
Analyze how organizational purpose can empower a business strategy. Explain what a purpose-driven organization is and identify how it can lead to a competitive business strategy.

Part 3: Analyzing the Purpose of the Organization

  • Analyze how organizational purpose can empower a business strategy.
  • Explain what a purpose-driven organization is and identify how it can lead to a competitive business strategy.
  • Select one of the organization examples that you identified in Part 2 and analyze how the organization’s structure impacts its strategic business practices.
    • Specifically, in what ways does/did the organizational structure enable the organization to take advantage of strategic opportunities, have an impact, and/or achieve or maintain a competitive advantage?

Describe how you made the measurements using the images on the screen and the scale below them. Estimate the errors in the fringe spacing for each case, and then pair up the separation of the slit and its mirror image d with the spacing of the dark fringes Δx and report them here.

Interference of light

  • Explain why the separation of the two slits is 2h.
  • If the two beams have paths that differ by exactly one wavelength λ in Young’s double slit, do they add constructively to make a bright interference region, or destructively to make a dark one?
  • If the two beams have paths that differ by exactly one wavelength λ in Lloyd’s mirror, do they add constructively to make a bright interference region, or destructively to make a dark one?
  • What as the apparent separation of the slits when the dial gauge read 75 based on the millimeter scale in the image?
  • Observe and comment on the patterns you see in the interference fringes as the spacing is changed.
  • Using our calibration of D0validated by the direct measurement with a scale in # 4, what is the slit separation h in each case for dial readings — 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, and 55 that produced the fringe patterns in these images? Note that the uncertainty in the dial reading is ±1. What uncertainty will this introduce into a measurement of wavelength that depends on d?


7-Based on that image, what is the ratio of the wavelength or red light to the wavelength of blue light?

8-A. Describe how you made the measurements using the images on the screen and the scale below them. Estimate the errors in the fringe spacing for each case, and then pair up the separation of the slit and its mirror image d with the spacing of the dark fringes Δx and report them here.

The wavelength of the light responsible for the patterns would be

lambda equals space left parenthesis capital delta x right parenthesis cross times left parenthesis d divided by ell right parenthesis λ = (Δx d / ℓ) as describe on the class website.


  1. For each one, find a wavelength, then average them to give a mean value with a standard deviation for the set of data. Convert this average and its uncertainty to the commonly uses units of angstroms, microns, and meters.


  1. In the image for the dial reading 45,  the white fringes are big and show obvious color. What is the ordering of the colors and why does that occur?



What is the solution to stop the rise of homegrown terrorism in the U.S.? Should more gun control laws be enacted in the U.S.? Should there be a legal penalty for using racial slurs?

Answering questions on sociology

  • What is the solution to stop the rise of homegrown terrorism in the U.S.?
  • Should more gun control laws be enacted in the U.S.?
  • Should there be a legal penalty for using racial slurs?
  • Should the death penalty be used in all cases involving first-degree murder?
  • Should prisons be privately owned? Why or why not?
  • How has the social class of your parents and your upbringing influenced your success in school and your professional aspirations?
  • What is the social class of most of the people with whom you hang out? Why do you think you tend to associate with people from this social class?
  • How is prestige affected by prejudice and discrimination?

Select a leader to profile in your written report. You may select one you admire, or a “good example of a bad example.” Research your chosen leader, identifying evidence of his/her traits, styles, and leadership situations.

Two Related but Distinct Ideas


In your readings on Leadership, you learned the difference between management and leadership, as well as traits, styles, and situations of leaders and leadership. Many modern-day leaders were profiled in the text, including:

  • Warren Buffett
  • Martin Winterkorn
  • Carrie Toldstedt
  • Ginni Rometty
  • Larry Page
  • Jeff Bezos
  • Mark Zuckerberg

In this assignment, you will research and write about a modern leader of your choice. You may not select one of the leaders listed aboveThe following steps will help you prepare for your written assignment:

  1. Thoroughly read the Leadership module.
  2. Carefully consider the traits, styles, and differing situations for leadership in today’s organizations.

Your Task

  1. Select a leader to profile in your written report. You may select one you admire, or a “good example of a bad example.”  There are numerous websites naming leaders to get you started.  A quick search on “famous contemporary leaders” revealed millions of possible lists, OR you may select a leader in your personal or professional life: your boss, a coach, a team leader, etc.
  2. Research your chosen leader, identifying evidence of his/her traits, styles, and leadership situations. Relate your findings to the module concepts. For example, how did your chosen leader demonstrate the trait of “desire to lead”?  Prepare examples.
  3. Write a five-paragraph essay profiling your chosen leader.
    • First, introduce your leader, and state why you selected him/her. Was their leadership effective or not effective?
    • Next, expand upon the traits and style of your leader, including at least three properly referenced and defined terms from the module reading. For example, if you select Drive, describe what the term means in the context of leadership and how your leader demonstrates it.
    • Next, describe the leadership situation your chosen leader was in, using one of the Situational Leadership Models from the module reading. For example, if your leader was charged with a group of new or low-competence employees, did they use the Selling style prescribed by Ken Blanchard?
    • Finally, conclude with a short description of your personal leadership style and how effective it has been for you to date.

In addition to the text, you are encouraged to research leadership and your chosen leader, using reliable and properly cited Internet resources. You may also draw from your personal work experience with appropriate examples to support your references.

Create 5 Tableau charts. Each team member must do at least one chart. Each chart must include a different set of variables. Examine correlation between independent and dependent variables.


PROTOTYPE (5% of grade)

Upload zipped file by 3/22/23, Wednesday, 11-59 pm.

Complete surveymonkey by 3/2523, Saturday, 11-45 pm.

