
Select a national or global business leader. Describe their career and personal background, their industry and education. Discuss their major accomplishments and challenges they’ve overcome.

Leadership Presentation

Select a national or global business leader. Describe their career and personal background, their industry and education. Discuss their major accomplishments and challenges they’ve overcome. Do you believe this person is a strong leader? Why or why not? What leadership traits and behaviors does this person demonstrate? What is their leadership style? Describe their type of charisma. Be sure to reflect the theories, leadership styles and traits described in your textbook. Cite specific examples of behaviors exhibited by this leader. What would you suggest they do to modify or improve their leadership style? Why and how will taking this action improve their leadership style? Do you think leadership qualities have to be inborn or can they be developed? Is/was this person a born leader or were they developed into a leader?

Suppose a technology company develops a cheaper way to get extract oil such that c = .1 instead of 0.25. If this technology is available to you before you make your extraction decisions and the price is $100 per barrel. What are your optimal extraction quantities?

ECON 456 San Diego State University

Abman Spring 2023
Econ 456 – Problem Set 2

Answer the following practice questions. For full credit, you must show your work when asked. Partial credit may be given for incorrect answers with sensible work. You must upload your files to Canvas. Late assignments will receive no credit.

1. Suppose you run a small oil well on the Western slope of Colorado. Your production is very small relative to that of the world and thus your production decisions do not impact the world price of oil. You have a stock of 1,200 barrels of crude underground which you can extract. Your annual marginal cost of extraction is equal to cq and for each barrel produced, you can sell it for $P (which is equal in both years unless explicitly stated otherwise). You must allocate production (extraction) across two years (0, 1). Assume r = 0.2 for all parts.
(a) If P = 100 and c = 0.25, will your resource constraint bind? Show your work.

(b) If P = 100 and c = 0.25, what are your optimal extraction quantities in both years?

(c) Find the present value of your two years of profits under these conditions. War and Price Volatility

(d) If a war in the middle east doubles the price (such that P = 200) before you choose q0 and q1, what are your optimal extraction quantities in each year?

(e) Find the present value of your two years of profits under the price of $200.

(f) Suppose the prewar price is $125. If this war occurred after you had chosen q0 (such that P0 = 125 but P1 = 200) AND you anticipated the event (meaning you knew it would happen even before you chose q0), what are your optimal extraction quantities in each year?

(g) If this war occurred after you had chosen q0 (such that P0 = 125 but P1 = 200) and you had NOT anticipated the event (it is too late to change q0 and you had incorrectly assumed P1 would also be 125), what quantities would you have chosen for q0 and q1?

Technological Advancement

(h) Suppose a technology company develops a cheaper way to get extract oil such that c = .1 instead of 0.25. If this technology is available to you before you make your extraction decisions and the price is $100 per barrel. What are your optimal extraction quantities?

(i) How much more profit do you make in year 0 with this new technology compared to the profit made in year zero in part (b)?

(j) Suppose you heard that the company was working on the new technology. It is not available to you in period 0, but might be available in period 1. If you believe that the probability the new technology will be available to you in period 1 is 0.6 and the probability it is not available (and you use the old technology) is 0.4. If P = 150 for both years, what do you choose for q0?

Three years of extraction

(k) Now suppose you can extract for three years instead of two. If P = 100 and c = .25 for all periods, what are your optimal quantities, q0, q1, and q2?

(l) Now suppose the price increases to P = 150 for all three years. What are your optimal quantities, q0, q1 and q2?

(m) Suppose you are a monopolist, you produce the only oil that can be consumed in Western Colorado. The annual demand for oil in this area is QD = 800 P . If c = .25 what are your profit maximizing quantities q0 and q1 and how much total profit do you make?

2. A new material used for cans has recently been discovered, campanilium. The metal can be extracted and sold at a price of $2 per ton and the demand for the metal is QD = 10 P . Importantly, used campanilium can be recycled and the supply curve of recycled campanilium is QSR = 1 2 P + 1.

(a) Graph the demand for campanilium, the supply of recycled campanilium and of all campanilium sold. What fraction of this is recycled campanilium?
(b) Suppose the government imposes a tax of $1 per ton on newly extracted campanilium. Find the new equilibrium total quantity. With the tax, what is the fraction of campanilium supplied from recycled sources

How does the selected theory support/impact multiculturalism? Identify and discuss any strengths and weaknesses highlighted in the theory from a multicultural standpoint.

