
Discuss the ethical positions  using the RICS rules of conducts for members and firms 2007 version 6.

RICS rules

Discuss the ethical positions  using the RICS rules of conducts for members and firms 2007 version 6.

Using critical thinking and problem solving skills, how can health science professionals be successful in improving this problem?

Research Methods and Critical Thinking Skills

1. Choose a subject in health care that is of interest to you. Examples might include health behaviors, epidemiology, health information, wellness activities, etc.

2. Research a possible issue or problem within this area of health care.

3. Form a hypothesis for how to solve the issue or problem you have identified and use the scientific method to create and test your hypothesis.

4. Create charts, graphs or maps to illustrate the data from your research.

5. Using critical thinking and problem solving skills, how can health science professionals be successful in improving this problem?


Successfully chooses a topic and health problem that is appropriate by demonstrating all of the following criteria:

● The topic is a defined health care problem.

● The topic can be applied as a focused research question.

● The topic is manageable.

● There is research and material available related to the chosen topic/health care

Successfully presents a hypothesis for how a health problem can be addressed by demonstrating all of the following criteria:

● The hypothesis clearly defines the topic (health problem) and scope of the

● The hypothesis is specific and defines the variables that will be tested.

● The hypothesis is stated in the “if what, then” format Successfully uses the scientific method to prove or disprove the hypothesis by demonstrating all of the following criteria:

● Two or more research studies are used to support, or refute, the hypothesis.

● Two or more research methodologies are demonstrated (i.e. qualitative or qualitative).

● All research methodologies and studies applied are supported by relevant and
credible sources.

Successfully provides visual illustrations and data in relation to the healthcare problem by demonstrating all the following:

● One or more data sets, or illustration, is provided.

● All data sets and illustrations are relevant to the healthcareproblem.

● All data sets and illustrations are contextually supported and cited.

Successfully uses critical thinking and problem solving skills to provide viable solutions to the problem, by demonstrating all of the following:

Critically analyze the role of culture in regeneration. How apt is the metaphor of culture war?

“As cities are re-planned, rezoned and rebuilt, culture is increasingly used as a developer’s battering ram, and artists worldwide are having to assess what their relationship is to the things they make and the ways they live.

This, then is a different kind of culture war.” Nato Thompson, Culture as Weapon (2017) Critically analyze the role of culture in regeneration. How apt is the metaphor of culture war?

Evaluate the biological psychological concepts underlying your research proposal.

Study applications

State the problem that underlies the topic for your research proposal.

Evaluate the biological psychological concepts underlying your research proposal.

Literature Review:

Provide an effective literature review of other studies done on the same research problem. This section may include information obtained in your Theories and Ethics paper. Incorporate instructor feedback you received from the Literature Review assessment.

Importance or Implications to Biological Psychology:

Discuss the importance or implications of this research problem to biological psychology.

Research Methods:

Discuss the research method and design chosen for your proposed study from the four identified in Chapter 4 of Brain and Behavior: An Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience.

Clarify a rationale for the research method chosen to be used in this study.

Hypothesis Verification:

State the hypothesis your study plan is designed to test and any questions that will guide your research plan.


Describe how the validity of the research will be ensured.

Ethical Criteria:

Discuss the necessary criteria to ensure the study will be conducted safely and ethically.


Summarize your study plan and rationale for the chosen method and design.

Explain the focus of the position paper and how it align swiththeul timategoal of the social advocacy group.

Prisons as Mental Health Institutions

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
A. Provide a brief overview of the issue.

B.Explain the focus of the position paper and how it align swiththeul timategoal of the social advocacy group.

C. Briefly explain the evidence that will be used in the analysis of the issue.

D. Develop a statement that communicates the position of the social advocacy group.

E. Identify prevalent stereotypes regarding the issue.

F. Communicate a preliminary position on the crime and violence issues upported by findings from the analysis.

What is strategy, and why is it important for all organizations, regardless of shape and size, to have a strategic plan?

The purpose of this individual assessment task is to assess your knowledge of strategy theory, and your ability to communicate strategic analysis in written form.

What is strategy, and why is it important for all organizations, regardless of shape and size, to have a strategic plan? Using an example of a well- known business from your local area (Woolworths), analyse their environment and discuss how strategy can be used to deliver a competitive advantage.

This question should be answered in a persuasive essay format, with an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Real-life examples are encouraged and should be used to support your answers.

Compare and contrast the data and comment on the quality of healthcare in a separate paragraph.

In this assignment you will go through the process of comparing data from multiple hospitals to determine the quality of care. Crucial to the quality plan is data. You will review three hospitals in Hospital Compare. Select three hospitals that have data and not just “No difference from the benchmark.”

Those will not be accepted as they do not provide data to promote the learning process. The hospitals can be from any state in the country.

Compare and contrast the data and comment on the quality of healthcare in a separate paragraph. NOTE: Compare and contrast only three issues (see the issues in the instructions).

Generate a historical timeline of the major scientific discoveries leading to our current understanding of the topic.

Topic: Antigenic Shift and Drift of influenza virus and its genetic implications.
As a reminder, for this project, you are the science reporter for your local newspaper. You have just received an assignment from your editor.

She asks you to write an article on a major topic within the field of microbiology. She stipulates that in this article you must:

1. Generate a historical timeline of the major scientific discoveries leading to our current understanding of the topic.

2. Include a summary of our current understanding of the topic.

3. Project where the next major advance or breakthrough in your topic will come from.

How is the disease dealt with once it is discovered in order to prevent its spread?

viruses, prions and viroids. Infection by any one of these can have serious consequences to human health and/or economic well being. In the event of an outbreak, it is important to be able to identify and contain these pathogens to avoid potentially deadly outbreaks.

Your assignment is to choose one of the three infectious agents and consider the epidemiological features of your selection. By epidemiological features we mean: Can you characterize the causative organism? Where does the disease come from? Who is affected? How do they acquire the pathogen? What are the symptoms and risk factors? How is the disease dealt with once it is discovered in order to prevent its spread? You can choose one pathogen based on the general scenario described below.

For this assignment you now work for the United States Department of Agriculture’s Agriculture Research Service. You have been assigned to characterize a new epidemic that has spread rapidly at a farm in Montana.

You arrive at the farm observe the livestock, crops and farm workers for signs of illness. You sample the fluids and tissue of several affected organisms and bring them to a state-of-the-art USDA laboratory for analysis. The outbreak is fictional but all the information – from the organism, to how it is acquired, to the symptoms it causes – should be legitimate for the infectious agent.

What is the affected organism (animal/plant/human or any combination)?

What are the symptoms exhibited by the affected organism(s)?

What is the pathogen that you have identified after analysis of the infected material?

How where you able to identify the agent in a laboratory?

Describe the etiology. How did the infection make its way to the farm?

Trace the fictional outbreak from its origins either locally, nationally or internationally.

Knowing how the infectious agent is disseminated, what recommendations do you make to the farm manager for containment and treatment of infected organisms?


Describe the resources needed to support the change in practice such as personnel time, supplies for staff education, cost of new equipment, or cost of software.

Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections (CLABSI)
Implementation of nursing observation insertion checklist
Use of FADE quality improvement model with run chart tool

Briefly review your practice problem and include a purpose statement.

-Evidence-Based Practice Plan Explanation
Provide a detailed explanation of the evidence-based practice performance improvement plan that you will be use to address the practice problem.
Support your plan with scholarly references

Describe the resources needed to support the change in practice such as personnel time, supplies for staff education, cost of new equipment, or cost of software.Explain why each resource is necessary.
Discuss all key points addressed in this assignment.
-Reference Page
Minimum of five references are required.