
How have past experiences helped build your courage and resilience to persist in the face of academic and life challenges so that, once these storms pass, you can emerge in continued pursuit of your goals?

The University of Miami’s official mascot is the ibis. Folklore maintains that the native marsh bird is the last to take shelter before a hurricane hits and the first to emerge once the storm passes, making it an apt symbol of courage and resilience.

Considering your ability to control your own motivation and behavior, how have past experiences helped build your courage and resilience to persist in the face of academic and life challenges so that, once these storms pass, you can emerge in continued pursuit of your goals?

Explore the colour of fear in Jordan Peele’s Horror Films – Get Out (2017) & Us (2019) Harvardreferencing style should be used. An extensive bibliographic sources are required.

The Psychology of colour in cinema

Only Harvard referencing style should be used. An extensive bibliographic sources are required.

Explore the colour of fear in Jordan Peele’s Horror Films – Get Out (2017) & Us (2019)

Explore and describe the methodology of the NIST RMF and provide details of its alignment with Systems Security Engineering

Project Paper and Presentation

Q- 1 In a 6-page paper, discuss the topic below. Develop the paper in accordance with APA 7th formatting. You must include at least 5 references, figures, and graphs.
Q-2 Also develop a 10 -slide presentation with detailed footnotes summarizing your findings.

1) Systems Engineering Alignment: Explore and describe the methodology of the NIST RMF and provide details of its alignment with Systems Security Engineering

A Multidisplinary Approach (Mar 2018) – NIST SP 800-160 Vol 1 and Developing Cyber Resilient Systems

A Systems Security Engineering Approach (Nov 2019) – NIST SP 800-160 Vol 2.

What have been your most significant learning experiences in college so far? This can be inside or outside your classroom experience.

Consider your answers to all three Admissions Questions carefully. You are given limited space for answers. They should be to the point, thoughtful, and grammatically correct. There is not one right answer to these questions; our intent is for you to reflect on what your unique and genuine answer is. The reviewers of your application will not be “looking for” something specific other than to better understand why you want to study Biology. Biology Academic Services Staff will not be available to assist you with writing and reviewing your short answers. Having completed an introductory sequence of Biology to be eligible to apply to one of our major options you should at this point be able to articulate your answers to these questions in the space given.

For the Biology Major Option, you chose above (physiology), what most interests you about studying these aspects of Biology? (limit 200 words)

What have been your most significant learning experiences in college so far? This can be inside or outside your classroom experience. (limit 200 words)

How would you like to use your Biology education once you earn your degree? (limit 200 words)

Write about love in the aftermath of a meteor strike: A sonic boom and then silence. A meteor has hit Earth. In this dystopian love story, the main character, a woman in her thirties

Write about love in the aftermath of a meteor strike

A sonic boom and then silence. A meteor has hit Earth. In this dystopian love story, the main character, a woman in her thirties, goes on an epic hike to search for other survivors and meets her match along the way. Together, they must figure out how to survive in this new world.

How, and to what extent, do “invisibilia” constrain or otherwise influence individuals?

In “Always Be Optimizing,” Tolentino presents her optimized women as a paradox; she is both “always optimizing,” actively believing herself to the be the “architect” of her own life (66), but also passively, “preemptively controlled”(64). Foer also engages with this dilemma, starting with Mark Zuckerberg’s fascination with hackers that turns into a “war on free will,” as the title suggests. Foer specifically describes the algorithm, “a series of precise steps that can be followed mindlessly” (109) as “invisibilia” that impact Facebook’s users (112). Though she does not use the language of algorithms or depict optimization as invisible, Tolentino describes women “trapped at the intersection of capitalism and patriarchy” (91) and even, perhaps unexpectedly, mainstream feminism (81).

For your second essay, use Tolentino and Foer’s texts to explore the following question: How, and to what extent, do “invisibilia” constrain or otherwise influence individuals?

Thinking Questions:
How are we, or the subjects described the authors, trapped by algorithms, patriarchy, and/or capitalism?
What types of decisions and activities do Tolentino and Foer describe as influenced, encouraged, and restricted by these structures/systems in their texts?
What are the differences between systems like algorithms and structures like capitalism?
What are the similarities between these systems and structures- how do they mutually reinforce one another? How do these particular systems and structures—algorithms, patriarchy, and capitalism—reinforce each other?

Write a three-page formal analysis of this building that explains what style it is built in, why this style was selected by the architect, and what makes the building “architecturally significant.”

Prominent and architecturally significant

Provide a photo of a building and background the assignment is “You will need to personally visit a prominent and architecturally significant pre– or early 1900’s building that is nearby and accessible for use as a case study. Take a photograph of the building. Write a three-page formal analysis of this building that explains what style it is built in, why this style was selected by the architect, and what makes the building “architecturally significant.”

What are some alternate explanations for why persons with mental disorders are victimized?

Reading #23 in your text, Silver’s (2002), “Mental Disorder and Violent Victimization: The Mediating Role of Involvement in Conflicted Social Relationships,” and reflect on it. Here are some questions that you will want to discuss in your post:

1, Discuss the reasons that mentally disordered individuals are likely to be involved in conflicted social relationships and how this likelihood can be reduced.

2 What are some alternate explanations for why persons with mental disorders are victimized?

What additional tools are available to either enhance or replace the RCA in the healthcare setting?

Root Cause Analysis Blog

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is an important and useful tool in evaluating the cause(s) of medical errors. In a 650-700 word post,

What experience, if any, have you had with root cause analysis in your organization? Discuss an organization within New Jersey.

What are some of the key benefits of using RCA in evaluating medical errors? What are some of the challenges?

What additional tools are available to either enhance or replace the RCA in the healthcare setting?

You must incorporate a minimum of 2 scholarly references in your post.


1. Communicate the importance of risk management as it relates to patient safety in the delivery of quality health care.

5. Evaluate strategies of risk management and tools used in healthcare settings.

Discuss the antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB).

Discuss the antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB).