
How are conceptions of love and sexuality addressed in this religious tradition?

In this assignment there are 5 different essay questions, each essay question must include material mainly from the book, and a bit can be taken from the ppt slides that are posted as well.

But use most of your support from each question from the book pages provided for each question. You can include at least 1 academic source outside this material as well, to help support questions. Feel free to use more outside sources if you choose.

For each individual essay question, you will write 600 words each, minimum. The entire assignment at the end must be 3000 words minimum.

Cite the book in references and throughout the questions as used. If you make a direct quotation in the assignment include a reference.

But if you are simply talking about material covered in course readings generally, you don’t need to include references.

If you refer to materials from outside of course readings, then include a reference and bibliography for that material.


Love, Sex and Gender in the World Religions. “Love’s Insufficiency: Zen as Irritant.” William R. LaFleur. Pgs. 37-47.

According to the article, what is the highest human “relationship” in Zen? Discuss its relevance to Zen practice as discussed in lecture and in the article.

How has this relationship been represented uniquely by Dogen as discussed in the article, and what has this unique representation been intended to mean in the context of Zen Buddhism according to the author of this chapter?

Love, Sex and Gender in the World Religions. “Loving the Goddess in Hinduism.” Nancy M. Martin. Pgs. 89-107

Identify and describe several types of Goddesses and their characteristics in Hindu tradition as discussed in the article/lecture.

Use examples from the article/lecture to illustrate your answer. What do these Goddesses suggest about love and sexuality according to the author?

Love, Sex and Gender in the World Religions. “Taming the Powers of Desire: Love and Sex in the Jewish Culture.” Charlotte Elisheva Fonrobert. Pgs. 113-125.

Identify and discuss at least three examples of Jewish expressions of love and sexuality as covered in the reading/lecture. This may include Jewish theology and symbolism as well as religious practices and traditions related to marriage and sexual relationships.

The Spirits of Haitian Vodou
Love, Sex and Gender in the World Religions. “Love, Sex, and Gender Embodied: The Spirits of Haitian Vodou.” Elizabeth McAlister. Pgs. 129-143.

Generally speaking, what is Vodou? What kind of religion is it, and what is its history? How are conceptions of love and sexuality addressed in this religious tradition? Use examples from the lecture/reading to illustrate your answer.

Love, Sex and Gender in the World Religions. “Politicizing Gender and Religion: Love for Women, Love for Islam.” Zayn Kassam. 223-234.

Based on the author’s observations, identify and discuss the major challenges faced by feminist Muslims due to the history of colonization and western “othering” of Muslims citing several examples from the text.

Discuss the validity and reliability of your audit procedures.

Organizational Communication w/ Biblical Perspective

Conduct a mini- communication audit of an organization with which you are closely associated — your employer, your church, a community organization, etc. Follow the steps described in chapter 11 (attached).

A few other things to consider:

Discuss the validity and reliability of your audit procedures.

Include all four audit components: information management, communication networks, communication climate, and communication skill sets.

Include an evaluation and analysis of your findings that directly correlate with audit findings and at least three specific, applicable client recommendations with implementation steps and follow-up procedures.

You should support your evaluation and recommendations with at least four academic sure to clearly state your thesis in your introduction

Discuss primarily literature review of the policy and strategy that been used in the world health system to deal with employees stress and the bast managers practices to provide healthy environment in hospitals and how to reduce stress among their staff.

Discuss primarily literature review of the policy and strategy that been used in the world health system to deal with employees stress and the bast managers practices to provide healthy environment in hospitals and how to reduce stress among their staff.

Critically assess the effectiveness of the Parliamentary Ombudsman.

Critically assess the effectiveness of the Parliamentary Ombudsman.

What would be the consequences of replacing the Wednesbury test with a test based on proportionality?

What would be the consequences of replacing the Wednesbury test with a test based on proportionality?

Describe the type of thematic analysis you used to analyze your data, outlining the different steps you took.

Suggested plan of report

Introduction: The research question :
State your chosen research question. Your question may focus on Heidi’s behaviors, the actions of her peers, the teacher, or interactions between/among the children and adults. The research question should be related to the broad aim of the study, stated above.

