
Describe how the title of a company’s ethics document affects your attitude about the content?.

 What’s in a Name of an Ethics Code? in Chapter 9, then answer these following questions from the text:

Describe how the title of a company’s ethics document affects your attitude about the content?. Do you find one title more attractive than another?

Describe the message that the title “code of conduct” conveys?. Does it reflect the purpose of the document to provide employee guidance on expected conduct?

Propose creative titles for ethics codes for a pharmaceutical company and a restaurant.

Identify two other company ethics documents and share the titles of their ethics documents (consider your own organization or one that you are familiar with for this question).

Evaluate mechanisms for obtaining advice on ethical issues and reporting ethical misconduct.

Learning Outcomes
After reading this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

• Explain how an organization can structure and manage an ethics program.

• Develop a code of conduct that articulates standards to company stakeholders.

• Create an ethics training and communications plan.

• Evaluate mechanisms for obtaining advice on ethical issues and reporting ethical misconduct.

• Design an effective monitoring and auditing system.

Determine the imports and exports in which your company engages.

Managerial Economics

In this assignment, you will apply information learned about global trade and exchange rates by applying strategies your chosen company (APPLE, INC.) can use to increase revenue and profitability.

Consider if your company (APPLE, INC.) does business abroad or if it has foreign customers. What strategies can the company use to minimize costs and maximize revenue?


Using the company you have chosen (APPLE, INC.) for analysis in this class:

Determine the imports and exports in which your company engages.

Does your company import goods to sell to US consumers?

Does your company manufacture in the US?

Will the value of the dollar hurt or help your company?

Does your company engage in unethical labor practices abroad or has it outsourced jobs to other countries? Does the ethics of what they do hurt the company?

Using your research, forecast what impact this information will have on your company and what strategies they should employ to maximize revenue and profit.

Combine this information with the previous information on the following topics:

Consumer demand


Market structure

Product pricing

Cost structure

Impact of macroeconomic factors


Explain the responsibility of counterintelligence in a major Intelligence failure.

Topic: Choose two of the following questions/issues, and write approximately 2 pages on each question/issues that you select:

– Compare and contrast U.S. Counter intelligence to that of a foreign country’s counterintelligence security services.

– What are the lasting ramifications of a past Counter intelligence operation (such as COINTELPRO, VENONA, etc.)?

– Is the current state of counterintelligence in the Intelligence Community adequate? Why or why not?

– Explain the responsibility of counter intelligence in a major Intelligence failure. Examples might include: Pearl Harbor, the Bay of Pigs Invasion, Tet Offensive 1968, the Yom Kippur War, or 9/11.

– Discuss specific challenges to one type of counter intelligence that may not apply to other types of counterintelligence (national security, military, law enforcement, business, private).
Format: Your paper requires a Title page, citations, and a References list. Your paper should be in the Chicago style.

How does IP theft, especially from China, pose an existential threat to national security?

Respond to the following short essay questions using researched material from outside the course. List and state the topic question followed by your responses to that topic.

Address the following as they pertain to Intellectual Property:

What is Intellectual Property (IP) and how does counterfeit merchandise impact the U.S. economy?

What safety and health concerns are posed by counterfeit products?

How does IP theft, especially from China, pose an existential threat to national security?

Discuss the action that needs to be taken to ensure that undocumented migrants are treated with inclusion and respect around the world as an element of border security? From a security perspective what would you specifically recommend the current administration do to ensure this.

How have the SMART Port Security, the SAFE Port Act, the Small Vessel Security Strategy, and the Marine Transportation Security

Act impacted port security? This essay should be presented in the form of a compare and contrast format.

Compare the similarities and differences of the external borders of European Union (EU) with that of the U.S./Mexico border & the U.S./Canada border. Which of these (similarities/differences) have had the most positive or negative impact on border security?

identify a micro-ethical and macro-ethical dilemma that occur in health care organizations.

Laws are invoked as a result of unfortunate mistakes in the delivery of health care. A foundation for applying abstract theories and principles of ethics is required.

In the discussion this week, identify a micro-ethical and macro-ethical dilemma that occur in health care organizations. Provide examples of legal case law to support your response.

Identify the problem statement or research question identified in your research article.

Answer the following questions regarding the attached article:

Was the research qualitative or quantitative. Why did you choose your answer?

Identify the problem statement or research question identified in your research article.

Did your study use a pilot study before the research was conducted? If so, what did that involve?

Give your impression/professional opinion on the implementation of these findings in your clinical setting.

Identify the six common types of qualitative designs & summarize their primary features. THEN further expand on/explore how this information was applied to a research article you chose, focusing on just the type of qualitative design used in your research article ~ focus on the design. Reference your article in APA format.


Describe your top 3 priorities as a new Assistant nurse manager of the medical division in a Scottish Highland hospital.

Describe your top 3 priorities as a new Assistant nurse manager of the medical division in a Scottish Highland hospital. Then describe how you will measure your success.

What is the institutional power and the personal right you would remove, and explain why.

U.S. Constitution and the Amendments

After reading the U.S. Constitution and the Amendments respond to the following questions:

(i) What is the institutional power and the personal right you believe to be the most important, and explain why;

(ii) What is the institutional power and the personal right you would remove, and explain why;

(iii) What institutional power and personal right would you add to the U.S.

An institutional power is one that authorizes or limits action and/or organization of one of the three branches of government. Examples include the power of the legislative branch “to lay and collect taxes” (Art. I) or to not “make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” (First Amendment)

A personal right is one that protects or empowers the people, such as “the right of the people to keep and bear arms.” (Second Amendment)

Describe the topic you want to observe, the setting you would observe it in, who the subjects or participants might be, and what you think you might observe.

Field Observation Study

In a paragraph, define a field observation study you would like to perform.  Describe the topic you want to observe, the setting you would observe it in, who the subjects or participants might be, and what you think you might observe.