
How is peer pressure different in college than in high school?

Discuss the power of peer pressure while addressing the following questions:

How is peer pressure different in college than in high school?

Was there more peer pressure or less peer pressure in high school?

Looking at the clothes you wear, the products you buy, the car you drive (or hope to drive someday), and the forms of entertainment you enjoy—how many of these are the result of truly independent choices versus the influence, at least to some degree, of peer pressure

Discuss the more emotional / spiritual techniques used? How do they appear to work?

Read the following article: The neurobiological underpinnings of coping with pain

Then  answer the following questions and upload your responses as a word document or pdf.

List the brain regions mentioned in this article that are utilized in pain management.

What are the “cognitive” techniques that can be used in pain management? Discuss these.

Discuss the more emotional / spiritual techniques used? How do they appear to work?

Based on the evidence presented, do you think drugs (analgesics) or these psychological techniques are more effective for pain management? Why?

Identify 10 examples of what you learned about the specific mental illness presented in the book.

Provide a brief summary of the book.

Identify 10 examples of what you learned about the specific mental illness presented in the book. You should:

1) number each example,

2) indicate the page number for each example,

3) directly quote or summarize book content for each example,

4) discuss what SPECIFIC course content is connected to each example (NOTE- you MUST reference the source of the other course content- including what the source is- textbook, video, other reading, AND include a specific page number or section of the video),

5) discuss what you specifically LEARNED from each example.
Identify 5 examples of what you learned about the the cognitive, emotional and social impact of mental illness on the families (& others) of those with mental illness. You should:

1) number each example,

2) indicate the page number for each example,

3) directly quote or summarize book content for each example,

4) discuss what SPECIFIC course content is connected to each example (NOTE- you MUST reference the source of the other course content- including what the source is- textbook, video, other reading, AND include a specific page number or section of the video),

5) discuss what you specifically LEARNED from each example.
Provide a conclusion and course reflection. (approx. 2 pages)

Answer the following:

What was most surprising or shocking from the book?

How did your thoughts and feelings about those with mental illness change or not change as a result of reading this book and completing this course?


Explain what the researchers learned about black tar heroin and what that means for the HIV epidemic.

listen to the following podcast story from the journal Nature. You WILL need to listen to the brief audio clip (which is a bit different from the written article) to fully understand and answer the homework questions.

How digital drug users could help to halt the US opioid epidemic file:///C:/Users/18309/Downloads/Nature-2018-1.pdf

Then, answer the following questions. The first three questions are confirming your understanding of the content. Question #4 (both parts) is the only question for which you need to comment/respond to your peers’ posts.

Why is the link between increases in prescriptions of opioids and deaths from opioid use not a simple one? Describe some of the factors that affect potential addiction.

What is agent-based modeling? Why is it useful?

What kind of data does Daniel Ciccarone work with?

How can it assist Georgiy Bobashev’s models?

Explain what the researchers learned about black tar heroin and what that means for the HIV epidemic.

Discuss the following:
Do you think these models will actually turn out to be useful in predicting real life behavior?

What do you think would need to happen in order to put the information in them to use? How could research be applied?

Is there something that was overlooked in the podcast that you believe could more effectively address the opioid epidemic?

If you were the CEO, what would you change and why?

Provide a complete assessment of a company using these 4 assessment tools: McKinsey 7-S framework, Balanced Scorecard, SWOT Analysis, and PESTLE. If you were the CEO, what would you change and why? Provide your recommendations for change, and “Before” and “After” Organizational charts showing the current management structure and how you propose to change it and why.

This should be written as an essay and be 4500 words (+ or – 10%), and should demonstrate skills of critical reflection, effective communication, and balanced judgement.

Which types of stressors do you think have the greatest impact on a person’s health and why?

Take a look at the list of stressors you and your class generated, and then discuss the following questions: (Stressors are pasted after question)

Which types of stressors do you think have the greatest impact on a person’s health and why?

What does your textbook have to say about Daily Hassles vs. Life Events?

Do you agree or disagree with what type of stressors claims to have the greatest impact on health and why?

Discuss how stressors can be both positive and negative.

Why isn’t it even more popular or promoted more heavily? Are there any risks, drawbacks or other reasons people might shy away from this? (Links to an external site.)

This form of meditation has become increasingly popular as a way to deal with stress, anxiety, pain, and other ailments.

