
What were the first weeks at home like? Were there any difficulties, problems, or adjustments?

STEP 1: You may (a) consult with your parents about your own birth OR (b) interview a new parent about their birth experience. Please discuss the following in this writing assignment:

Describe the events leading up to the delivery.

Where did the delivery take place and who was present? Were any specific techniques or medications used?

What were the first weeks at home like? Were there any difficulties, problems, or adjustments?

Describe a typical day at home during the first weeks after the baby was born.

If possible, write about the first year of life for the baby. Were they breastfed or bottle-fed and when were they introduced to solid food?

How old were they when they: rolled over, sat up, crawled, cruised, walked along?

What were some of the baby’s favorite toys, first words, and favorite books? What games or activities did they like to play?

Was there more than one language spoken at home?

How would you describe the child’s temperament? Were they an easy child, a difficult child, or a slow-to-warm-up child? If there are siblings, how different or similar are the individual temperaments?

Demonstrate an understanding of four different theoretical conceptions of organizational life.


Measurable Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

A. Demonstrate an understanding of four different theoretical conceptions of organizational life.

B. Describe an existing unit of an educational organization in terms of its organizational behavior.

C. Evaluate an existing unit of an educational organization’s behavior using multiple organizational metaphors.

D. Diagnose the roots of an organizational problem and develop a workable action plan.

E. Assess all theories, methods, and assumptions through the lens of Scripture

Critically evaluate ONE of the criminological perspectives you have studied this term.

Social reaction (labelling theory)

This module will be assessed on the basis of one 1500-word assignment. The coursework must be handed in by 4pm Tues 16/08/21. This piece of coursework constitutes 100% of the module assessment.

The coursework task:

Critically evaluate ONE of the criminological perspectives you have studied this term.

Your evaluation should address to what extent and in what ways your chosen criminological perspective has understood each of the following issues.

Be aware that not all criminological perspectives deal with each issue to the same extent.

1. Criminal offenders

2. Victims of crime

3. Crime control

Marks will be awarded for evidence

a) relevant reading,

b) critical understanding of the perspective you have chosen

c) evaluation of strength and weaknesses of the perspective, for example through comparison with other perspectives

d) effective illustration through relevant examples.

In writing your essay:

· Support your arguments with relevant examples;

· Avoid being overly descriptive – e.g. do not just describe a theory – explain why it is relevant or important. You will gain marks for analysis and evaluation, not description;

· Always reference your sources and provide a full reference list of sources used

· Keep within the word limit – it is designed to get you to think carefully about how to organize and illustrate your answer. Assignments more than 10% over the word limit will be subject to penalties.

· Be aware: there is zero tolerance on plagiarism on this module.

(Harvard referencing guide;


Using the recognized models and technics to explain./ Berlo, Shannon Weaver etc?-Diagrams regarding successful models of team development.

Successful Team Development
Diagrams regarding successful models of team development- using the recognized models and technics to explain./ Berlo, Shannon Weaver etc?

Do not add too much text to the slides -bullet points, diagrams, references and few citations

Explain why each position is necessary for the organization and more broadly for the community served.

Using the websites listed in Module 3, research informatics positions in healthcare settings. You may also choose to search for healthcare informatics positions at other websites. Be sure to indicate if you used a different search method and where you found each job. Choose three (3) different positions that interest you.

-Describe each position. In your description, provide the title, setting, and 3 or 4 associated duties for each position.

-Explain why each position interests you.

-Explain why each position is necessary for the organization and more broadly for the community served.

-Identify the types of data and systems you would anticipate using in each of the three roles.

-Explain the purpose of the data in each position.

Describe your understanding of Warby Parker’s target market as specifically and quantitatively as possible. 

Warby Parker
Provide answers to the questions below, using complete sentences (bulleted lists are strongly encouraged when appropriate if they are introduced or summarized using complete sentences).

When the question refers to specific topics or terms from the course content, be sure to make it obvious that you understand the concepts by identifying those parts of your answers explicitly.

The distribution of points in this section is not always equally weighted to each question but is allocated in a way that is commensurate with the scope and complexity of each question.

1. Briefly summarize the eye wear industry (especially as it was when Warby Parker entered the scene).

What barriers to entry existed for a small business?  How did Warby Parker overcome these barriers?

2.Should Warby Parker charge more for frames purchased in stores than for frames purchased online to offset the higher cost of rent and store employees? Why or why not?  Be sure to identify concepts from this course in your answer.

3.Describe your understanding of Warby Parker’s target market as specifically and quantitatively as possible.  Support your answer with your research.

How does Shakespeare use race and gender to enable conversations about society, about identity?

Are Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ and ‘Othello really about race?

How does Shakespeare use race and gender to enable conversations about society, about identity?
Talk about intersectionality. Gender and race mixed up. Class?
Attempted rape by Caliban make it about gender

Ariel – ambiguous in gender terms.

Deliberately imports gender to complicate race and race to complicate gender.

Differently read by different people, different audiences

Political identities
Is it distinctly about one or does he care about both?

Which one is he more fussed about – is it possible to ascertain?

What is the assessment process for identifying addictive disorders for assessing and diagnosing clients?

Write a 1,000-1,200-word paper that addresses the following:

A definition of screening, assessment, and treatment planning

What is the assessment process for identifying addictive disorders for assessing and diagnosing clients?

What considerations must be made for choosing an appropriate assessment tool?

A general overview of the substance use disorder criteria according to the current version of the DSM

A discussion about the potential problems that can arise when a counselor relies solely on the diagnostic criteria listed in the DSM for treatment planning

Include at least two examples of commonly used substance use disorder assessment tools in addition to the current version of the DSM. Include an analysis of the benefits and limitations to these tools.

Include a minimum of four scholarly sources in addition to the textbook and current version of the DSM.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style

This assignment uses a rubric.  review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Explain the model briefly and describe how it can help to optimize the situation at Rondell Data Corporation.

Industrial and organizational psychology

1. According to the job demands and resources (JD-R) model, what kind of job demands are directly and indirectly discussed in the case study? Explain the model briefly and describe how it can help to optimize the situation at Rondell Data Corporation.

2. Which industrial- and organizational-psychological methods can be used to prevent
the problems described in the case study? Choose three different methods, describe
each briefly and explain clearly how it can help. Do not forget to link your ideas to the
case study.

What tools/techniques/methods would you use to identify, and possibly quantify/qualify, those issues?

Sections of the Report
Background. Describe in a solid paragraph the situation that is currently being assessed in the problem. Be specific, and use bullet statements to highlight problem areas from the text.

Do not use bullets as your entire background! Only use them to highlight key points, if needed.

Analysis and findings. This section gives the reader/customer information necessary to understand or appreciate the current state of the process, and set the foundation for the next sections of the report.

It puts things in focus by providing background and perspective. Assess these areas in short, succinct, but detailed sentences, and express possible reasons for these conditions to exist.

This section answers the following questions:

What are all of the potential problems mentioned in the text?

What are the possible causes for the current situation? Again, be creative! Think outside the box and as an objective analyst. Place yourself into the role as detective and consultant.

What tools/techniques/methods would you use to identify, and possibly quantify/qualify, those issues?