Assignment: Theory critique from a multicultural perspective.

You are to write a 3-4 academic paper, on the above-named topic. Please ensure that you follow the APA style of writing.

Choose ONE from the following theory:

  • Solution Focus Brief Theory
  • Cognitive Behavioural Theory
  • Psychoanalytical Theory
  • Family Systems Theory
  • Gestalt Theory

The body of your paper should contain the following focus areas:

  1. Background on selected theory from a multicultural aspect.
  2. How does the selected theory support/impact multiculturalism?
  3. Identify and discuss any strengths and weaknesses highlighted in the theory from a multicultural standpoint.

Select a timely media news story (must be published AFTER January 1, 2023) of personal interest to you. After you have selected your news story, then find the same news story reported from TWO other news sources (reputable, credible sources that also have been published since January 1, 2023).

The Rise in Electric Vehicles Sales

This paper simply needs new sources and they can only be ONLY from CNN, FOX, MSNBC, or NBC.
Select a timely media news story (must be published AFTER January 1, 2023) of personal interest to you. Partial or biased news is any news story or report that seems to be lacking key important facts, statistics, and/or reliable, verifiable evidence to support the writer’s claims. Instead, the story may contain “alternative facts,” inflammatory/sensory-laden or biased language, unsupported yet heavy persuasive claims, inequity issues that go unaddressed, or show signs of ethical breaches. Select a news story from a traditional news source (CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc.).

IMPORTANT: Do not choose a story from a social media site news that shows up via click bait, satirical sources made for the purpose of entertaining, etc.
After you have selected your news story, then find the same news story reported from TWO other news sources (reputable, credible sources that also have been published since January 1, 2023). It would be fantastic if you could find the same news story reported by a member of a different demographic community (for example, a novice versus seasoned journalist). Yes, at this point, you will have read the same news story THREE times from THREE DIFFERENT news sources.

NOTE: The title and story of the paper stays the same, however the sources need to be changed to the more traditional source outlets listed above.

Briefly describe your overall experience. Address your attitude, motivation, and specific goals at the onset of the program. As an introduction, this section should include why the behavior was chosen for change, and your state of mind as you began this journey. The introduction should be approximately 1 page in length.


In order to apply knowledge gained in this course to personal experience and assist in future personal and professional development, you are expected to monitor and attempt a health behavior change in this class throughout the four weeks. It is recommended that you track your behavior for the first week and then choose a specific behavior to change.

Identifying a behavior: Identify a behavior change to be attempted for at least three weeks. Behavior change options include, but are not limited to: starting or significantly changing an exercise program, drastically reducing caffeine intake (if you consume caffeine daily), quitting or reducing tobacco use, adhering to a specific diet plan or meeting specific caloric intake goals, etc. Whichever option you choose, it must be approved by the instructor prior to initiating the behavior change program. You will also identify at least one outcome goal and at least three process goals you will use to achieve the behavior change. Identification of your behavior and goal identification was done via a Week 1 Discussion Board thread.

Behavior Change Paper (4-8 pages): The final behavior change paper is an integration of personal experience and knowledge gained from this course. It should include personal successes and struggles throughout the behavior change process, a discussion of at least one theory of behavior change relevant to your personal experience, discussion of other relevant course content as applicable to your personal experience (e.g., personality characteristics, social influence/support, motivation, perceived benefits, etc.), and future intentions to improve or maintain behavior change and anticipated modifications to the behavior change program.


Briefly describe your overall experience. Address your attitude, motivation, and specific goals at the onset of the program. As an introduction, this section should include why the behavior was chosen for change, and your state of mind as you began this journey. The introduction should be approximately 1 page in length.

Discuss at least one theoretical model of behavior change and its relevance to your behavior change program. Be specific about how this model can be applied to your specific situation (i.e., discuss specific examples that illustrate how the model can be applied to your behavior change journey). Although, highlight persistent barriers and your success/failure at handling them. If you were successful, what contributed to your success (e.g., coping skills)? If you relapsed, what contributed to that? What could you do differently to overcome the barrier(s) in the future? Theory/Course Content integration should be 2-5 pages in length.

