
What would be the consequences of replacing the Wednesbury test with a test based on proportionality?

What would be the consequences of replacing the Wednesbury test with a test based on proportionality?

Discuss the process of political socialization-Relate political socialization to the stability.

Discuss the process of political socialization-Relate political socialization to the stability.

 Discuss any additional benefits this organization could realize and how.

Within Subjects Experimental

Imagine you are a consultant hired by your current employer or an organization you are familiar with. Your task is to inventory and categorize your selected organization’s information systems according to the “three fundamental types of information systems” presented in this week’s reading.

You are to determine what benefits this organization is realizing from each information system type.

Discuss any additional benefits this organization could realize and how.

Use the “organizational complement” framework from this week’s reading to analyze what is needed to achieve the additional benefits.

Deliverable should include:

Inventory and categorization by information system types.

Benefits from each information system type.

Additional benefits that could be potentially realized and how.

Describe how the ethical dilemma can affect both the organization and society.

Ethical Issues in the 21st Century

Gonzalez-Padron (2015) addressed several ethical issues that have arisen in the 21st century. Choose a scholarly or credible article relating to a 21st century ethical issue. The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types.

If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, contact your instructor.

Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

Describe how the ethical dilemma can affect both the organization and society.

Evaluate changes could have been made to prevent this ethical dilemma.

Discuss the factors that you believe give America (or your country of choice) such an advantage.

These concepts are also applicable to international trade. Countries trade with one another for economic reasons.

Take a closer look at our local economy or a country of your interest and pick a good or a service that you believe America (or your country of choice) has a comparative advantage in producing. Discuss the factors that you believe give America (or your country of choice) such an advantage.

In addition, is it better for a country to export more or to import more?

Moreover, what is the impact of trade surplus (exporting more than importing) and trade deficit (importing more than exporting) on GDP, employment, and the exchange rate of the country’s currency?

Develop a 6-7-page implementation plan-Include a budget for material, staffing, and capital costs over the first five years of the initiative, as well as projected earnings. In addition, include a timeline, an organizational impact analysis, and an explanation of the effects of environmental changes on the initiative.

Develop a 6-7-page implementation plan. Include a budget for material, staffing, and capital costs over the first five years of the initiative, as well as projected earnings. In addition, include a timeline, an organizational impact analysis, and an explanation of the effects of environmental changes on the initiative. Base the work on Assessment 1 and Assessment 2 papers which I’m attaching.

What was the first movie of the country, what were the political/social developments that affected cinema.

History of U.S. Cinema

Describe the history of cinema in the U.S. For example, some questions you can answer are:

What was the first movie of the country, what were the political/social developments that affected cinema, explain the genres have been explored, if they have annual movie awards, if movies from that country have gathered international acclaim or distribution, etc. Keep in mind the bi-directional influence of movies and society.

What is the difference between independent and mutually exclusive projects?

Depreciation, salvage values, net operating working capital requirements, and tax effects are all included in these cash flows.

The CFO also made subjective risk assessments of each project, and he concluded that both projects have risk characteristics that are similar to the firm’s average project. Allied’s WACC is 10%.

You must determine whether one or both of the projects should be accepted.

a. What is capital budgeting? Are there any similarities between a firm’s capital budgeting decisions and an individual’s investment decisions?

b. What is the difference between independent and mutually exclusive projects? Between projects with normal and non-normal cash flows?
1. Define the term net present value (NPV). What is each project’s NPV?

2. What is the rationale behind the NPV method? According to NPV, which project(s) should be accepted if they are independent? Mutually exclusive?

3. Would the NPVs change if the WACC changed? Explain.
1. Define the term internal rate of return (IRR). What is each project’s IRR?

2. How is the IRR on a project related to the YTM on a bond?

3. What is the logic behind the IRR method? According to IRR, which project(s) should be accepted if they are independent? Mutually exclusive?

4. Would the projects’ IRRs change if the WACC changed?

Analyze the ethical decision that the Captain faced as it relates to how he communicated his plea and in the context of his position.

Consider the Captain’s decision to send the letter, the manner in which the letter was sent, and the recipient(s) of the letter. Complete both parts of this assessment in a single Word document.

Analyze the ethical decision that the Captain faced as it relates to how he communicated his plea and in the context of his position. Consider the sender, receiver, message, and channel.

Analyze the primary failures and successes of the Captain’s communication strategy.

Make sure to consider how the letter was distributed, the Captain’s possible intent, and the content of the letter.

If this situation had occurred in the private sector and not the military, would the outcomes have been similar or different? Defend your reasoning.

Imagine that you were the commanding officer of another naval ship who had followed this sequence of events closely. Your ship’s Public Affairs Officer reports to you and is responsible for many of the ship’s external communications, and you are anxious to share your lessons learned from the USS Theodore Roosevelt situation.

Send a communication to your Public Affairs Officer that conveys and re-enforces the primary lesson(s) learned from the incident on the USS Theodore Roosevelt. Be sure you focus on the actions of the Captain. The medium is your choice, but it is also very important, so state the medium you have chosen within your message and the reason you feel it is the most appropriate medium to use. Address possible reasons such as confidentiality, tone, convention, et cetera.

Reflect on the presentations for this week and discuss influences on patient learning.

Teaching is one of the primary roles of the registered nurse. Learning is affected by many variables both external and internal.
1. Reflect on the presentations for this week and discuss influences on patient learning. (Uploaded pictures of presentation slides)

2. Pick a health promotion topic from the list below and give examples of what teaching would fall into each area of the 3 learning domains cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.