
Determine what type of data visualization will create the most impact for three different audiences and determine the platform for delivery.

Data visualization is one of the key factors that allow big data to unleash its true impact.

To complete the second milestone, you must be able to determine a visualization strategy.

Determine what type of data visualization will create the most impact for three different audiences and determine the platform for delivery.

Analyze safeguards in place to protect civil rights and civil liberties.

Civil Rights vs Civil Liberties

For this assignment, address each issue below:

Differentiate between civil rights and civil liberties.

Assess the challenges of balancing civil liberties and security.

Analyze safeguards in place to protect civil rights and civil liberties.

Critique the homeland security enterprise’s capability to meet emergent future challenges while balancing civil liberties.

Technical Requirements

Your paper must be at a minimum of 8-12 pages, or 2-3 pages per question (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit). Please label your answers with headings. Provide separate and complete answers for each question.

Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content. Scholarly sources include peer reviewed articles, government publications, and academic texts.

Explain how a legal case could impact a specific organization not a party to the case.

Contract Law

Explain how the court decision impacts legal and ethical compliance in a business environment.

Identify the ethical and legal implications for a business that were suggested by the court’s decision.

Discuss whether or not the conduct of a party in the case was ethical or unethical.

Propose and explain an ethical theory that describes why a party’s conduct was ethical or unethical.

Explain how a legal case could impact a specific organization not a party to the case.

Explain the impact of the court’s decision on your selected organization.

In light of the court’s ruling, how might the executive team of the organization make future decisions or policy?

What should you do differently in the future? What are the likely pitfalls for your professional practice?

Reflection week 6
• Events & happenings need to be digested, reflected on, to see connections to general patterns & to be synthesized reflection about yourself and your future professional practice:

1. Description of some past event/situation – What happened? Something that triggered your thinking about your past performance

2. Critical explanation or analysis of the past event/situation
Think about: Why did that happen? What can you learn from the past event/situation? Focus on your self-awareness.

3. Reflection on how your explanation or analysis of the past event/situation can contribute to your future professional practice
What can you learn about yourself?

What should you do differently in the future? What are the likely pitfalls for your professional practice?

How to apply what you’ve learnt? Do you need to change? How? Is
that type of change really possible? How will you overcome any

How is it being positioned in relation to customer needs and competitive offerings?

The following are some guidelines for the project:

1. Select an industry in which you are interested (i.e.: consumer goods, industrial goods, travel, postal, health care, entertainment, finance, retail, etc.).

2. Select a leading business in your field of interest.

For example, in the travel industry, you might select an airline, a cruise line, a tourism bureau, a hotel chain, a travel agency, a car rental firm or a resort/destination.

3. Prepare a critical evaluation of the organization that you have chosen. Some of the criteria for evaluation are: At whom is this product / service targeted?

What is the product / service concept, stated in terms of results produced for the customer?

How is it being positioned in relation to customer needs and competitive offerings?

What is the level of customer satisfaction? How is it managing the marketing mix?

What are your recommendations on its strategies on segmentation, targeting and positioning and marketing mix?

4. Conduct a comparative analysis between the leader you have chosen and a company (or companies) within the industry that does not enjoy the same success.

What strengths and weaknesses do you find in their marketing efforts?

How have their efforts enhanced or hindered the company’s image and success?

5. Your analysis should use the concepts developed during the course where appropriate.

6. The write-up should not exceed 10 pages excluding appendices (as per the same format suggested for case write-up).

What is the most realistic ‘working’ definition or interpretation of the TS?

The Technoligical Singularity

Following this discussion, your paper must offer sensible
conclusions in at least three respects, the first two based on the

discussion in the main body of the paper, the third being


What is the most realistic ‘working’ definition or interpretation of the TS? (Perhaps the clearest, most coherent, or the one on which a majority might agree?)

2. How likely is the TS, as determined in (1), to happen?
(Or perhaps, when?)

What are the limitations of your own discussions in this paper?

What assumptions have you made? What areas have you not considered? (You will have been forced, by the word limit, to omit much discussion; you are not at fault for this but what else should ideally have been included?)

Explain how the trial of Socrates and the “Allegory of the Cave” are both examinations of the same idea

Allegory of the Cave

The “Allegory of the Cave” is a famous section of Plato’s dialogue Republic. It’s called an allegory because nearly every aspect of the story is deeply symbolic. The Sun, for example, represents the Form of the Good (and among later Christian thinkers, it represents God).

But, as you saw from the animated video, it is also a story of how one moves from accepting beliefs without question to a critical examination of those beliefs.

It is a story of moving from ignorance to knowledge, of moving from the world of the senses to the realm of thought. It is a story of the liberation of the mind.

Explain how the trial of Socrates and the “Allegory of the Cave” are both examinations of the same idea: that the “unexamined life is not worth living.”


Describe the background of the project and the details of how it was initiated.

An executive summary should be understood easily by an audience not familiar with your full proposal. At a glance, someone reading this brief summary should be able to understand the most important points.

The ideal executive summary is a half-page to one page in length, although it should be on the shorter end of that range. The executive summary should be written in a more formal business tone and should include key pieces of information, such as facts, figures, and ideas that are critical to your proposal.

The executive summary should accomplish the following:

Describe the background of the project and the details of how it was initiated.

Describe the business objectives for the project.

Describe the project scope.

Analyze the project to identify all milestones and determine deliverable dates.

Determine risks and develop a communication plan for stakeholders.

What are the key factors that make apple successful, and how does each of these accomplish that?

Can Apple Pull off Another Disruptive Innovation?

You will turn in the first draft of your paper. It should include the content of the paper with sources noted and cited. You will be graded on the content as well as the sources cited. Items that

Is there a natural progression of ideas?

Has the topic been adequately researched

Is the writing style clear and readable?

Are the ideas treated with sufficient detail?

do not use Wikipedia as a source.

You will need to include citations and bibliography.

The link below is where you can find the case study:

What are the key factors that make apple successful, and how does each of these accomplish that?

Describe the functions of peacekeeping and maintaining order.

Directions: Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.

Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements.

1. Discuss factors that affect the public’s perception of police. Include in your response both positive and negative factors that influence how a community perceives law enforcement agencies.

2. According to your textbook, four categories guide police decision-making. Discuss those categories. Which category do you believe has the most influence over police decision-making?

3. Describe the functions of peacekeeping and maintaining order.

4. Support your writing assignment with two (2) outside scholarly articles.