Method: Type of analysis (approx. 200 words):
Describe the type of thematic analysis you used to analyze your data, outlining the different steps you took.

Results (approx. 300 words):
Identify and describe two key themes, using examples/quotations to support your description.
Explain how these themes are relevant to your research question.

Discussion (approx. 500 words):
Reflect on how effective this approach was in terms of addressing your research question.

Identify any issues you encountered and how they might be resolved in future studies

Discuss when you might use a qualitative approach to observation, include an evaluation/critique of the approach and contrast it with more quantitative approaches to observation

Compare and contrast two psychological theories relating to Human Growth and Development.

Human Growth and Development

How human beings grow and change over their lives – emotionally, psychologically and intellectually; and

How social behaviour and experience can be understood through psychological and psychosocial theories, to the benefit of the practice of social and community practitioners, relational practitioners, and youth workers.

2500 words with citiations with the references.

The title of the essay is:

“Compare and contrast two psychological theories relating to Human Growth and Development”

assignment written in 3rd person.

Analyze every aspect of the properties we manage to ensure that our management enhances their values.

Real Estate Finance

So the task is a project of me presenting to the board of the Nigerian stock exchange about doing a re-strategy for this company called NGX RelCo.

NGX Real Estate Limited (NGX RELCO), a wholly owned subsidiary of Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX Group), was incorporated in the Federal Republic of Nigeria as a private limited company on June 29, 1974.

NGX RELCO is in the business of acquiring, leasing, hiring, or part exchanging any property, whether real or personal.

Our approach to managing every property is tailor made because we recognize that we do not only manage a highly valuable asset, we also manage a very personal one.

Private investor and institutional investors, property owners and developers can rely on us to manage their investments, nurture capital growth and maximize returns.

Analyze every aspect of the properties we manage to ensure that our management enhances their values.

So the PowerPoint presentation basically needs to cover things like:

Discuss how you will use estimation and conference intervals to help you solve the problem.

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

Apply statistical techniques to address research problems
Perform hypothesis testing to address an authentic problem
In this project, you will apply inference methods for means to test your hypotheses about the housing sales market for a region of the United States. You will use appropriate sampling and statistical methods.

You have been hired by your regional real estate company to determine if your region’s housing prices and housing square footage are significantly different from those of the national market.

The regional sales director has three questions that they want to see addressed in the report:

Are housing prices in your regional market higher than the national market average?

Is the square footage for homes in your region different than the average square footage for homes in the national market?

For your region, what is the range of values for the 95% confidence interval of square footage for homes in your market?

You are given a real estate data set that has houses listed for every county in the United States.

In addition, you have been given national statistics and graphs that show the national averages for housing prices and square footage.

Your job is to analyze the data, complete the statistical analyses, and provide a report to the regional sales director.

You will do so by completing the Project Two Template located in the What to Submit area below.

Purpose: What was the purpose of your analysis, and what is your approach?
Define a random sample and two hypotheses (means) to analyze.

Sample: Define your sample. Take a random sample of 100 observations for your region.

Describe what is included in your sample (i.e., states, region, years or months).

Questions and type of test: For your selected sample, define two hypothesis questions and the appropriate type of test hypothesis for each. Address the following for each hypothesis:

Describe the population parameter for the variable you are analyzing.

Describe your hypothesis in your own words.

Describe the inference test you will use.

Identify the test statistic.

Level of confidence: Discuss how you will use estimation and conference intervals to help you solve the problem.

Summarize your sample data using appropriate graphical displays and summary statistics.

Explain how the ads communicate a sense of value at least equal to the cost and effort required to buy the product or service.

Healthcare Advertising

Trade-offs Trade-offs (a description of what the customer might need to do in order to use the service. Are advance appointments necessary?)

Personal cost (does the customer need to change their behavior?)

Incentives (describe any type of reward or other incentive in any of the ads.)
Open trade

Marketing strategy(s) employed (describe whether they emphasize quality, speed, convenience, cost, etc.)

Targeted demographics (try to determine who the target customer is with specifics)
Value exchange (explain how the ads communicate a sense of value at least equal to the cost and effort required to buy the product or service. Is the product worth it?)
“Five Cs” framework (The Five C’s can be found by Googling “Five C’s of Marketing.”)