
Why did you select this video? Was there anything, in particular, that resonated with you or helped you to understand one of the developmental theories?

Social Work is the subject.

Attached are the full assignment details

Please scour the internet to find at least two videos related to the development theories. These videos can be focused on practical application of the theories including current models of practice and/or with specific populations.

Copy and paste the video links into your discussion, and then respond to the following:

• Why did you select this video? Was there anything, in particular, that resonated with you or helped you to understand one of the developmental theories?

• How do you think viewing the video might help your classmates?

• Is there anything, in particular, that you believe the video missed?

• If you include external research

Does Socrates accept the fairness of the laws under which he was tried and convicted?

Essay prompt: According to Socrates, must one heed popular opinion about moral matters? Does Socrates accept the fairness of the laws under which he was tried and convicted? Would Socrates have been wrong to escape?

What are the Causes of Economic Inequality in the U.S.

What are the Causes of Economic Inequality in the U.S.

How does colonialism inform this contemporary lived reality? Identify specific colonial forces/events that contribute to this issue.

Critical Essay

Drawing upon the terms, concepts, theories and themes from this course, provide a critical analysis of the following article:

Although you are free to take any approach to your examination, remember that your critical essay must: make connections between the article and the terms, theories, and material presented in the course; provide an interrogation of the article that makes connections with themes, terms, and material identified/examined throughout this course; and, develop supporting arguments based on course material.

As part of your examination, you MIGHT want to consider structuring your critical analysis around the following questions:

· How does this article relate to the material examined in KIN 105?

· How does colonialism inform this contemporary lived reality? Identify specific colonial forces/events that contribute to this issue.

· Does the article attempt to explore the historical roots of this lived reality? If not, why might this historical context be missing? What impact, if any, does this absence have upon the presentation of this issue?

· How are Indigenous peoples portrayed in the article? What is the significance of these representations?

· Whose voices are represented in this article? And, how do these perspectives shape understanding of this lived reality?

· Does the article reinforce specific mythologies and/or stereotypes? If so, what is the significance of these narratives?

· Is this contemporary condition/conflict presented as an “Indigenous issue” or, rather, as an issue that affects all citizens of the nation-state, specifically those of the dominant culture? What is the implication of this particular approach and perspective? And, what is the benefit—and who benefits—from portraying the issue as “Indigenous”? What does this suggest about reconciliation?

· Does the article address decolonization and reconciliation?

Discuss the development of trade union movement in ire-land.

Discuss the development of trade union movement in ire-land.

Explain the purpose of the executive summary and briefly describe the survey respondents.

Executive Summary: Working With Tableau—Analyze Data
Descriptive statistics describes a data set. It is used to summarize and organize the data into something more manageable, actionable, and ready for presentation. It can also help organize data and present a business problem in an understandable manner. You can use descriptive statistics to understand and analyze the data for your organization.

The employees in your company report struggling with burnout (being overworked). You have been asked to analyze the situation and recommend solutions to reduce employee burnout. You have access to an employee survey with employee responses related to the situation.

This week you will analyze the employee survey data and create bar graphs to represent the data visually. Based on your analysis, you will then create an executive summary targeted to a non-technical audience unfamiliar with statistics. See the document Module Four Survey Response Key for the responses that were available on the survey.
Part 1: Burnout Analysis: Bar Graphs

To complete this assignment, you will use Tableau software that is located within the virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI).

Follow the directions in the User Manual: Working With Tableau document to import these employee survey responses into Tableau and conduct a burnout analysis. Use Tableau to create bar graphs that will answer the following questions. Take screenshots of your bar graphs to include in your executive summary document.

Which gender is experiencing the burnout level “Pretty wiped out almost every day” most?

Which male age group is experiencing the stress level, “A little stress that would be expected with the ups and downs of life” at home the most?

Which leadership level strongly agrees with the fact that they love what they do?

Which gender with a tenure of 5+ years had the lowest number of responses for the burnout level “I feel great! Energy to spare!”?

Part 2: Executive Summary

Create an Executive Summary of your results addressing the following criteria:

Purpose and respondents: Explain the purpose of the executive summary and briefly describe the survey respondents.

Results: Summarize your bar graph analyses and answer the questions they represent. Add corresponding bar graphs to relevant sections of the summary to illustrate your analyses.

Recommendations: Based on your analysis, recommend two areas the company can focus on to reduce employee burnout.

Guidelines for Submission

To complete this assignment, you must submit the following:

Executive Summary: Submit a 2- to 3-page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins.

Include the screenshots of the graphs you generated in Tableau. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.

Book for class

Use the book as a reference and a module link if necessary

Name of class

SNHU MBA 540 Organizational Strategy in a Global Environment

Link: to login to have access to book

Please contact Support Team for Login details.

Any module link have the same login as the book

Discuss the Impacts of the 1979-1989 Cold War Politics on Afghanistan’s Migration to America

Discuss the Impacts of the 1979-1989 Cold War Politics on Afghanistan’s Migration to America

What is the link between protein intake, exercise, and sarcopenia?

• In your own words, describe the primary, secondary, tertiary, and Quaternary structure of a protein.

• Name an additional example (not listed in the table) for each of the classes of protein and how that protein functions to promote health and/or fitness in the human body.

• Define sarcopenia. What is the link between protein intake, exercise, and sarcopenia?