
Describe the roles of an organization’s chief financial officer (CFO) or controller,treasurer, and internal auditor.

Managerial accounting

1-1 Define managerial accounting and describe its role in the management process.

1-2 Explain four fundamental management processes that help organizations attain their goals.

1-3 List and describe five objectives of managerial accounting activity.

1-4 Explain the major differences between managerial and financial accounting.

Describe the accounting and finance structure in an organization.

Describe the roles of an organization’s chief financial officer (CFO) or controller,treasurer, and internal auditor.

Understand and explain the value chain concept.

Explain how investments in capacity affect managerial decision making.

Understand and explain big data and data analytics and how they interact with managerial accounting.

1-10 Discuss the professional organizations and certifications in the field of managerial accounting.

1-11 Describe the ethical responsibilities and ethical standards that apply to managerial accounting.

To what extent is having an Instagram presence integral to success in the Australian dance industry, and what are the negative psychological effects?

Write analysis of two online sources & for my research project on the question: To what extent is having an Instagram presence integral to success in the Australian dance industry, and what are the negative psychological effects?

Each source requires an in depth analysis and paragraph each for: summary of source, usefulness, key findings, reliability, validity and bias.

Which teachers would need a Career Summative Annual Rating, and what year would that occur?

TESS Rating Rotation

This can sometimes be a complex process, but the Arkansas Department of Education has provided information and forms to assist you.

Answer the following questions:
1) Where in the TESS process would you place a novice teacher?

2) Where would you place a teacher that needs intensive support (regardless of years of service)?

3) Where would you place an experienced teacher moving in from out-of-state?

4) Which teachers would need a Career Summative Annual Rating, and what year would that occur?

5) What other placements might require focused thought?

What are those differences, and how do those differences relate to the public health nurse’s role?

The terms population and community are frequently used interchangeably, but there are differences. What are those differences, and how do those differences relate to the public health nurse’s role?

Are nurses seen as leaders in public health? If yes, what have you observed that supports your answer? If not, why do you think that is true, and what do think needs to change?

How does public health nursing practice support the core functions of public health? Which of the 10 Essential Health Services are nurses most involved?

Define the ways in which innovation, creativity and enterprise are linked.

Innovation, Creativity and enterprise
Upon successful completion of this unit the you will be able to:

Define the terms innovation, creativity and enterprise.

Define the ways in which innovation, creativity and enterprise are linked.

Understand the contextual factors that can influence innovation, creativity and enterprise.

Understand why organization need to manage creativity and innovation effectively

Explain how working from home will help your organization develop an agile mindset.

COVID-19 has fundamentally changed the way organizations now operate. Write a 250-word response to the following: Make a case for and against having employees return to the company’s office to work. Reflect upon your own workplace.

If you are working from home, make a case to your management team to remain working from home.

Explain how working from home will help your organization develop an agile mindset.

Cite your sources using APA formatting. If you found information that contradicts your experience, explain why you agree or disagree with the information.

2.Include 2 citations from scholar source (google scholar). Cite your sources using APA formatting.

Write a 250-word response to the following:

How might organizational leaders place into perspective the idea of technology enhancement in managing change?

Explain the role of ethical moral reasoning in the business environment.

Ethical Decision making: Methods of Ethical Analysis

Explain the role of ethical moral reasoning in the business environment.

Explain why and how internet technologies have contributed to jurisdictional conflicts in the application

Internet law, criminal jurisdiction

the question is “Explain why and how internet technologies have contributed to jurisdictional conflicts in the application and enforcement of the criminal law and the criminal justice implications of such jurisdictional conflicts.

What did you learn about yourself and how has that shaped who you are?

The Tepper community is dynamic and unique. Each community member’s individual journey has shaped them into classmates who are collaborative, supportive and inclusive.

Describe how you have overcome adversity during your journey.

What did you learn about yourself and how has that shaped who you are?

Discuss appropriate risk mitigation policies for four of the selected eight risks.

Part A. Corporate Social Responsibility:

Discuss CSR and its relevance to corporate governance.

Discuss the CSR practices of the chosen firm and how such practices affect its short-term and long-term performance/goals.

Part B. Corporate Risk Management:

Review and discuss your selected company’s current risk framework, including a discussion of the board committee responsible for risk management.

Identify at least eight risks for your chosen company using any method we learned in Module 4. Assess and evaluate the recognized risks by their impact and probability (allocating a level from 1 to 5) and use the tool provided in Activity 4.2: Risk recognition, evaluation and mapping to map the risks into a risk matrix.

Discuss appropriate risk mitigation policies for four of the selected eight risks.

In your answers, discuss relevant implications and provide recommendations.


Define critical terminology at the beginning of each section.

In each section, discuss relevant corporate governance concepts, codes, principles and theories where applicable.

The required word length for this report is 3,000 words (plus 10% tolerance).

You are required to use at least six (6) academic references for this report (in addition to the reference for the disclosed corporate governance information such as annual reports).

Your references should be from credible sources such as books, industry-related journals, magazines, or academic journal articles. Your grade will be adversely affected if your assignment contains no/poor citations and/or reference list and if your assignment word length is beyond the allowed tolerance level (see Assessment Policy available on AIB website).