
What kinds of policy decisions can be made at the state level to improve patient understanding of health insurance?

In your opinion, what obligation do consumers of insurance—specifically, patients with health insurance—have to understand how health insurance operates? Do you think the average patient understands his or her insurance benefits? How might past patient experience with health insurance impact future patient behavior?

What kinds of policy decisions can be made at the state level to improve patient understanding of health insurance? What steps can healthcare providers take to improve patient understanding? What steps should healthcare providers take to improve patient understanding?

How do dysfunctional group dynamics affect productivity in the workplace?

Group Dynamics in the Workplace

Must include and be organized around the Organizational Problem Question:

How do dysfunctional group dynamics affect productivity in the workplace?

Describe it/Define it

Why does this happen?

What does it affect within the workplace?

What can you do to mitigate it.

What is Aristotle’s theory of the “Golden Mean”? Provide an example of a situation which follows that principle and one which violates it.

Ethics in Criminal Justice

Write a narrative essay (minimum 1500 words) in which you address and discuss the questions and statements listed below. Use at least four scholarly sources.

1. According to Aristotle, what is the relationship between leading an ethical life and being happy or “flourishing”? Provide a specific example of such a relationship.

2 .Describe the role that practical wisdom plays in character.

3. What is Aristotle’s theory of the “Golden Mean”? Provide an example of a situation which follows that principle and one which violates it.

4.In 1997, a civil court awarded $25 million in punitive damages for the wrongful deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. The Goldman family was also awarded $8.5 million in compensatory damages. Punitive damages are designed to account for the reprehensibility of the act, while compensatory damages, are designed to compensate for a loss.

Is it right or wrong to assign a monetary value to human life? How should society calculate compensatory and punitive damages in wrongful death cases?

Analyze practice by critically reflecting on personal contributions and that of others and the rationale behind these.

Relating theory to professional practice:
• Demonstrate integration of theory and practice. Can transform abstract information/data and concepts to construct emergent ideas to meet the assessment

• Analyze practice by critically reflecting on personal contributions and that of others and the rationale behind these.

• Utilize imaginative thinking about potential alternatives and their implications for further practice in a range of contexts.

Summarize the role of family in the context of chronic conditions and self-management?


Give two examples of chronic diseases (choose only one from the readings)?

What are the impacts of these chronic diseases on individual, family and community health?

How do you think individual, family and community healthy are interrelated?

How do you think self-management is critical in the context of these two chronic conditions?

Briefly describe the benefits of self-management for these two diseases or conditions

Summarize the role of family in the context of chronic conditions and self-management?

What is the role that you play as a nurse in your patients’ self- management of chronic diseases?


Based on the two videos

Reflect on your understanding of “Health as a right versus a luxury (good)”.

How strongly do you agree with the healthcare being a right? Why?

What solutions were provided by Tariq Sammour in the video in regarding to healthcare access?

How do you think these solutions might help achieve health equity and reduce disparities?

What were the main barriers for healthcare access that were highlighted in the video of Access to Maternal Health Care in Rural Communities: A Patient’s Personal Story “?

How were these barriers addressed and tackled?

What was the health outcome?

How did change and improvement finally begin to happen?

Deterioration in the civil rights of African-American

After decades of continuing deterioration in the civil rights of African-Americans, specially in the south, how did change and improvement finally begin to happen? Of the elements of change, which do you think played the most important role in bringing about success. Base your discussion on plenty of evidence and a sound and reasonable argument


Discuss the evidential issues arising in this scenario.

IRAC method: Issue, Relevant Rule, Application, Conclusion


Derek and Luke are charged with theft of electronic goods from the shop in which they work. They both plead not guilty. The shop is owned by Adam who alerted the police to the theft when he noticed the missing items following the weekly inventory. Derek and Luke were the only employees working in the shop that week.

When questioned by the police Derek claimed, as he does at trial, that he did not know anything regarding the theft.

The prosecution wishes to adduce evidence of a text message recorded on Derek’s mobile phone in the week the thefts took place. The text was sent to Luke and stated, ‘selling will be easy; we should go ahead with the plan asap’. Derek has two convictions for criminal damage in 2010, one for handling stolen goods in 2015 and one for fraud in 2017.

On the day Adam reported the theft, Luke was covering the afternoon shift. When he asked Adam what was going on, Adam replied, You and your mate Derek have been stealing from me, haven’t you?’ Luke said nothing in reply. When questioned by the police he gave a no comment interview as advised by his solicitor.

At trial Luke says that the text message referred to a plan the two friends had to sell their CD collections at a local car boot sale. Luke has no previous convictions and wishes to call his wife as a witness to testify that he has done charitable work for a youth center for three years.

Discuss the evidential issues arising in this scenario.

Discuss pulmonary as a strength and neurology as a weakness and explain them

Advanced Nursing Care across the life span

This week, you will receive access to the Advanced Practice Education Associates (APEA) review course. The review course includes disorders of the following:







Based on a review of these topics, select 1 area to explore, provide a brief description of your overall competency in that area, and select 1 topic that you believe that you should spend additional time reviewing.

Discuss pulmonogy as a strength and neurology as a weakness and explain them

Explain whether the judge should grant the motion under Rule 56(a) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure?


Sally Semmler files a lawsuit against her employer, Discovery Software Corporation, alleging that the company discriminated against her because of her sex. Specifically, she alleges that she has not received a promotion because of her sex.

After the close of discovery, the evidence shows: (1) that females have been promoted at the same levels as males in the company and (2) that Semmler is often late to the office and has lower than average evaluations.

Discovery files a motion for summary judgment and Semmler opposes the motion. Explain whether the judge should grant the motion under Rule 56(a) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure?


Write a piece of music analysis of a short piece, e.g. a song, and analyze it by applying the technical musical terms such as melody, rhythm, tempo, accompaniment, baroque, texture, composer etc.

Write a piece of music analysis of a short piece, e.g. a song, and analyze it by applying the technical musical terms such as melody, rhythm, tempo, accompaniment, baroque, texture, composer etc. You should write up this analysis in no more than 700 words.