
Which crimes? What guilty acts (actus reus) did they do? What was their state of mind (mens rea)?

George Floyd Case

For the killing of George Floyd, the cop who knelt on his neck (Chauvin) was charged shortly after the incident. But then later, the other 3 officers with Chauvin were also charged. Class 4 (chapters 6 & 7) is about “incomplete” crimes where people can be guilty even though they didn’t actually do the completed crime themselves. The assigned readings give some facts about what all 4 officers did.

Post a response to the following questions: (CJST 115)

Should the other 3 officers (Kueng, Lane, Thao) have been charged with crimes in this case? Which crimes? What guilty acts (actus reus) did they do? What was their state of mind (mens rea)? Remember: the question here is a technical legal one, not an emotional one, or a political one, or a moral one.

Has a positive label ever changed your life? Explain. Support your response with textual evidence from your readings

GED 260 U3

If negative labels are damaging, do positive ones help insulate children from crime-producing forces in their environment? Has a positive label ever changed your life? Explain. Support your response with textual evidence from your readings.


In light of the 9/11 attack, should similarly motivated acts of terrorism be treated differently from other common-law violent crimes? Should terrorists be executed for their acts even if no one is killed during their attack?


In light of the 9/11 attack, should similarly motivated acts of terrorism be treated differently from other common-law violent crimes? Should terrorists be executed for their acts even if no one is killed during their attack?

Support your response with textual evidence from your readings.

Criminology: The Core 7th Edition, 2019 ISBN (U.S.): 9781337557719 Larry J. Siegel Cengage

Using thinkers from different psychological perspectives discuss the genetic and environment influences on human behaviour.

Nature / Nurture

The nature/nurture debate has been one of the most contentious disagreements in Psychology. Using thinkers from different psychological perspectives discuss the genetic and environment influences on human behaviour. use at least two different theories in your essay. … the more citations the better.

Write a research paper, worth 150 points, over one of the major theories of ethics, either deontology or utilitarianism, and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses

Research Paper

Write a research paper, worth 150 points, over one of the major theories of ethics, either deontology or utilitarianism, and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses. The paper must be a minimum of 8 pages, not including Works Cited. APA style citations and a reference list must be used and provided. You must reference 4 citations – this includes the Shaw/Berry text and 3 outside reliable sources. Professional writing with correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar is expected. Your writing must develop your chosen topic and provide solid examples from readings, research, or your own experiences for support. There is no need to include the assignment instructions in your paper; instructions do not count towards the minimum two-pages of content.

Research Paper Outline
Prior to beginning the research paper, you will submit a Research Paper Outline, worth 20 points and a minimum of 1 page in length. The outline must be written in correct topic form to include title and thesis statement with major arguments indicated by Roman numerals and support for major arguments indicated by capital Arabic numerals. The format should be double-spaced, 12-point sans serif font, with 1-inch margins, and should be saved as .doc, .pdf, or .rtf file format. Professional writing with correct research paper outline format, spelling, punctuation, and grammar is expected.

Research Paper Draft/Final
All papers must be your own original work, and you may not use papers used previously in another course, even if they are from a previous session of this course. The format should be double-spaced, 12-point sans serif font, with 1-inch margins. Your papers should be saved as .doc, .pdf, or .rtf file format.

You will submit a Research Paper Draft, worth 70 points and a minimum of 4 pages in length. The rough draft should include an introduction, body, and a conclusion. There should be a minimum of four sources cited to include the Shaw/Berry text and three outside sources. The draft is a standalone document and any corrections noted in the draft will be expected to be in the final research paper.

.Define and describe total compensation. Why is this important? How has the Affordable Care Act affected healthcare benefits in your organization or organizations within your community?

Drawing on your reading assignment for the week, answer the following:

1.What are some pros and cons to an incentive compensation system? Specifically relate these to nursing services.
2.Should an organization implement an individual or team incentive compensation system? Support your opinion with references and details.
3.What elements should impact incentive compensation? Give examples of at least 5 elements.
4.Define and describe total compensation. Why is this important?
5.How has the Affordable Care Act affected healthcare benefits in your organization or organizations within your community?