Respond based on your previous experience.
If this was your first time meditating what was it like for you – easy, difficult, frustrating, relaxing (or something else)? Describe this experience.

If you meditate regularly why do you (or what do you like about it)?
Mindfulness Meditation is known to be a highly effective and inexpensive solution to many physical and mental health issues.

Why isn’t it even more popular or promoted more heavily?
Are there any risks, drawbacks or other reasons people might shy away from this?

How does your observation serve as an example of the application of the concept in a real-world setting?

Construction cost management

The writeup of each incident will require you to pursue
further reading, ideally focusing on journal papers that report the results of research but ensuring that
the focus is on reflection rather than the technical context the incident. The following questions are offered as prompts to help you develop your account of each incident: 
What was interesting about the incident you have chosen? Was there anything surprising or new to you that caught your attention?

What was it about the concept you chose that made you decide to choose it?

Are there any particular aspects of this concept that you feel you did not fully understand? Are there any aspects of the incident that seemed unusual?

How does your observation serve as an example of the application of the concept in a realworld setting?

This could relate to construction work, to academic work, or to anything else that you come across while studying, as long as it relates to a concept that has been introduced in one of your modules.

Can you demonstrate a connection between your learning and a recognized professional skills framework? (For example, make sure that you include discussion around the requirements of
the professional institution most relevant to your career plans.)

Give examples of how you think your learning around this issue might influence the way you carry out your future professional work.

How do you use statistics in your work as a nurse or healthcare provider?

Week 1. How do you use statistics in your work as a nurse or healthcare provider? Find and discuss at least two examples of how statistics are used in your field. Do you feel like statistics are a vital part of the nursing field? Why or why not?

Week 2. Multiple studies conducted in the United States, Canada, Germany, and the United Kingdom show that the probability of dying in the hospital is higher if you are admitted on the weekend. Why might this be? What factors might contribute to this probability?  What could hospitals do to reduce/eliminate this phenomenon

Identify all pertinent issues to be addressed by management.

Appendix 1: Case Analysis
Case reports should fulfill 3 basic requirements.
1. Identify all pertinent issues to be addressed by management.

2. Analyze and evaluate the company’s situation both internally and externally with regard to the mentioned issues and potential solutions.

3. Evaluate potential alternatives against decision criteria in order to select a recommended course of action, and develop an implementation plan that is as realistic or ‘do-able’ as
possible and that addresses the issues identified.

It’s important to explain carefully how your recommendations and plan will correct the issues and realize the goals and opportunities that have been identified as well as outline why the solution that you have chosen is superior to the other alternatives that you have generated.

The report should be balanced so that about 60% of the report is given over to identifying pertinent issues and evaluating the company’s situation. It follows that about 40% of the report should be devoted to detailing the alternatives, recommendations and an implementation plan.

Provide ample examples in the report of strategic thinking, using strategy concepts to develop insights. Not all strategy tools will be
significant for each case.

Show clearly how your recommendations create fit and synergies among the firm’s internal activities and with shifts in the external context. Explain how the firm is now better able to take advantage of changes that are present or anticipated in its environment.

The case reports will be graded using a three-part structure.
1. Stylistics: Does the basic sentence and report structure enable the reader to understand the points being made? Are the conventions of written grammar followed? Is the presentation
professional? Are the various sections of the report sufficiently developed and integrated?

2. Critical thinking: Is a convincing, integrated argument that is evidence-based being developed in the case report? Are the serious issues raised in the case treated with comparable emphasis?

Are these issues dealt with insufficient depth? Does the analysis relate to key issues and do the
alternatives address these effectively?
3. Content: Is too much case material repeated? Are the three major requirements for the case
report fulfilled? Namely, does the report: (1) identify all of the pertinent issues in the case (2) evaluate and analyze the company’s situation and in relation to external developments (3) offer an “actionable” set of recommendations that clearly spells out how the described activities will create a sustained competitive advantage and superior performance.

Finally, quantitative analysis is essential to the evaluation of strategy in relation to performance and the selection of
appropriate alternatives.

Students are responsible for applying the appropriate strategy concepts and tools. However, this material should not overwhelm the case analysis and should provide value add.

Base answers heavily on the events and information described in the case. The company and its context should provide the center of
the report. Do not use outside research or go beyond the time frame of the case