
Evaluate OCD in terms of symptomatic and behavioral presentation. Include the time, course, and progression of OCD.

Psychopharmacology/Neuroscience: Drug treatments for OCD
Evaluate OCD in terms of symptomatic and behavioral presentation.
Include the time, course, and progression of OCD.

Evaluate and explain special features of OCD epidemiology including risk factors for development of the disorder, lifespan and reproductive factors increasing risk of developing the disorder, and any genetic, environmental, or behavioral factors that increase risk.

How is Feminist theory—and/or the various theories on race and colonialism—similar to “Critical Theory”?

How is Feminist theory—and/or the various theories on race and colonialism—similar to “Critical Theory”? How might they work together?

Describe practical phenomena using theoretical concepts you have considered on your course.

“Prepare an Evaluative/ Reflective Report where your goal is to consider the relationship between theory and practice. That will include a self-reflective evaluation of your personal development on this unit, the experience of the preparation for the pitch presentation and your readiness for PR practice.

This document is the final reflection of your university course and so you are being asked to reflect on the recent Agency Life E1 Big Pitch assignment and to contextualise this with your learning on the entire course, and against your feelings of readiness for professional PR practice.

As individuals we don’t stop learning just because we have finished our university course, so you should now begin to reflect on how you intend to enhance your learning at university as you move into professional practice.

There is also a theoretical element to the assignment. Describe practical phenomena using theoretical concepts you have considered on your course. Whilst theory is not necessarily discussed in a professional context, theory should now be evident to you in relation to practice. Make sure therefore that you use your newfound theoretical language in this assignment so that your reflection is at a deeper level. You must certainly avoid being descriptive at this stage. Make sure you include at least 10 different references to theory.

A reflective framework such as the Gibbs model of reflective learning may be useful for this assignment.”

That is the brief for this assignment. It is very important that the structure of the essay follows the Gibbs model (I have uploaded a file that shows how it is).

The first part of this unit consisted in creating a social media campaign for an energy drink and then pitching it to the company that makes the energy drink. In order to do this we had to apply theories in a practical project.

This essay needs to reflect on this as well as what is explained in the part between “”. Very important to mention will be Anne Gregory’s theories of planning PR campaign, also the importance of research and insights before planning, the importance of understanding your audience and how the creative process works especially when you work in a group.

The previous project was done in a group so you can also mention group work and Belbin theories, just make sure your argument follows what is requested in the part in “”.

As for the personal development you can make it up as long as it sounds professional and mention-es theories.


Briefly report findings and recommendations for improving your health.

Visit the Christian Hospital website and choose a health concern issue relevant to your community. After choosing one, take the health risk assessment related to it.

Briefly report findings and recommendations for improving your health.

Then using that same health concern, discuss how you might conduct a community health assessment. Answer the following questions:

how would you engage stakeholders?

how would you gather data on that health concern?

how would you implement community health interventions based on that information?

how would you evaluate results?

how would you communicate the results to stakeholders?

What common industry financial benchmarks should Uber consider in developing its strategies to grow the business?

You have analyzed the current financial records of your organization and evaluated whether the operational plan aligns with key performance indicators of the finance department.

Now, your CEO wants you to present to senior management how your department (or any individual department) can contribute to the financial success of the organization.

Analyze Uber’s financial success and present your findings to senior management. In your findings, you will identify financial key performance indicators, industry financial benchmarks, and accounting guidelines related to Uber. Review the Uber Case Study provided in the textbook, and review the additional information related to Uber provided.

Review the Uber Case Study provided in the textbook.

Investor information for Uber balanced scorecard/financial: In the annual report, review Uber’s balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement.

Uber: Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environment, social, governance (ESG) metrics

Create a presentation for your CEO and senior management, discussing the following key criteria:

Identify the financial key performance indicators of Uber’s success.

Analyze how different functional areas, departments, or both of Uber contribute to its overall financial success.

What common industry financial benchmarks should Uber consider in developing its strategies to grow the business?

Which financial benchmark can Uber adopt to measure its performance and increase its industry attractiveness? Use Porter’s five forces to support your answer.

Are there any critical elements of accounting guidelines that will be crucial for Uber to meet? Explain your reasoning.


What were its primary characteristics and what were their practical implications?

Questions (CHOOSE TWO, and  identify which questions you have chosen):
Describe the British ‘imperial project’ through an analysis of the urban planning and governance of Delhi from 1857 to 1947. What were its primary characteristics and what were their practical implications?

Through the examples of Delhi and London, describe the ‘encounter’ between the colonizer and the colonized in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

How was this encounter governed and what were the consequences for those involved?

How do the legacies of empire live on in post-imperial British society? Give specific examples (at least 3) and explain their historical connections to empire.

Analyze at least two of the primary sources you’ve read for this section together.

Analyze at least two of the primary sources you’ve read for this section together. consider what they tell you about the military/ies or about another related aspect of American life.

One key skill we’re working on here is engaging with evidence: that means quoting it and explaining what those quotations mean or reveal; the phrase “this suggests” might be useful to you.

Identify who benefits from this product in both the company and the community.

Project Four Submission

Insert strong lead sentence.

Address the key points appropriate for external audiences.

Summarize the diversification decision.

Explain why the decision was made.

Explain where in the marketplace the new products are launching.

Identify who benefits from this product in both the company and the community.


Critically evaluate and contrast appropriate methods of survey, inspection, appraisal and reporting.

Building Pathology Literature Review and Diagnostic Case Study Report

• Critically appraise building defects and problems and describe and explain their likely causes in various scenarios.

• Critically analyze and appraise suitable methods of testing,
investigation and diagnosis of a variety of building defects and problems.
• Critically analyze information, identify solutions, demonstrate
judgement and communicate findings.

• Critically evaluate and contrast appropriate methods of survey,
inspection, appraisal and reporting.

• You will be able to plan and implement an academic review of
literature on a building pathology topic.

Define a problem statement that, in your opinion, would be useful and practical for you to investigate, based on the information presented in your annotated bibliography sources.

Review your annotated bibliography.
Define a problem statement that, in your opinion, would be useful and practical for you to investigate, based on the information presented in your annotated bibliography sources.

Organize your sources by sorting and classifying their findings in a meaningful way, always considering your original topic and problem.