
What are the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats associated with the Port of New York & New Jersey?

SWOT Analysis

What are the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats associated with the Port of New York & New Jersey?
See rubric on page 6 of the syllabus: Post a 700+ word (approximately two pages) response using APA intext and endnote citations.

Describe any past or current traumatic events or abusive situations that the client may have experienced. Indicate whether this is ongoing and if the client has received counseling in the past for it

Case Conceptualization and Resource Packet

Scenario: Loss of a Family Member

Casey is a 21-year-old Hispanic man who is seeking counseling. In your first session with him, he states that he is unsure of how to go back to life the way it was before and finish his bachelor’s degree in business after losing someone he admired and looked up to. Casey reports that he recently lost his mom in a traffic accident 3 weeks prior. He states that everything he did in life was because his mom had inspired him and motivated him towards becoming who is today. He is an only child and does not have a very good relationship with his father.
He reports that the morning of the accident, he overslept and did not see his mom before she left for work and didn’t tell her he loved her. He reports that he has a lot of remorse over that, and he constantly wonders if things may have been different if he woke up on time and delayed her for a couple of minutes.
Casey states that he has been unable to focus on his schoolwork and his grades are declining. He has trouble with motivation and seeing the point of going to class. He doesn’t sleep well at night and wakes up early in the morning with a feeling of panic. His heart is racing, and his chest is heavy; he breathes heavily and feels a sense of fear or dread. Casey hasn’t been eating well, and he doesn’t work out like he used to. He wants to talk to his friends, but he feels like a burden. He ruminates over the fact that he didn’t get to say goodbye or tell his mom he loved her. He states that he tries to talk to his friends, but they don’t understand, and they tell him that it’s time to “get over it.” He has tried to talk to his father and was hoping to strengthen their relationship, but his father has been very distant. He does not feel like he has a good support system, and he states that he just wants someone to understand what he is going through.
Casey appears restless and agitated during sessions and has trouble keeping his body still, shifting his weight often. He starts to say something but then forgets what he was saying. He can give a clear timeline, and he is expressive of his thoughts and feelings. He is tearful when talking about the loss but shows more frustration or anger at himself when talking about the events of that day. He appears more agitated with friends or his father and their lack of empathy.
Casey has been a good student in the past and has always had friends in his life. He experimented with marijuana one time in high school and has had a few beers but never was “the partier type” and still isn’t. He had clear goals for the future. He cherished his mom, and even though he wasn’t as close to his dad he loved him. Now he feels like everything he had from the past has crashed and gone away.

Biopsychosocial Assessment (Blank Form)
Client Interview
Identifying Information
Begin by completing the basic demographic information for your client.
Date of birth:
Primary language:
Referred by:
Intake date:
Evaluated by:
Description of Client(s)
Briefly describe what you observe about the client’s physical status: age, gender, ethnicity, appearance, behaviors, and any impressions that stand out to you.
Presenting Problem
Briefly describe why the client is seeking counseling.
History of Problem
Describe the symptoms, experiences and background of the problem, previous occurrences, and interventions in a brief paragraph.
Social History
Describe the client’s social support system in a few sentences, including the following:
where the client lives and with whom
quality of relationships with family and friends
support received from others
Family History
Describe the client’s family of origin and relationships with family in the past and present in a few sentences.
School History
Briefly describe the client’s educational background and any relevant school history or experiences, including the following:
where the client went to school
years of education completed
positive or negative experiences of school
Work History
Describe the client’s relevant work history and experiences in a few sentences, including the following:
current employment situation
time spent in the career/profession
positive or negative experiences of work
any sporadic work history or frequent job changes

Briefly describe the client’s stated spiritual beliefs.
Indicate whether the client has current or previous legal issues. If current, what is the status? Is the client on probation, etc.?
Trauma History/Abuse
Describe any past or current traumatic events or abusive situations that the client may have experienced. Indicate whether this is ongoing and if the client has received counseling in the past for it.
Indicate if the client has had any suicidal or homicidal thoughts, plans, or attempts. Note if these are in the past or present and if they are passive or active. If client currently has suicidal or homicidal thoughts, complete a full suicide risk assessment. If a more thorough suicide/homicide evaluation is conducted, it may be documented in a separate section.
Health and Wellness History
Discuss client’s past and present substance use, sleep habits, exercise and eating habits. Ask direct questions to gather this self-explanatory information.
Substance Use
Sleep Habits
Exercise Habits
Eating Habits and Appetite

Mental Status
Assess your client’s mental status by discussing what you observe about the client in your session.
Describe the client’s behaviors, especially the physical movement of the client.
Mood and Affect
Describe the client’s mood and affect (visible expression of feelings and emotions).
Thought Process, Content, and Perception
Describe the client’s thought process, content, and perception in how they respond to questions and tell their story.
Cognition, Insight, and Judgment
If completed, indicate any results of a Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE) in this section. Discuss whether the client appears to understand the symptoms and issues being experienced.

Case Summary
Legal and Ethical
Discuss any potential legal or ethical issues you need to consider as the counselor; this is not about the client having a legal issue.
Describe assets that will facilitate progress and change, such as motivation, intelligence, self-discipline, and willingness to use resources.
Describe aspects of the client’s life circumstances that may impede progress or change, such as homelessness, major psychiatric disorder, financial hardship, etc.
Summarize the presenting problem and symptoms, along with any pertinent history and social factors that lead to a diagnosis. This section justifies your diagnosis; include any differential diagnoses here.
Using the information gathered thus far, make a diagnosis using the DSM-5. Include the diagnostic title and code, as well as any specifiers.
Assessments to Support Diagnosis
Identify any assessments that have been used or that you might use to support a diagnosis or rule out a differential diagnosis.