(CO 1, CO 2, and CO 4)


You must provide a reference for either each OR the entire posting. Please use APA for your reference citation. You must always apply your assigned readings plus other readings. You will also have citations in the text of your responses as well as references at the end of your responses.

Your initial or first posting will be due by Wednesday at 2400 EST and your last posting will be due by Sunday at 2400 EST. You must post an initial posting and at least one additional posting.

Summarize the Bostock decision. Who were the parties? What was the dispute? How did the court rule? How has the court’s ruling changed the legal landscape around discrimination based on sex?

The Bostock decision

Discuss the Bostock decision and its impact on discrimination based on sex. Please answer all questions below.

1. Summarize the Bostock decision. Who were the parties? What was the dispute? How did the court rule? How has the court’s ruling changed the legal landscape around discrimination based on sex?

2. With the ruling in Bostock in mind, is an employer legally permitted to force a transgendered employee to use the restroom that corresponds to their birth sex? Why or why not?

Resources for Bostock case:

Identify and describe the stakeholders who need to be included in the communication plan. Explain their role, why their involvement is important, and what information needs to be communicated to each stakeholder or stakeholder group.

Converting COVID-19 Prescreening paper form to automated EMR

Effective communication ensures that stakeholders are aware of the project plan. A communication plan includes a defined process for delivering information, including what information should be disseminated, what channels will be used to deliver the information, and to which stakeholders. In 750-1,000 words, develop a project communication plan that details how decisions will be communicated to the stakeholders (internal and external).

Need an Introduction and Conclusion

Include the following:

Identify and describe the stakeholders who need to be included in the communication plan. Explain their role, why their involvement is important, and what information needs to be communicated to each stakeholder or stakeholder group.
Explain what tools or channels are available and how these will be used to communicate information to the different stakeholders.
Discuss the types of events that generate a need to communicate.
Discuss who is responsible for delivering the communication and who is responsible for ensuring the information is received and comprehended.
Describe how you will maintain open communication with stakeholders. Include requirements for frequency of communication, channel for feedback, expectations for stakeholders, etc.

Sources must be published within the past 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and health care and health informatics content.

Write a “memory story” of what you have learned about art and culture this year. To incorporate the vocabulary and grammar you have learned, select the option “famous Hispanic painting”

Una conección con el arte y la cultura

Write a “memory story” of what you have learned about art and culture this year. To incorporate the vocabulary and grammar you have learned, select the option “famous Hispanic painting” and complete a written presentation as if you were writing a book about your personal story. You MUST use SPANISH vocabulary and text to show me that you learned and mastered the material. Watch your grammar and tense in your sentences. Each sentence must have at least a subject and verb. Remember to properly conjugate your verb and that subjects and verbs must agree. Finally, it MUST be completely done in complete sentences in SPANISH. Incorrect accent marks, tildes, and any upside down question marks or exclamation points also count towards my score. REMEMBER to include CORRECT Spanish vocab.

Evaluate your effectiveness at meeting this program essential, and ponder the impact that this proficiency will have on your future. Identify how you met the essential by referring to the assignment(s) specifically in your response

This week, reflect on your perception of healthcare delivery models and the nurse’s role in public health programs as it has evolved over the course of your BSN program. Identify specific healthcare delivery models you support, and compare and contrast public health programs you are familiar with. How does your academic work support evidence of meeting the following?

Essential III: Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

Outcome #2: Demonstrate an understanding of the basic elements of the research process and models for applying evidence to clinical practice.
Outcome #5: Participate in the process of retrieval, appraisal, and synthesis of evidence in collaboration with other members of the healthcare team to improve patient outcomes.
Outcome #6: Integrate evidence, clinical judgment, interprofessional perspectives, and patient preferences in planning, implementing, and evaluating outcomes of care.
Outcome #7: Collaborate in the collection, documentation, and dissemination of evidence.
Review your past academic work, evaluate your effectiveness at meeting this program essential, and ponder the impact that this proficiency will have on your future.
Identify how you met the essential by referring to the assignment(s) specifically in your response. Additionally, reflect on and make connections between your academic experience and real-world applications.

Recommended: Refer to work you completed for NURS 561 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention and NURS 350 Research in Nursing, as well as other courses, to gather academic examples and evidence of having met this essential.