
Describe the traits and skills that made them an effective or ineffective leader.

Discussion Board Topic Leadership Styles

After reading the textbook section on leadership theories, reflect on someone you have worked with (preferably in healthcare) or that you have seen in action as a leader within the health information management profession and identify the leadership style that most closely relates to the traits and skills that he or she exhibited as a leader.

Describe the traits and skills that made them an effective or ineffective leader.

Provide an example or insight of the leadership style exhibited by this leader and how you felt this made them a good or bad leader.

Provide one leadership tip for enhancing or improving this individual’s leadership style.

What is the difference in pricing between theirs and other bids and how does certainty of execution compare amongst the bidders

Any reason they might be particularly keen? Have they missed out on another similar deal recently? Are they highly motivated?

What is their investment decision-making processes? How much engagement has there been already with their IC?

What are the execution risks? What deals have they not closed on and why?

Is there scope for them to improve their bid? What are their main concerns, could we get a better price if we address these?

Who are their advisers, how are these rated? How straightforward should the rest of the process be if they’re selected?

What is the difference in pricing between theirs and other bids and how does certainty of execution compare amongst the bidders

Explore the ways in which you depend, or have depended, on this group of people.

For your reflection assignment, use Madden’s thoughts as a springboard in exploring your dependence on a certain group of people throughout the pandemic.

For instance, has the pandemic played a role in deepening your respect and appreciation for members of your family, workers in a specific field, or participants in a specific community? Explore the ways in which you depend, or have depended, on this group of people.

What in your view is the most moral thing for that person to do in that dilemma?

Articulate a specific dilemma in a situation faced by a particular person based on the topic of Euthanasia The situation can be real or fictional.
Summarize the dilemma.

Define any needed key terms associated with the dilemma.

Analyze the conflicts or controversies involved in the dilemma.

Revise and rewrite based on any feedback you received in your previous draft (week three). Reference and discuss any professional code of ethics relevant to your topic such as the AMA code for doctors, the ANA code for nurses, etc.

State whether and how your chosen topic involves any conflicts between professional and familial duties or conflicts between loyalty to self and loyalty to a community or nation.

What in your view is the most moral thing for that person to do in that dilemma? Why is that the most moral thing? Use moral values and logical reasoning to justify your answer

What is the role of nursing in advancing the health of our communities and how will you contribute to this important work?

What is the role of nursing in advancing the health of our communities and how will you contribute to this important work?

Determine (identify) stakeholders who are for or against the direction Facebook is taking to avoid the public relations issues.

Five I’s of Strategic Analysis

Facebook has been surrounded by controversy. In 2017 the company lost around 2.8 million U.S. users under the age of 25. The prediction for 2018 is not much better. Mark Zucker berg, Facebook’s CEO, has stated that due to the current controversy the amount of time users spend on Facebook has reduced by 50 million hours each day thus far in 2018.

A strategic analysis of Facebook using the Five I’s can help you better understand the crisis as well as how the organization should manage it. In order to use the Five I’s in a strategic analysis, it is significant for you to gain an understanding of the history of the company. This will help you determine how to strategically deal with stakeholders to avoid future public relations issues. Read pages 6-15 of “Facebook Fake News in the Post-Truth World,” a Harvard Business Review case study.

In addition to reading the Facebook case study, learn about the Five I’s strategic analysis stages by reviewing page 52 of your textbook, Business, Society and Government Essentials. Additional information on the Five I’s can also be found in the module overview.

To complete this assignment, address the following items in your short paper:

1. Identify the issue Facebook is having based on the HBR article (p.6-15).

2. Determine (identify) stakeholders who are for or against the direction Facebook is taking to avoid the public relations issues.

3. Identify the incentives of stakeholders by answering the following five questions:

a. What responsibility does the company have to the stakeholders?

b. Can the stakeholder help or hurt the company performance?

c. Is quick action needed?

d. What is the cost/benefit of the company taking action?

e. What action(s) the stakeholders take to help or oppose the public relations issue?

4. Identify the company objectives for what is wants to achieve in trying to reduce future public relations issues.

5. Identify interaction strategies that can be implemented in stages.

Evaluate the current state of the quality of care and outcomes for a specific issue in a target population.

Population Health Policy Advocacy

Develop a letter to the editor of a peer-reviewed academic or professional nursing journal based on the policy proposal that you created for Assessment 2. Choose from one of the journals on the Ultimate List of Nursing Journals and go to that journal’s Web site to find out the requirements for submitting a letter to the editor, such as format requirements, topics, and word counts.

Make sure you select a nursing journal that covers the topic about which you are going to write.

If you want to use another journal that is not on this list,  make sure the journal does address health care, because this is the purpose of the assessment.

The goal of your letter is to be informative about the policy that you developed for Assessment 2, while also being persuasive about the need for and benefit of similar policies in other health care settings.

The bullet points below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your submission addresses all of them. You may also want to read the Letter to the Editor:

Population Health Policy Advocacy Scoring Guide and Guiding Questions: Letter to the Editor: Population Health Policy Advocacy [DOC] document to better understand how each grading criterion will be assessed.

Evaluate the current state of the quality of care and outcomes for a specific issue in a target population.

Look back to the data or scenario you used in Assessment 1 to address this criterion.

Analyze how the current state of the quality of care and outcomes for a specific issue in a target population necessitates health policy development and advocacy.

Justify why a developed policy will be vital in improving the quality of care and outcomes for a specific issue in a target population.

Advocate for policy development in other care settings with regard to a specific issue in a target population.

Analyze the ways in which inter-professional aspects of a developed policy will support efficient and effective achievement of desired outcomes for the target population.

Communicate in a professional and persuasive manner, writing content clearly and logically with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Integrate relevant sources to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style (or the journal’s preferred style).

Identify how children’s play needs and preferences change in relation to their stage of development.


Identify the rights of children in relation to play as detailed in the “UN Convention on the Rights of the Child”.

Explain the innate drive for children to play

Discuss how play is necessary for the development of children.

Explain the benefits of balancing child-initiated and adult-led play activities

Identify how children’s play needs and preferences change in relation to their stage of development.

Discuss the need for an inclusive approach when planning play activities.

Explain the major management challenges in developing international information systems.

Business information

Explain the major management challenges in developing international information systems.

Describe the three steps of a management strategy. Are there any disadvantages?

Identify at least 1 strength and 1 weakness in the reasoning of each posting.

Changes of Organizations REPLY 2 DB-735

Develop a response to the post below highlighted in yellow. As a reference, after the yellow highlighting is the post orignally submitted by me –  use this as a reference only.

The response must be a mínimum of 550 words (2 FULL PAGES);
Must include the integration of at least 4 peer-reviewed source citations reference published within the past five years (such as the textbook, or an article from a scholarly, peer-reviewed academic journal – NOT websites, newspapers, magazines, or blogs, etc) with corresponding APA-formatted in-text citations and reference list;
Must include at least 1 integration of biblical principle;

No quotations – only use if necessary but these words will not be counted towards the minimim Word count required;

Identify at least 1 strength and 1 weakness in the reasoning of each posting. response should NOT be a critique of the student’s post, nor should you acknowledge if they responded to the question.