides, making the 1st slide the title (which should include the title and your identified audience), 2nd slide the objectives, and the last 1-2 slides references. Font should be 18-24 and leave white space on each slide so it is easy to read – be sure your font is consistent throughout the presentation. A general rule is 1 slide per minute of narration. Consider teamwork, collaboration, and diversity as a way to promote population health for the presentation topic.

Complete sentences are not necessary

All information does not have to be on the slide because you talk while showing the slides. You may add your talking information in the footer section below the main content if it isn’t on the main slide.

Use black ink on a plain white background. Do not use fancy fonts as they are difficult to read, and shadow text prevents from assessing your presentation. Use upper and lower case.

Include pictures for interest – they must be cited with the url on each slide or in the box below the slide even if you have a license to use the graphics. About 8 pictures should be included.

Remember your references need hanging indents. How to format hanging indents in power point. (Links to an external site.)

Consider how you can assess what your audience learned and develop that assessment tool. For example: if it is teach-back, what questions would you ask; if it is a quiz, write the quiz and include it with your presentation. Be sure the assessment tool evaluates what you wanted the community to learn as written in your learning objectives.

Explain how specific sociological elements are present in an in-depth manner as it pertains to deviance

Stand and Deliver
The goal of this assignment is to explain how specific sociological elements are present in an in-depth manner as it pertains to deviance. This is not a film summary nor a film review.
For the film you have chosen, students will analyze the content for sociological perspectives as it pertains to deviance in an in-depth manner. This paper should follow standard 5 paragraph essay format. Your introduction must briefly summarize the film and include a detailed thesis. The thesis statement must clearly identify how that particular film shows evidence of the specific concepts found in the film. An example would be:
“The 1988 film “Stand and Deliver” represents a clear analysis of achieved status, as well as
ethnic and economic stigma through the conflict perspective”
For the body paragraphs, you should select 3-4 terms from the chapter on deviance that you will be able to identify from the film as examples in your analysis. You should include a definition of the term prior to giving examples of that term. Also, make a reference to how your examples (from the film) are reflections of that term. Each paragraph should be dedicated to evaluating a specific term.
A conclusion paragraph should wrap up your ideas and reinforce your thesis.
Points to remember: Incorporate at least 3 concepts pertaining to deviance.
Clearly identify and explain at least one major theoretical perspective when
analyzing the film.
Show clear comprehension of one or more of the key concepts.
Develop an essay addressing all of the above points. Acceptable Length: 2-3 pages
Formatting Requirements:
Put your name, course and section number, and assignment title at the top of the document.
Use one-inch margins.
Use a 12-point Times New Roman font.
Use double line spacing in the document.
Use MLA_Citation_Style

Give two examples of businesses in regard to the statement that has failed or/and maintained a competitive advantage in the market etc.


Defend or oppose the statement: “Given the realities of today’s economy, particularly due to globalization, and the rapid changes occurring in business technology, all competitive advantages are short lived. There is no such thing as a sustainable competitive advantage that lasts over the long term.”

1. Give two examples of businesses in regard to the statement that has failed or/and maintained a competitive advantage in the market etc.
2. Definition of competitive advantage (2-3 sentences)
3. Discussion of globalization
4. Discussion the implications of globalization on competitive advantage
5. Make sure your answer is supported by strong argument and correct references.

Identify how the wider determinants of health contribute to physical, mental and behavioural outcomes – Identify lifestyle choices and their impact on the health improvement of an individual.

Health and wellbeing

PART 1.Identify lifestyle choices and their impact on the health improvement of an individual. (800 words)

part 2. identify how the wider determinants of health contribute to physical, mental and behavioural outcomes. (800 words)

PART 3. DEMONSTRATE AN UNDERSTANDING OF childhood experiences and their impact on health and well being (800 words)

What is the policy problem you want to address? What are some important facts you have about the problem.

Evolution of Healthcare Policy

Draft a Key Findings Brief on the Evolution of Healthcare Policy in the format used by the Scholars Strategy Network, using this outline:

1. Problem Identification. What is the policy problem you want to address?

2. Key Findings. What are some important facts you have about the problem. This should include statistics and reports, matters that at least purport to be factual.

3. Solutions. Here you discuss your policy solutions. You want to propose answer that will address the problem. Remember, you may not be able to completely eradicate a problem (i.e. can we ever totally eradicate poverty in this country?). This is where you take your facts and use them to construct responses to problems.

The entire piece should be 600-900 words.

Is the information reliable? Is this source biased or objective? What is the goal of this source?

Styles of Leadership Annotated Bibliography Assignment

Analyze the article’s strengths and limitations. Is the information reliable? Is this source biased or objective? What is the goal of this source? If you made any mental notes, include them here. This is where you may include your opinion but give reasons for your opinion. Previous course readings can assist you in knowing how to analyze.

Note and briefly explain the article’s strengths and limitations.
Refer to Locke, Silverman, & Spirduso’s, Reading and Understanding Research. This resource provides useful, self-explanatory guidelines for evaluating empirical studies and literature reviews. Consult the
appropriate chapters as you prepare your analysis.
Approximately 50 words
Include a brief statement about the article’s usefulness (or uselessness) to you and your research. Was this source helpful to you? How does it help you shape your argument? How can you use this source? Has it changed how you think about your topic?

Explain the relevance or potential usefulness of the article to your study.
Approximately 50 words

Find one example of personification from the first chapter. How does the use of figurative language impact the tone of the novel?

Their Eyes Were Watching God

Considering you have read chapter one of the Their Eyes Were Watching God, read the writing prompt below and respond in a 2-3 paragraph response. Include at least two in-text citations, one must be directly from the novel and one must be from a scholarly, external source. This external source should be from a scholarly journal/database. Please use MLA documentation properly.

Prompt: Hurston frequently uses personification in her descriptions of the natural world. Find one example of personification from the first chapter. How does the use of figurative language impact the tone of the novel?