
dentify the type of advance directive Terri Schiavo could have used to avoid the legal battles surrounding the end of her life.

Your Assignments in this course will take you through “A Day in the Life” of a healthcare professional. You will be given the opportunity to apply the concepts that you have learned throughout the course to a variety of situations that a healthcare professional might face.

In addition to the grading standards found in the Syllabus, projects will also be graded on accuracy and application of course materials. Each answer should be at least 1 paragraph in length, including supporting facts from the textbook and references.


Read the case study. Respond to the questions that correspond to the scenario and upload to the appropriate Dropbox.

Each question should be answered in complete sentences, using correct sentence structure. Responses should be free of grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.

Case Study:

Read the Case in Point: Terri Schiavo and Case in Point: Angela Carder, found in Chapter 8 of your textbook. After reading the case, please respond to the questions below.

Be sure to include facts from the textbook as well as other sources to support your conclusions. Provide in- text citations and a reference list.

Questions to answer:

1. There are four types of advance directives listed in your text.list and describe them. Identify the type of advance directive Terri Schiavo could have used to avoid the legal battles surrounding the end of her life.

2. Explain the difference between withholding and withdrawing treatment. Which method was used to end Terri Schiavo’s life?

3. In the case of Angela Carder, what type of tort might have been committed (assault, battery, fraud, defamation of character, false imprisonment, or invasion of privacy)? Why?

4. What ethical violations might have taken place in the case of Angela Carder? Be specific, using ethical principles and theories.


How might you change this assessment to better assess the students’ reading skills ?

Literacy Pre-Assessment

Developing activities based on assessment data is integral to meeting students’ learning needs. Small group instruction is a great way to practice the skill of using assessment data to drive instruction. Identify a small group (3-5 students).

Part 1: Standards-Based Literacy Assessment

In collaboration chose a grade-appropriate literacy standard for reading comprehension and vocabulary to develop a pre-assessment for and, later, a lesson. Keeping in mind the group of students and book you selected in Topic 3, complete the following:

• Write a learning objective that is developmentally appropriate for the group of students and aligns to the state standard.

• Design an informal pre-assessment activity that will allow you to assess and document the students’ reading skills.

• Obtain feedback from your mentor on the pre-assessment.

Use any providing instruction and support to the class based on the needs of the pre-assessment.

Part 2: Reflection

In 250 words, summarize the objective and pre-assessment you developed and reflect.

Identify a strength of your assessment and an opportunity for growth.

How might you change this assessment to better assess the students’ reading skills ?

How will your findings inform your future professional practice? Submit your learning objective and pre-assessment with your reflection.

Describe the pathophysiology of PDA and why the history of PDA is significant in this scenario.

This assignment will help to identify the normal growth and development by topic for each age group. In the final column of the assignment you need to observe a child and apply the information you gathered and document your findings in comparison by the particular age of that child.

Apply the foundations of pediatric nursing when caring for clients with health alterations.

You are working in a large urban pediatric clinic after-hours.

A mother brings her 6-month-old daughter, Vivi Mitchell, to the clinic for rhinorrhea, congestion, fever, and cough. Upon assessment, you identify the child has wheezing upon auscultation and on inspection, you identify retractions.

The child is in less than 10th percentile of weight and has a cardiac history of Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA).

Born at 36 weeks gestation.

Mother states this child doesn’t go to day care but her two other children ages 2 and 3 do attend daycare.

A swab for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is positive.

Doctor orders – Nasal bulb suction and saline drops PRN, Tylenol 15mg/kg Q4 PRN for fever, Albuterol nebulizer in office and push po fluids as tolerated.

After the albuterol neb treatment, respirations are 36 and oxygen saturation is 100%. Wheezing has diminished. Mom is an ER nurse and the doctor feels comfortable that she has a nebulizer at home and can return to pediatric afterhours or ER if needed.

Client is discharged with these orders:

methylprednisolone 0.4 mg/kg oral BID for 3

Albuterol Q4 hours for 24 hours, then Q 6 hours for 24 hours, and Q6 as needed.

Call if needed prior to the Q4 dose.

Manage fever with Tylenol and continue hydration and nasal bulb suction Q6 while awake.

In a two to three-page APA formatted paper, provide reponses for these questions and requests for information:


Describe the pathophysiology of bronchiolitis and identify the most common organism causing this infection. What laboratory testing can confirm your suspicion?