Case Conceptualization
Explain the issues, symptoms, and diagnosis of the case through the lens of a theoretical perspective.

Discuss the positives and negatives of use of hand sanitizer.Also  state the premise that overall you believe hand sanitizers are overall a positive when used in moderation.

Hand Sanitizers

Discuss the positives and negatives of use of hand sanitizer. Also  state the premise that overall you believe hand sanitizers are overall a positive when used in moderation. Needs to include reference numbers from the resources that supplied the information.

Create a 5 – 10 slide PowerPoint presentation that describes how you can be more effective with dealing with other people.o Use the project components from previous weeks to assist you

Create a 5 – 10 slide PowerPoint presentation that describes how you can be more effective with dealing with other people. Use the project components from previous weeks to assist you.  Use the PowerPoint notes to narrate the slides as if you were giving the presentation to a live audience.o Open a blank PowerPoint Template Ensure that your presentation is free of spelling and grammatical errors. Outline your PowerPoint presentation

Write about Hunter S. Thompson and how his books related to his life.It must be completed with an outline with a thesis statement, and work cited page

The Life of Hunter S. Thompson

The paper is about a famous literary character. It must be completed with an outline with a thesis statement, and work cited page. Write about Hunter S. Thompson and how his books related to his life.

Evaluate the role of the State in the collective bargaining process in Trinidad and Tobago

After describing the State and what is collective bargaining look at the process and evaluate the role the state plays.

Make recommendations to improve the process

Write about someone deceased, interview someone close to them to find out more and write an honest portrayal, not a eulogy. Write a 2-3 page profile on that person that incorporates narrative, descriptive, and investigative writing.

Writing a Profile

1. The intention of the profile is not only to see the subject in the world, but to see the world through the eyes of the subject.

2. The most important challenge in writing the profile is the opening finding the right place to begin bringing a person to life. Be specific and detailed, and try to root the subject into a time and place. Use lively and engaging language.

3. Early on in the profile, you need to introduce an overview of who the person
is. It’s part of orienting the reader to the larger story.

4. Just as in fiction, dialogue is a key to making characters come alive.

5. While it’s essential to do research and background information, find a way to blend that research in so it’s not conspicuous, or comes at a time when the reader is learning information they want to know.

6. In a good profile, you’re after truth of character the subject’s point of view.

7. Use scenes to make the profile vivid. Create these scenes using all the techniques you would in a short story.

8. Once you have hooked the reader into the narrative, fill them in on the controversies, the subject’s worldviews, politics, religion, steamy stories, etc.

9. Decide on your relationship as narrator to the subject. Are you just a flyonthewall describing the subject? Involved observer? Active participant? 10. End your profile with a flourish, an ongoing sense of the subject’s life.
P.S. Don’t write your profile to be loved. Tell the truth. No subject is entirely good or evil, nor is the writer. Find the essence of your subject.

Guidelines: (100 points) Interview someone you feel has an interesting life, or a great story to tell. If you write about someone deceased, interview someone close to them to find out more and write an honest portrayal, not a eulogy. Write a 23 page profile on that person that incorporates narrative, descriptive, and investigative writing.

The person for my profile essay is Michael Zink

What would you do differently If you had a chance?
Why didn’t you finish high school?
What was your childhood like?
If you could change anything about your life, what would you change?
Why did you choose to work in a factory?
What are you most proud of?
What made you the person you’re today?
If you could go back to school, would you?
What would your family and friends say about you?
What was it like to be 1 of 10 siblings?

Describe at least three long term effects of the blending of the European, the African, and the Native cultures that occurred during the colonial period (1650 – 1750) of American History

Colonial period

In a 1000 word (minimum) essay, describe at least three long term effects of the blending of the European, the African, and the Native cultures that occurred during the colonial period (1650 – 1750) of American History. Be sure to include specific examples and descriptions of the three cultures. (This essay addresses Student Learning Outcomes #1, #2, #3, #4, and #7).

Write a 4-5 page essay (double spaced, with standard font) assessing the applicability or relevance of the Ancient Greeks , and the position of “Virtue Ethics” to contemporary Corporate Business Organizations

Corporate Business Organizations

Write a 4-5 page essay (double spaced, with standard font) assessing the applicability or relevance of the Ancient Greeks , and the position of “Virtue Ethics” to contemporary Corporate Business Organizations. Are they of value? If so, how might that be, and if not, why would that be the case?

Do women fall for bad guys? And are there certain characteristics within women that correlate to this romantic attraction to bad/good guys?

Do women fall for bad guys? And are there certain characteristics within women that correlate to this romantic attraction to bad/good guys? We conducted a study in which we evaluated romantic attraction to male fictional TV characters using pictures. The dataset includes a range of variables such as: attachment style, maladaptive personality traits (e.g., impulsivity, grandiosity, callousness), acceptance of couple violence, narcissistic traits, relationship status, age, and education. Research questions can be about romantic attraction to the TV characters, but also about interrelations of specific personality traits, attachment style, and aspects of acceptance towards dating violence (e.g., male on female/female on male/general).
Included instruments: YPI, RAAS, ACV, NARQ-S