
Identify questions to focus exploration of possible solutions through stakeholder evidence.

Assessment Brief

Identify questions to focus exploration of possible solutions through stakeholder evidence

Identify questions to focus exploration of possible solutions through scientific evidence

Discuss how additional support in the classroom should be considered before a LRE placement is changed.

Due Process Case Study

Detail the next steps to take regarding stakeholders that need to be involved in reviewing Stephen’s current LRE placement. Provide who specifically will be involved and describe their legal responsibility in the special education process.

Rationalize how your foundational knowledge of the special education process and issues within the case study led you to decide upon these next steps.

Identify and describe the ethical dilemma in providing Stephen an education that allows him to flourish, based on his case study. Discuss why moving LRE placements is not an option at this time due to the standard special education process.

Discuss how quality data and the lack of additional support in the classroom both play a factor in this decision.Cite the “Special Education Professional Ethical Principles.”

Discuss how additional support in the classroom should be considered before a LRE placement is changed.

Discuss the possible involvement of para-educators, tutors, volunteers, or related service providers. If para-educators, tutors, or volunteers were brought into the classroom to assist Stephen, what guidance and direction would you provide to those stakeholders?

Discuss the legal, ethical, and quality requirements related to the management of confidential student information when working with para-educators, tutors, or volunteers.

Support your findings by citing the “Special Education Professional Ethical Principles” and an additional 3-5 scholarly resources.

Summarize and synthesize pertinent professional literature on HWE as it relates to the elements you recommend strengthening.

Healthy Work Environment (M6O

Introduction (~1 page) 25 points
Present and describe guidelines for a Healthy Work Environment (HWE).
Describe your current work environment,

In your current work environment, consider the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) to assess the work environment. (See page 180 in your text).

What 2-3 guidelines do you recommend strengthening as it relates to these elements and why.

Literature Review (~1-2 pages) 30 points

Summarize and synthesize pertinent professional literature on HWE as it relates to the elements you recommend strengthening.

Literature from books and readings should be used including the required readings from the text and Canvas articles.

Discussion and Conclusion (~ 2 pages) 30 point
Based on the literature and your learning’s from this course, what specific recommendations would you make to build a HWE in your workplace.

What resources are needed to be successful in these recommendations.

What barriers or obstacles do you foresee? Be sure to substantiate with the literature.

Recommendations should include an objective, action items (tasks), and resource(s) including cost.

Who are our customers? and What is our core competency?

Establishing Organizational Mission Statements and Goals
After an organization has assessed its resources and opportunities, it can begin to establish goals and strategies to leverage them.

The goals of any organization should derive from its mission statement , a long-term view or vision of what the organization wants to become.

For instance, Starbucks’ mission, “to inspire and nurture the human spirit—one cup and one neighborhood at a time,” speaks to the company’s desire to be a gathering place in neighborhoods.

When an organization decides on its mission, it is answering two questions: Who are our customers? and What is our core competency? Although these questions appear very simple, they are two of the most important questions for any company to address.

Describe how feasible your recommendations are for these identified groups to develop and implement.

EBP Synthesis Paper based on PICOT question

Recommendations: Apply the evidence, determine and describe logical and feasible recommendations supported by the evidence you have presented in the critical analysis section above. Be specific and define the recommendations in a bulleted list. If you recommend more study is needed be sure to indicate the reasons for taking this position (week 6)
Stakeholders/Change Agents: Discuss who, or what organizations are concerned with the findings and the recommendations.

Who may benefit from the information, including patients, families, health care professionals, insurance carriers and more.

Describe how feasible your recommendations are for these identified groups to develop and implement. Focus this section on how to include patient’s preferences and values in the process (week 6)

Summary or Conclusion: End with a paragraph or two concluding the argument for change based on your evidence as it stands. Describe how health care professionals can advocate for patients and families and the population health using the EBP process.

Discuss three factors that affect your daily food choices.

Discuss three factors that affect your daily food choices. For each factor with a negative outcome, suggest at least one change you could make in your daily behavior that would turn that negative outcome to a positive outcome. Cite your sources in a reference list.

Analyze sources of data/information related to a given research topic

A Brief Statistical Look at Apollo
The Research Project is worth 20+ percent of your overall course grade. The assignment requires you to demonstrate the following course objectives:

Analyze sources of data/information related to a given research topic

Evaluate both quantitative and qualitative research methods

Apply select statistical analysis procedures for quantitative data

Present findings in a coherent manner using both written text and graphics

Analyze the results of the internal rate of return calculation and the significance of these results, supported with examples.

Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return

Create a PowerPoint® presentation showing the comparison of the net present value approach with the internal rate of return approach calculated above. Complete the following in your presentation:

Analyze the results of the net present value calculations and the significance of these results, supported with examples.

Determine which project should be adopted based on the net present value approach and provide rationale for your decision.

Analyze the results of the internal rate of return calculation and the significance of these results, supported with examples.

Determine which project should be adopted based on the internal rate of return approach and provide rationale for your decision.

Determine the preferred method in the given circumstances and provide reasoning and details to support the method selected.

Synthesize results of analyses and computations to determine the best investment opportunity to recommend to the president of Donovan Enterprises.

Explain how incentives can be used to overcome the principal-agent problem (such as paying your children for good grades).

Describe an example you have experience with of the principal-agent problem (for example, you have a desire for your children to listen in school and do well, while for them, goofing off at school might be much more fun). explain how incentives can be used to overcome the principal-agent problem (such as paying your children for good grades). Include in your explanation an analysis of the risks in using incentives.

Describe what your function does and produce the output.

Custom Function in R CT6 MIS476

Write a custom R function that inputs a temperature in Fahrenheit Fo and converts to Celsius Co. The relationship is Co = 5(Fo – 32)/9.

Write a custom R function that computes the sum of squares of two numbers.

Write a custom R function that takes any uni-variate data set and calculates the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation.

In statistics, a data set needs to be transformed in order to meet certain assumptions.

Write a custom R function that takes any uni-variate data set and creates a histogram of the raw data set and a histogram of the log-transformed data set.

Write a custom R function of your own.  Describe what your function does and produce the output.
Using a Word document, include your all your functions along with least four different output results from each of the functions 1 through 5.

You may either copy and paste the codes and output results on a Word document or take the screen shots.

If you take the screen shots, make sure to show the current date.