Describe the pathophysiology of PDA and why the history of PDA is significant in this scenario.

What risk factors place Vivi Mitchell at a greater risk for the development of bronchiolitis?

What are the characteristic signs/symptoms of bronchiolitis?

Vivi Mitchell been prescribed the following medications; acetaminophen, albuterol nebulizer, corticosteroids. Provide the rationale for why each medication has been included as part of her medical management and explain any potential contraindications related to these medications.

You are designing Vivi Mitchell’s plan of care. Identify two priority nursing diagnoses to include in your plan. For each nursing diagnosis, identify two SMART goals, and two interventions for each goal.

What short and long-term possible complications should the nurse anticipate?

What client education is appropriate for Vivi Mitchell as she is discharged from the after-care clinic?

How do social workers address the psycho-social needs of young women with breast cancer in Australia?

How do social workers address the psycho-social needs of young women with breast cancer in Australia?

Discuss the overall economic outlook and analysts’ forecast of the stock market.

Securities, Market Functions, and Performance Evaluation
This week you will provide an overview of the stock market and evaluate its past performance. Your discussion should include:
The structure of the stock market and how it operates

How transactions are conducted in the stock market

Securities that could be bought or sold in the stock market

Other available financial instruments besides stocks

Evaluation of Overall Stock Market Performance Using the Main Indexes:

Compare and contrast the three major stock market indexes (i.e. Dow Jones Industrial Average, SP 500, and NASDAQ Composite).

Graph the performance of indexes from 1996 to present.

Analyze the trends and explain the major events from 1996.

Discuss the overall economic outlook and analysts’ forecast of the stock market.

What are the factors that affect how the stock market performs?

Where do you see the stock market going over the next three months? One year? Three years?

What measures has the criminal justice system introduced in recent years to support victims of crime in England and Wales?

Criminal Justice System

Introduction to the Criminal Justice System

Essay titles 2021 (in place of unseen exam)

Choose one essay title from the selection below:

1. Using evidence in support of rehabilitation, can it be argued that ‘prison is just an expensive way of making bad people worse’?

2. While lessons have been learnt from the past, is there still discrimination in the criminal justice system of England and Wales? Using current evidence in support, evaluate this question in terms of ethnicity and/or gender.

3. In what ways have social scientists identified that the news reporting of crime, criminal justice and victims is distorted?

4. Using examples and relevant legislation describe and evaluate the surveillance powers now available to the various agencies of the state.

5. Supported by evidence, critically evaluate primary, secondary and tertiary crime prevention strategies in England and Wales.

6. What are the strengths and weaknesses of data collected from both the Crime Survey of England and Wales and official police crime statistics?

7. Compare and contrast some of the differences between the adversarial system of criminal justice of England and Wales and the inquisitorial system of criminal justice of the European Union.

8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the involvement of private commercial companies in the delivery of criminal justice services in England and Wales?

9. What measures has the criminal justice system introduced in recent years to support victims of crime in England and Wales?

Did certain words used by the media affect change in the election results?

To what extent has different media articles portrayed the candidates of the 2016 US election during the presidential debate’

Requirements for the IB extended essay –

My topic will focus on the bias of media towards the 2016 presidential election candidates, it cant be too broad and will only focus on comparing media articles. It had to be narrowed down and specific so i chose the presidential debate and how the candidates were portrayed.

Identifying word classes against both the candidates

Adjectives most commonly used towards Trump or Hillary

The imagery used to describe both of them

Did certain words used by the media affect change in the election results?

Trump’s positive portrayal by the media allowed him to win the election?

How big of a role did the presidential debate play on the voters’ choices ( was the media against any candidates? Ever?

What is an essay word changer, and how it works? Global warming and climate change essay writing tips.


Good essay transitions: the purpose of using with examples
What is an essay word changer, and how it works? Global warming and climate change essay writing tips. How to write a great Costco essay? What is an opinion essay?Analytical essay examples from professional writers

Identify the risks to patient safety and healthcare quality.

For this discussion:
450 to 500 words. Communicate the importance of risk management as it relates to patient safety in the delivery of quality health care. Identify the risks to patient safety and healthcare quality.

Do you think social entrepreneur will dominate the future of Philippine business?

Social entrepreneur

Do you think social entrepreneur will dominate the future of Philippine business?