Follow the listed instructions carefully:

  1. You may continue to work in your team.
  2. Group members must complete the team member evaluation form and submit confidentially by surveymonkey web site by due date/time. See syllabus for improper or ‘no submission’ individual penalties. When a majority of team members designate lower scores for a team member the individual score would be reduced proportionately. Please complete this form carefully, completely, and thoroughly. Penalties apply for non-compliance.
  3. Penalty for late submission of report itself is 10% for each day delay up to 3 days.

4 Each report must have a cover page with title, names, class, section, date, and name of the course.

  1. The team is responsible for the project, not individual team members.


Completeness – is work complete?

Correctness – is the design technically sound? Is correct terminology used?

Consistency – is the report cohesive, or does it appear choppy? Is there flow and continuity?

Communicability – is report formatted professionally? Does report communicate design in easily understood language?



What to do?


  1. Revise concept design based on feedback and zoom meeting (e.g., choosing relevant variables, data size, data file preparation – transpose, normalization, etc.)
  2. Create a Word report with cover page. Include the following:


  1. Table of independent variables (REVISED AS PER CONCEPT DESIGN REVIEW).

-name/scale/type/example/control variable – Y/N?

  1. Table of dependent variables (REVISED AS PER CONCEPT DESIGN REVIEW).



-size (show calculation), # of years, period, complete

web link to data.

  1. Visual Analytics Matrix Table.




Research question:

# Hypothesis Question Analytic type Variable(s) Chart Conclusion


Note: submit only a total of 5 hypotheses/questions – one for each chart.

  1. Create 5 Tableau charts. Each team member must do at least one chart.
  2. Each chart should be different (e.g., bubble chart, heat map, trend line, etc.).
  3. Each chart must include a different set of variables.
  4. Examine correlation between independent and dependent variables.
  5. Include a scatter plot/trend line for association between KEY independent and dependent variables.
  6. Charts must be technically correct, and aesthetically designed (e.g., data type, transform data, etc.).
  7. Have a balance of descriptive and predictive analytics.
  8. Chart itself must be free of titles etc. Put title (caption) and name of group member above each chart in Word (e.g., Figure 1: Heat Map of sales/profit for each state – RP Raghupathi). No captions/titles in the chart itself.
  9. Copy/paste chart into Word report, 1 per page. No screenshots, menu items, etc.
  10. For each chart have the following 3 sentences below the chart:
  11. What is the chart (complete sentence)?
  12. What does it show – insight (complete sentence)?
  13. What is implication/recommendation (complete sentence).
  14. Page # in top right corner.
  15. Each page must have a title at top.
  16. Use Times New Roman 14 font.


What to submit?

Designate a group member to upload a zipped file with 3 files, all properly labeled (put group name in all file names -spell correctly).

File 1 – Word document.


File 3 – Exact Excel data file you used (revised from Concept Design).


Discuss the personal qualities and attributes that you think will be useful as well as those that you feel need further development in preparation for the nursing profession.

Stony Brook School of Nursing

The essay needs to address the following topics:

Discuss the personal qualities and attributes that you think will be useful as well as those that you feel need further development in preparation for the nursing profession.
Provide your own definition of cultural competence, ethical sensitivity, leadership and life-long learning as well as how you may incorporate these concepts in your professional practice.

How significant was the evidence in the case and why? What did the evidence tend to indicate? Were there different interpretations of the evidence? Were the admissibility or reliability issues regarding the evidence? Was evidence excluded and if so why?

Case Review

Each student is required to complete (1) Case Review part of this class. For this assignment you will pick a criminal case of your choosing and write a review of the case. While a brief synopsis of the overall case is expected, the primary focus of this case shall be on the evidence and evidence related issues surrounding the case. Some examples of the specific issues that should be addressed include, but are not limited to: How significant was the evidence in the case and why? What did the evidence tend to indicate? Were there different interpretations of the evidence? Were the admissibility or reliability issues regarding the evidence? Was evidence excluded and if so why?

In what ways should data literacy (i.e., integrating assessment practice and accurately communicating student learning), technology applications, and your understanding of the research (quantitative and/or qualitative) behind school-based decision making impact your daily tasks?


Provide your perceptions with these issues addressing the specific questions below. The questions are there as guiding points. Your narrative should address them without responding to each individual question (i.e., do not write a response to each question, just a couple of paragraphs that address all aspects of the prompts)

In what ways should data literacy (i.e., integrating assessment practice and accurately communicating student learning), technology applications, and your understanding of the research (quantitative and/or qualitative) behind school-based decision making impact your daily tasks?
In what ways should a school employ data analysis and evidence to support the school environment?
In what ways should you, now and in the future, take the lead and/or participate in collaborative activities related to criteria identified in the above prompt?
In what ways should your professional dispositions and code of ethics affect your work?

Discuss why it is so important to understand physical development and brain functioning when working as an adolescent mental health therapist?

Human Behavior and Social Environment HSV364_31

Discuss why it is so important to understand physical development and brain functioning when working as an adolescent mental health therapist?

300 words minimum. APA Format
Must refer to two credible resources: an article and a video to support content with resources cited APA format style. Use in text citation when required.

How would you apply the principles of the Triple Aim initiative to improve quality, safety and satisfaction in the acute care or long-term care setting?

Quality of Healthcare

Reflect upon the patient experience, patient safety, and healthcare cost as well as Joint Commission’s role in quality healthcare.

Write a paper that addresses the following questions:

How would you apply the principles of the Triple Aim initiative to improve quality, safety and satisfaction in the acute care or long-term care setting?
Reflect on your current or future role in healthcare. How you would you, in the role of director of nursing or healthcare administrator contribute to improving cost effective quality care, patient satisfaction, and patient safety?
What practices would you apply to minimize medical errors among front-line nursing staff?