
Briefly discuss the different LTC’s the person may have and how each of the LTC interact on each other and the impact this can have on the person and their family.

Explore the complex nature of LTCs and the need for effective integrated care.

Briefly discuss the different LTC’s the person may have and how each of the LTC interact on each other and the impact this can have on the person and their family.

By doing this it will give you an understanding of the complexities of LTC’s.

You will also need to demonstrate how the complexities of LTC’s rely on good integrated care and what this means

Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Evaluate the benefits of pursuing a specific hobby
Evaluation involves making judgments. Evaluation arguments require you to make a persuasive case for the validity of your judgment.

In this task, you will write an evaluation argument that tries to persuade your readers to accept your reasoned judgment on a topic.


• Evaluate the benefits of pursuing a specific hobby.


A. Write an evaluation essay (suggested length of 2–4 pages). In your essay, do the following:

1. Respond to one of the given topics.

2. Provide an effective introduction.

3. Provide an appropriate thesis statement that previews two to four main points.

4. Develop each of the main points with appropriate support in the body of your essay.

5. Provide an effective conclusion.

B. Include at least one academically credible source in the body of your essay.

1. For your sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

C. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Give your opinion as to the most preferred method of reasoning for most criminal investigations. Inductive or deductive?

Give your opinion as to the most preferred method of reasoning for most criminal investigations. Inductive or deductive? Why? Give an example to illustrate and support your answer.

Analyze any ethical considerations with implementing these methods.

Reflection Research Method

For this week’s reflection, consider the following points:

Explain the research situations that may require you to use within-subjects experimental methods (be sure to give examples/be specific).

Examine the limitations and benefits learned about these methods and their use.

Analyze any ethical considerations with implementing these methods.

Reflect on your experience with this week’s SPSS activity.

Examine the specific issues Umme-Hani Khan encountered in the workplace.

Abercrombie & Fitch Liable for Religious Discrimination in EEOC Suit, Court Says case press release. After you review the case study, address the following:

Examine the specific issues Umme-Hani Khan encountered in the workplace. Assess whether the actions of A&F represent discrimination and harassment.

Evaluate the elements of law that are important for A&F to consider.

Assess what actions of the HR director could have taken in response to Umme-Hani Khan’s situation.

Determine what the HR director could have done to prevent the situation and what more could he/she do to ensure that this type of situation would not occur in the future.

How does an agency pursue strategies that accomplish both goals in a manner respectful of our our Constitution.

Immigration and Boarder Security in United States

Background information: Managing the flow of people and goods into the United States is critical to maintaining our national security.

Illegal aliens compromised the security of our Nation by illegally entering the United States or overstaying their authorized period of admission.

Illegal aliens who enter the United States and those who overstay their visas disregard our national sovereignty, threaten our national security, compromise our public safety, exploit our social welfare programs, and ignore lawful immigration processes.

As a result, DHS is implementing a comprehensive border security approach to secure and maintain our borders, prevent and intercept foreign threats so they do not reach U.S. soil, enforce immigration laws throughout the United States, and properly administer immigration benefits.

DHS faces a difficult challenge at the border. The agency must impose policies that facilitate legal trade while curtailing illegal trade. DHS must design strategies to protect the legal flow of aliens into the U.S. while identifying and stopping those who attempt to enter illegally. How does an agency pursue strategies that accomplish both goals in a manner respectful of our our Constitution.


Explain the impact that event is having on a particular region and/or the world.

Pick a current event relating to any  in the world  Explain the impact that event is having on a particular region and/or the world.

How might you connect the various ideas about Scenic Design, Lighting Design, and Costume Design?

Read and watch all those attached files and answer the following question in 200-230 words.

Do you believe that these chapters & videos provide a cohesive argument about theater design?

How might you connect the various ideas about Scenic Design, Lighting Design, and Costume Design?

Each of these is a world onto itself, but all are grouped under this broad category, “design.” So, what do you think about theater design?

Describe how you developed the pro forma projected expenses and operating costs.

Time and Operation Costs

The purpose of this assignment is to build a pro forma Excel sheet to defend financial projections for your business idea.

This pro forma should be prepared as if it were to be presented to key stakeholders.

Build a pro forma Excel sheet containing the collection of time and expenses along with your potential operating costs.

Describe how you developed the pro forma projected expenses and operating costs.