
What is a data dictionary and how is it used in healthcare? What are the benefits of using a data dictionary?

Discussion Board Topic – Developing a Data Dictionary:

For this discussion, you will answer the following questions, and then create your own data dictionary.
What is a data dictionary and how is it used in healthcare?

What are the benefits of using a data dictionary?

Describe the traits and skills that made them an effective or ineffective manager.

After reading the textbook section on management theories, reflect on one of your previous managers (preferably in healthcare) and identify the management style that most closely relates to the traits and skills he or she exhibited as a manager.

Describe the traits and skills that made them an effective or ineffective manager. Provide an example or insight of the management style exhibited by this manager and how you felt it made them a good or bad manager.

Provide one management tip for enhancing or improving this individual’s management style.

How do quality practices that originated in the manufacturing industry differ from the traditional quality practices of healthcare organizations?

Quality Management Building Blocks Discussion Board Topic:

How do quality practices that originated in the manufacturing industry differ from the traditional quality practices of healthcare organizations?

How would applying the core values and concepts of the Baldrige Health Care Criteria for Performance Excellence improve healthcare quality?

Discussion Board Guidelines:

Post an answer to the question in the topic to the discussion board. Your discussion board posts should follow the rubric provided below.

Which companies provide superior customer service?

Quality Management Discussion Board Topic:

In your opinion, which companies provide superior customer service? Now think of a company that provides the same services but only provides average or mediocre customer service?

Name the factors most important to you when judging the quality of a company’s customer service.

Discussion Board Guidelines:

Post an answer to the question in the topic to the discussion board. Your discussion board posts should follow the rubric provided below. Your initial post must reference at least one source other than your textbook. You will need to respond to a peer’s posting. Your original post must be at least 250 words

How has modern extremist behavior contributed to the development of this modern concept of terrorism?

Characteristics of Right-Wing and Left-Wing Terrorism & New Terrorism

Characteristics of Right-Wing and Left-Wing Terrorism

Discuss the various characteristics of right-wing and left-wing terrorism within the United States.

What are the similarities and differences between the two? Do you believe that such attackers typically belong to terrorist groups or organizations, or are they more often self-radicalized? Provide specific examples to support your post.

Discuss the concept that Martin (2018) refers to as the New Terrorism. How has modern extremist behavior contributed to the development of this modern concept of terrorism?

How can acts of terrorism be prevented and deterred when these terrorists do not fit squarely into the classical ideological continuum discussed previously? Provide specific examples to support your post.

Explain the incentive pay model Uber uses and how it affects the principal-agent problem.

Unit 8 Final Project Finance

Uber is a ride-sharing service started in 2009. If you are not familiar with Uber, you can learn more about the services it provides at

Construct an eight-page analysis of Uber using the following criteria.

Analyze the market before Uber’s entry. Describe the inefficiency Uber exploited.

Explain Uber’s surge pricing in the context of shifts in supply and demand.

Evaluate Uber’s surge pricing in the context of price discrimination.

Apply the concepts of economies of scale and economies of scope to Uber’s business model.

Apply the concepts of game theory to Uber’s market.

Assess Uber’s potential for international expansion and potential trade policy issues.

Explain the incentive pay model Uber uses and how it affects the principal-agent problem.

Discuss any asymmetric information issues with Uber’s business model.

Your essay must be at least eight pages in length (not counting the title and references pages) and include at least five peer-reviewed resources. Adhere to APA Style when writing your analysis, including citations and references for sources used. Be sure to include an introduction. Please note that no abstract is needed.

Explain how the sales team can benefit from a full review of training, both in sales technique and new product knowledge.

Strategic Sales Management Discussion Paper

The activity below is similar to what you are asked to do in your final assessment for this module. By completing this exercise, you will be getting good practice ahead of that assessment. You will see some generic feedback posted by “LSBF Task Feedback” in the top response in the forum below. After you have posted your own response, read through this feedback and think about how it applies to your own work.

You have been asked to observe, advise, and act as a consultant to the sales director of a medium-sized company operating in the pharmaceutical sector of the UK economy. The company is about to launch a new product that it hopes will soon become a market leader in its particular niche.

As a consequence, the sales force (both management and field personnel) will face major challenges over the launch period and subsequent sell-in.

Write a business report (1000 words +/- 10%) where you will:

Explain and analyze the main environmental factors that might affect a new product launch and the role of the sales force in ensuring that the launch and its rollout programme is a success.

Explain how the sales team can benefit from a full review of training, both in sales technique and new product knowledge.

What barriers might arise in the implementation of your proposals, and how might they be addressed?

Policy Evaluation (500-800 words). Consider the consequences of adopting your policies along the following dimensions:

Climate. How well do you think your proposal does regarding meeting the Paris climate goals? If not well, is this acceptable to you? Why?

Economy. If the world followed your recommendations, how would the economy be different in 2030? In what ways better? In what ways worse?

Equity. Consider whether your policies will disproportionately harm certain groups and how to mitigate such harms. To what extent does your proposal seem fair and equitable for different groups of people? Who would be the biggest winners and losers in your proposed future?

Environment. To what extent might your proposals address the climate problem and mitigate other environmental challenges? To what extent might your proposals cause or worsen other environmental problems?

Realism without cynicism. What would it take for your proposal to be realized? What barriers might arise in the implementation of your proposals, and how might they be addressed?

Analyze the impacts of these policies on public health and health equity.

In this course, you have learned the basics of ethics and law for the healthcare industry. Now that you have a solid foundation of knowledge on the subject, evaluate a healthcare law and its related policies. Analyze the impacts of these policies on public health and health equity.

Provide ethical ramifications for each chosen policy. Include any insights that you gained from your research and postings or from responses of peers or the instructor that helped shape your thinking on these issues.

When you respond to your classmates, thoroughly analyze the examples and evidence cited and expand on their posts by providing your own perspectives.

This discussion forum meets the MPH CEPH Competency #15: Evaluate policies for their impact on public health and health equity.

What public health and education measures have been taken during recent outbreaks to monitor and track the disease you chose in the community?

Public Health and Emerging Diseases

Review the reportable disease list for Los Angeles County as well as the interactive information sheets on HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, and influenza in this week’s media folder. Choose a disease from the reportable disease list and submit a 2- to 3-page paper in which you answer the following questions:

What public health and education measures have been taken during recent outbreaks to monitor and track the disease you chose in the community?

What else is being done about this disease from a public health standpoint? Address the actions taken by community agencies, not-for-profit organizations, and government agencies such as the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotions.

Your paper must be 2–3 pages in length; include evidence or information from at least two credible external sources, and follow APA style for formatting and citation.