
How and why do mourning and death provide a lens onto Athenian democracy in Thucydides’s History of the Peloponnesian War.

Peloponnesian War

In our reading of History of the Peloponnesian War, we have interpreted Thucydides’ portrayal of Pericles as an “epic hero” of practical wisdom (phronesis). But Thucydides’ account also suggests the limits of the Periclean example. Do you find Pericles to indeed be a heroic figure, or would you argue that he is instead a tragic one, i.e., one whose fate is determined by inevitable conflicts? Use examples from the text to support your argument, you should consider both the words, actions and intended consequences of his speeches

Consider how death, grieving and mourning are central concerns for political meaning and notions of democratic citizenship. How and why do mourning and death provide a lens onto Athenian democracy in Thucydides’s History of the Peloponnesian War. You may wish to consider when and how, by and for whom, grieving takes place, and to what ends?

What words and deeds are expressed in the process of mourning, and what does that mean for the polis and for citizenship?

Thucydides’s History of the Peloponnesian War is often considered to be a founding text the realist school of political philosophy. A realist perspective would argue that states are self-interested, power-seeking rational actors, motivated to maximize their security and uphold their existing power for their own survival.

Supposing for the sake of argument that the Athenians lose the war because they become realists, is this itself an argument against political realism?

What various values would political realism have to contend with in order to account for the defeat of Athens as a democracy? Use the various speeches of Pericles, Cleon, Nicias, and Alcibiades to answer this question. Consider how fear and self-image may function within the dialogues as a potential critique of realism.

What specific ecological values did the site have in meeting the needs of human society?

Think about a park, conservation area or open space that you visited in the past. Reflect on why you visited and what features of the site most interested you. What specific ecological values did the site have in meeting the needs of human society?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Discuss at least two ways in which you, personally, can reduce your impact on ocean life.

Journal VI

Watch the following video:

Click here for a copy of the transcript.

In your own words, summarize how a dead zone forms along populated coasts. What are the major sources of the excess nutrients?

Consider your community. What are some of the major sources of nutrient runoff that you see on a regular basis?

Do you contribute to this problem? Discuss at least two ways in which you, personally, can reduce your impact on ocean life.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Describe your experiences with forestland or other natural environments.

Journal V

Watch the following video segment titled “Humans: Destroyers of Ecosystems”:

New Atlantis (Producer). (2002). The sixth extinction: The human role [Video file]. Retrieved from

Click here for a transcript of this video segment. How much time did you spend outside as a child/teenager? Describe your experiences with forestland or other natural environments. Are those areas still in their natural state? Even if you have not spent much time outdoors, have you seen natural areas become fragmented due to land-use change (housing developments, industry, clear-cutting, etc.)? Consider the benefits and services provided by natural lands (clean water, air, biodiversity, etc.). How does the loss of forests and other natural lands affect you personally? Give specific examples.

Discuss how the tasks that take place within project scope management and project schedule management would be essential to keeping the project within the budget guidelines.

Write an essay explaining the various elements of the Lucky Me Animal Rescue adoption event project budget and how the scope and schedule are used to create the budget.

Note: You may assume any reasonable total budget for this project. Your goal in this assignment is not to justify the cost but, rather, to demonstrate an understanding of project management budget concepts.

To prepare the budget, the project manager, along with the project stakeholders, use three different elements. They include inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs.

Begin your essay with an introduction that summarizes the planning phase and budget management (within the scope of planning).

Discuss what will be included in each of the three elements and what documentation/information would be used from the project sponsors and the Lucky Me Animal Rescue organization. Be sure to include how the scope and schedule are used in preparing the budget.

Discuss how the tasks that take place within project scope management and project schedule management would be essential to keeping the project within the budget guidelines. Use specific information on what takes place during project scope management and project schedule management in order to manage the costs of the project.

Your essay must be a minimum of two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. You must use at least three sources that are either peer-reviewed or academic in nature to support your essay. One of these may be the textbook, and one of these must come from the CSU Online Library.

Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including the title page and in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

How will the team continue to manage the stakeholders’ expectations and keep them informed of the project’s progress?

Management Strategy and Tactics

Two of the most important elements of the project are the project team and the project stakeholders. The stakeholders will state their expectations and their critical success factors for what a successful project will look like during the project’s initiation phase.

The project team will be responsible for completing the tasks in order to meet the critical success factors. In this course, you will use a sample project for the local nonprofit animal rescue. The animal rescue team has asked you to prepare for an outdoor adoption event.

For this assignment, you will write a paper in which you consider the 5Ws and 1H of project management and apply them to your sample project. Consider the project team you will need to create for the Lucky Me Animal Rescue adoption event.

Begin your paper with a summary of the initiation phase, and elaborate on why team formation is critical in this phase. Next, assess each of the team considerations listed below.

Who should be on the team? Be sure to consider necessary skills and expertise.

What are your expectations of the team? In what ways can you prepare the team and promote unity and cohesion?

When should the project team be formed?

Where will your team operate (e.g., group, individual, virtual)?

Why is each member of the team important?

Finally, how will the team continue to manage the stakeholders’ expectations and keep them informed of the project’s progress?

Answer the questions above and provide your rationale for each. Your submission must be a minimum of two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages.

You must use at least three sources that are either peer-reviewed or academic in nature to support your submission. One of these may be the textbook.

Identify, explain and critically assess the impact, existing and prospective, of Article 165 TFEU on the regulation of sport in the European Union.

European Sport Law and policy

Answer ONE of the following questions
Identify, explain and critically assess the impact, existing and prospective, of Article 165 TFEU on the regulation of sport in the European Union.
Evaluate the approach to, and application of, the notion of the specificity of sport by the institutions of the European Union; to what extent are those approaches consistent and coherent?
Explain and evaluate the inception, extension and application of the ‘sporting exception’ principle by the Court of Justice of the European Union.

The International Community Attempted to Tackle Environmental Issues, And What Has Been The Failures or Successes of Such Efforts?

The International Community Attempted to Tackle Environmental Issues, And What Has Been The Failures or Successes of Such Efforts?

How did the Persian Gulf War confirm that the United States had “healed” from the internal divisions or “wounds” caused by the Vietnam War?

The Persian Gulf War and Vietnam

How did the Persian Gulf War confirm that the United States had “healed” from the internal divisions or “wounds” caused by the Vietnam War?

What factors led to the significant public support among Americans for the Persian Gulf War?

What role did President George H. W. Bush play in rallying public opinion?

Analyze financial and investment decisions that add value to the organization.

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

Analyze financial and investment decisions that add value to the organization
Analyze financing options to maximize investor value

You are a financial analyst for the chosen business that you selected during your Module Two Journal assignment. Your supervisor has discovered last minute that your business’s board of directors is looking for updates on the business’s financial health.

Your supervisor has asked you to write a report regarding the business’s current financial health and the available financial options for improving the business. You’ve also been asked to make recommendations as to which options the business should choose to best support its financial health.

Your supervisor will then use your report to present to the business’s board of directors, whose members all have varying levels of knowledge in terms of finance.