
Discuss the main theoretical similarities and differences of Ellis’s REBT and Beck’s CT.

Discuss the main theoretical similarities and differences of Ellis’s REBT and Beck’s CT.

Select one of the periods of history that we studied in this class and identify how it shaped modern America today.

Select one of the periods of history that we studied in this class and identify how it shaped modern America today. As part of your explanation, include an examination of one or two policies the government implemented that you feel are supported or refuted in the Bible.

In your paper, you must address the specific era by identifying the years you chose to cover, specific events and or people in that period, and how that shaped Modern America today. Here are a few topics to get you thinking:
The passing of the 13th Amendment.
The rise of the railroads.
The rise of monster cities.
Free Market Economies in the 1910s and 1920’s.
The cultural shifts of the 1950s and 1960s.
The rise and fall of Communism.
Your paper needs to be 4-6 pages in length, and incorporate at least three scholarly sources. Format your paper according to the 7th edition APA style.

What play medium did you use and how did you use it (e.g., directive or non-directive approach, verbal versus experiential components, your theoretical approach)?

In your field experience documentation (i.e., case notes), focus on the following:

a. Who did you work with and where?

b. What play medium did you use and how did you use it (e.g., directive or non-directive approach, verbal versus experiential components, your theoretical approach)?theoretical approach

c. What happened? Be descriptive and give thorough examples or

d. What thoughts and feelings did you experience in the process?

e. What did you learn or relearn about theory, the medium, the procedures, and about yours

Identify an area or areas of your life where you will use information learned from this course.

Prompt: Identify an area or areas of your life where you will use information learned from this course.

How might learning about different perspectives and biases influence your work, relationships, and other areas of your life?

Explain what the heuristic you used was, and how it biased your decision-making.

Identify a time when you used a heuristic (label that heuristic or cognitive shortcut – you can use this as a guide – that led to a biased decision.

Explain what the heuristic you used was, and how it biased your decision-making. Then, describe how you might challenge yourself to go beyond that heuristic (to engage in system 2 thinking) in the future.

Using what you learned about group decision-making,identify two ways in which you might have increased inclusivity in the team.

Consider a team you have worked on in the past. Using what you learned about group decision-making, identify two ways in which you might have increased inclusivity in the team. Be specific and tie your insights to the course content.

Which of these alternatives are legal? Which are ethical?

NOTE ALL THREE QUESTIONS NEEDS A RESPONSE: Assume you have a job interview next Tuesday. You have been informed that the interview process will take almost all day. This creates a scheduling conflict. You work next Tuesday at your current job with Zoom meetings all day. How do you proceed with your current employer?

1. Should you tell the truth? If so, would your current job be in jeopardy? Would your employer think you are disloyal and, as a result, not consider you in the future for a raise or promotion?

2. Should you lie? For example, should you tell your current employer that you need the day off because you have to go to the doctor. You know that statement, if not true, brings a lineage of questions, mostly COVID related, if you happen to work in-office.

3. Should you just wait until Tuesday morning and “claim sick time”? Which of these alternatives are legal? Which are ethical? Are you influenced most by the formalist approach (basically mandates that a person should act in a manner that he or she believes that everyone should act) or the consequentialist approach (focuses on the consequences of the action rather than the action itself) to ethical decision-making?

Discuss-Discharge of contract occurs when the performance of the primary obligations come to an end.

Discuss-Discharge of contract occurs when the performance of the primary obligations come to an end.

Explain the issues and problems, applying cognitive theories and design guidelines, principles or standards.

Human-Computer Interaction for Organizations


Describe the software application. Indicate what it is used for, who the target users are and the context of use. Include screen grabs, pictures or diagrams.

Select a particular area of concern for the application for investigation and redesign.

Explain the issues and problems, applying cognitive theories and design guidelines, principles or standards. Include clear screen grabs for illustration.

Select either user research or evaluation method(s) to obtain feedback and reactions from at least FIVE (5) users regarding the issues that you have selected to investigate.

Describe the method(s) that you have selected to obtain this feedback. Justify your selection. Discuss the results obtained. Formulate user requirements based on users’ feedback.

Using the results as a basis, propose how you would redesign the application to address the issues that you have identified. Justify your design using appropriate cognitive theories, design principles, guidelines or standards and based on an understanding of users’ needs and requirements.

Create a medium fidelity prototype of your design. Attach pictures of your prototype. Your prototype must have sufficient details to allow you to conduct a usability evaluation.

Briefly explain how you would use the prototype for evaluation and what metrics you would be collecting.