
What dietary recommendations would you make for a college-aged female, with a sedentary lifestyle, who has been recently diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome?

Describe the differences in how the human body digests carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Include the sites and products of digestion for each.

What dietary recommendations would you make for a college-aged female, with a sedentary lifestyle, who has been recently diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome?

How would you educate her on the importance of nutrition? How would you work with her to gain understanding in the link between diet and digestion?

The link between digestion and overall health and well being?

Compare and contrast Marx and Weber’s notion of class and class stratification.

1. Compare and contrast Marx and Weber’s notion of class and class stratification.

2. Thinking about Max Weber’s three components of social class, answer the following two questions:

If you were forced to choose between Weber’s three components of social class, which component would you choose to have for the rest of your life: property, prestige, or power? Why?

How could you use that one component to gain the others?

What were the principal challenges that Carolina Maria de Jesus faced as she struggled to raise her family in Sao Paulo Favela ?

What were the principal challenges that Carolina Maria de Jesus faced as she struggled to raise her family in Sao Paulo Favela ? What were the main sources of joy and frustration for her ?

What specific people and/or events most shaped your personality over the last fifteen years of your life?

Make a list of your read our own personality traits and then address the following questions:

How much, if at all, has your personality changed from the time you were in elementary school?

What specific people and/or events most shaped your personality over the last fifteen years of your life?

In terms of personality, which parent are you most like—your mother or your father—and in what ways?

After you consider these questions, discuss how, if at all, your answers may help to shed light on the “nature” versus “nurture” debate.

What role does carbohydrate intake play in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

1. Define and give an example of a monosaccharid, disaccharide, and a polysaccharide.

2. What kinds of foods contain carboxylic acids?

3. What kinds of foods contain esters?

4. What role does carbohydrate intake play in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? What dietary recommendations are usually given to patients with COPD?

Demonstrate a knowledge of the dangers facing lawyers who breach confidentiality principles.

Assessed intended learning outcomes
On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to: –
Knowledge and Understanding
1.  understand the relevant rules and issues governing the relationship with the client in the context of the principles relating to confidentiality.
2.  understand more of the relevant professional requirements of client care communications.
3.  demonstrate a knowledge of the dangers facing lawyers who breach confidentiality principles.

Practical, Professional or Subject Specific Skills
1.  be able to apply the duties relating to confidentiality in practice in a legal context.
2.  recognize the risk for lawyers in potential, practical confidentiality situations.
3. identify the necessary steps to be taken to avoid liability in confidentiality matters.
Transferable Skills and other Attributes
1.  demonstrate the ability to write in a clear and unambiguous manner using correct terminology.
2. Structure opinions on client care issues in a legal environment that are objective
and ethical.
3. Ability to write a concise and comprehensive report on a key issue facing
4. Analytical and problem-solving abilities.

Conduct research on the current state of Social Security. Based on your research, write a three-to-five page paper (not including the title and reference pages). Your paper should be written in a scholarly third-person tone; it should be in APA format. The essay should address the following: Explain the concept of Social Security as originally envisioned by President Roosevelt. Evaluate the viability of Social Security within the next 20-30 years. Provide two or three recommendations that would improve the viability of Social Security for the next generation. Evaluate how these recommendations can best be implemented within the highly political environment that exists with this issue (including factors such as the implementation itself, commun

Identify one of the news articles from the list below that you are interested in writing about.

Identify one of the news articles from the list below that you are interested in writing about.

For this assignment, you will demonstrate your ability to apply your sociological imagination to better explain current events.

You can use your textbook and notes to help. This assignment will help you think more critically about the news and other media you consume on a daily basis, as well as to better understand and critique arguments using a sociological perspective.

Identify one of the news articles from the list below that you are interested in writing about. Then, in your written assignment ( 1 page, 12 pt. font, single spaced, with 1 inch margins on all sides) you will identify at least two sociological theories and/or concepts from our class materials and discuss how they can help better explain what is happening in the article.

You should not simply recite what an article says, but instead add some sociology in order to better explain what is happening around us.

Critically explore the advantages and disadvantages of having a specific classification for hate-related offences.

Criminal justice and punishment

1. Critically explore the advantages and disadvantages of having a specific classification for hate-related offences.

Oscola referencing. 1800 words including footnotes. do not include bibliography.

Explain any characteristics of your sample and data collection method that should be taken into consideration by readers.


• Section is in paragraph form, double-spaced, with appropriate APA-style heading.

• Section is no less than 250 words.

• Describe the type of analysis used and the variables used in the analysis.

• Include a statistical statement in current APA format based on your results.

• State whether or not the results are significant, and the resulting decision about the null hypothesis of your study (reject/fail to reject).

• Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the statistical test that was used. Be sure to cite the textbook or other course materials used to provide this information.

• Explain any characteristics of your sample and data collection method that should be taken into consideration by readers. These can include such elements as sample size, survey format, issues related to online or in-person survey methods, and so on.

• Communicate clearly with attention to grammar and syntax.

• Include a Reference section in current APA style at the end of your submission.