Finally, explain your journey; how did it go? Evaluate your success/failure and contributing factors to your success/failure. Also, discuss your intentions for (dis)continued attempts/maintenance of your behavior change. Where do you see yourself 3 months from now? 6 months? A year? Include modifications you would/intend to make to your goals or strategies to make the change permanent.

Summary and future plans should be 1-2 pages in length.

After reading Chapter 12, observe the inclusion classroom in the video below. In no less than 475 words, explain and describe noted evidence of a hidden curriculum regarding the social skills students should have mastered to be successful in this general ed classroom (be specific).


After reading Chapter 12, observe the inclusion classroom in the video below. In no less than 475 words, explain and describe noted evidence of a hidden curriculum regarding the social skills students should have mastered to be successful in this general ed classroom (be specific). Also, discuss the routines and rules in the video that are also essential. This includes in-text citations, references, and connections (content and thinking).

The video that needs to be viewed is on YouTube. The name of the video is Sandra LoFaro: Lesson in an Inclusive Classroom. The name of the textbook that we utilize for class is called: Including Students with Special Needs just in case you need to reference it.

Demonstrate VWS’ capability and financial stability to deliver the necessary services based on availability, qualifications and experience of the firm and key personnel designated to provide the specified services.

Technical Proposal

Demonstrate VWS’ capability and financial stability to deliver the necessary services based on availability, qualifications and experience of the firm and key personnel designated to provide the specified services.

Make a list of 3 corporate values that you think are good ones for Geri Care. Provide a short definition of each and describe why you think each of these values might be impactful for this particular company.

Geri Care Core Values

Geri Care operates and staffs several nursing homes along the East Coast. They create and deploy several types of healthcare devices like stethoscopes, blood pressure monitors, and diabetes kits. All transmit data wirelessly to phones and computers and store that information in a proprietary phone application. They also has its own web-based records portal for health practitioners and their patients, the residents of the nursing facilities.

Make a list of 3 corporate values that you think are good ones for Geri Care. Provide a short definition of each and describe why you think each of these values might be impactful for this particular company. Your 3 values are (Compassion, Integrity and Equity)

Compassion- Provide the best care, treating patients and family members with sensitivity, and empathy

Integrity- Adhere to the highest standards of professionalism, ethics, and personal responsibility, worthy of the trust our patients place in us.

Equity- By creating a diverse and inclusive environment for our patients, students, and colleagues, free from bias, racism, and favoritism, to foster optimal care and just opportunities based on one’s individual needs and abilities.

Is childhood obesity a reflection of parental neglect? Lost memory and strategies to adapt and overcome the challenge. How do individual differences affect stress? How does social anxiety disorder affect a person’s routine life?

PSY 2012 General Psychology

Final project:

By the end of the course, the student will select and investigate a specific topic within a relevant social problem that has a psychological component or components and will address it with respect to one or more of the course content areas. It must be approved by the instructor and must reflect your thinking and analysis on the topic and evidence that you have read or consulted other sources, to produce a twenty page research paper written in APA 7 format with references from the last 10 years. the project must have an introduction, body , conclusion and references.

Suggested topics

Motivation and emotion surrounding aspects of social and antisocial behavior.

Psychological disorders and their course or association with participation in society.

  • Is childhood obesity a reflection of parental neglect?
  • Lost memory and strategies to adapt and overcome the challenge.
  • How do individual differences affect stress?
  • How does social anxiety disorder affect a person’s routine life?
  • Does gender affect depression in people?
  • Does the environment have a role in the development of personality?
  • Do the Work Environment and Behavior Influence the Self-esteem and Motivation of the Worker?

The role of genetics and the environment in determining intelligence

The various effects of color on mental states

Cyberbullying and ways to prevent it

Can we die of a broken heart?

Kant’s ethics extends over all rational creatures. Do you think birds and mice have the same kind of rationality that we do?

A Short discussion

Kant’s ethics extends over all rational creatures. Do you think birds and mice have the same kind of rationality that we do?

Things to consider:

Can birds and mice understand mathematics?

Do you think humans are the only rational animal?

If animals are not rational, and Kant’s ethics only extends over rational creatures, do you think Kant takes animals wellbeing into account in his ethics?