
Discuss the importance of norms and values in society and what function they serve in society.

Breaking the Norm
This project is designed to introduce the student to the norms of our everyday world and what it is like to disrupt these “expected ways of behavior”.

You are required to go out into the social world and break what is known as a folkway or a norm that is not strictly enforced.

You are then expected to write about your personal experience and the reactions you received from those around you.

Define and explain what values and norms are

Discuss the importance of norms and values in society and what function they
serve in society (in other words, what do values and norms do)

Explain how values and norms are different but related

What you seek to explore/examine in this paper by conducting your experiment

Describe what norm you broke and, if possible, what value/s this behavior challenges;

Describe how people responded (in other words, what were the positive or negative
sanctions received)

Briefly describe a modernist approach and contrast it with some of the postmodern approaches that are shown in the video.

Solution Focus Therapy:The Miracle Question

Watch the miracle question therapy examples at:

Or here at Uncommon Practitioners (2015, July 22) – 3 miracle question therapy examples:

(use your 7th ed. APA : For research reports and essays, this type of medium, a video file, needs to be checked for credentialed authors/reliable publisher details, i.e. it needs to be verified as scholarly

1) Briefly describe a modernist approach and contrast it with some of the postmodern approaches that are shown in the video. Describe through the modernist lens AND the postmodernist lens.




Which social movement did you choose, and what interests you about the movement?

Prompt: Choose a current social movement. You may choose your own or select one of the following: Occupy Wall Street movement, Black Lives Matter
movement, the environmental movement, or the gender equality movement.

While you might have not heard of the specific organizations involved in the movements, you have likely heard of issues raise d by participants in these
movements. Answer the following questions about the movement you have selected in 1 to 2 sentences each.

1. Which social movement did you choose, and what interests you about the movement?

2. How have you learned about this social movement (news articles, social media, social commentary, conversation with others, television news)?

3. What is the “big question” or inquiry that the movement is trying to answer?

4. What do you think has caused the movement to gain or lose momentum? How does this movement either directly or indirectly impact your daytoday
life? For example, if you are looking at the environmental movement, maybe you were directly impacted by a tax break for purchasing a new Prius or
putting new energyefficient windows in your home.

Discuss the likely impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on mental illness from a client centered perspective (this includes family and carers perspectives).

The purpose of this assignment is to explore the lived experience and personal impact of Covid-19 on Australians with a mental illness from a client centered perspective, the principles of recovery and to explore what services are available to deliver support.

Students are required to construct a written assignment demonstrating their knowledge of the following three areas, including at least five (5) references to support your understanding;

1. Discuss the likely impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on mental illness from a client centered perspective (this includes family and carers perspectives).

2. Provide an outline of the principles of Recovery, Consumer Participation and how this might assist consumers and their families/carers post the Covid-19 epidemic

3. Find and provide a detailed description of 3 (three) online services that are available in Australia to support consumers and their families with a mental illness.

Explain the content of each report listed below in detail and how it relates to your assessment of Amazon’ financial performance.

Explain how investors can use the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) database at EDGAR | Search Tools (Links to an external site.) to research a company’s operations and financial information.

Assess the financial performance of, Inc. (AMZN) by determining the risk of investing in the company through financial statement analysis. To make the above assessment and determination, go to Amazon’ (Links to an external site.) official website, and locate the company’s Investor Relations link.

Using the Investors Relations link, find financial information such as SEC Filings and Annual Reports.

Conclude how investors can assess Amazon’ financial performance and risk using Annual Reports.

Explain the content of each report listed below in detail and how it relates to your assessment of Amazon’ financial performance.

Explain the circumstances under which children should be prescribed drugs for off-label use.

Pediatrics and Pharmacology

To Prepare • Review the interactive media piece in this week’s Resources and reflect on the types of drugs used to treat pediatric patients with mood disorders. • Reflect on situations in which children should be prescribed drugs for off-label use. • Think about strategies to make the off-label use and dosage of drugs safer for children from infancy to adolescence. Consider specific off-label drugs that you think require extra care and attention when used in pediatrics.
By Day 5 of Week II Write a 1-page narrative in APA format that addresses the following
• Explain the circumstances under which children should be prescribed drugs for off-label use. Be specific and provide examples.

• Describe strategies to make the off-label use and dosage of drugs safer for children from infancy to adolescence. Include descriptions and names of off-label drugs that require extra care and attention when used in pediatrics.

What do these differences imply about the social changes that have taken place in our society?

List the norms, folkways, and mores from American society. Is it difficult to identify them? Why?

Discuss the importance of these in American culture. Do any of them seem silly, irrelevant, etc.? What would happen if someone “broke a norm” (not a law)? How would people respond? Why?

If your parents/grandparents were to make this list would it look the same/different? What do these differences imply about the social changes that have taken place in our society? Has cultural leveling influenced any of these changes?

Discuss how to conduct research and study of how much a manager knows about IT.

Discuss how to conduct research and study of how much a manager knows about IT. For example topics include programming, web source code, database, knowledge mgmt, excel, etc.)2nd Paragraph ) How to build an excel worksheet for payroll

Discuss some of the differences between manned type accident investigations and unmanned.

Complete the Module Review Questions below:

List and discuss each of the UAS operational phases.

Define probability and severity.

What are the two purposes of the risk assessment?

What is the purpose of the safety evaluation?

Discuss some of the differences between manned type accident investigations and unmanned.

In what contexts, phases of operation, and for which types of UAS do you think human factors play the greatest part in ensuring operational efficiency and efficacy?

How do you think the needs of civilian and commercial UAS differ from those of the military?

Critically discuss this statement in respect of passing the benefit at law and statutory annexation.

Federated Homes has been unwelcome for its retrospective and uncertain effect.

John Snape, The Benefit and Burden of Covenants – Now where are we? (1994) 3 Nottingham Law

Critically discuss this statement in respect of passing the benefit at law and statutory annexation.

Your answer must consider case law, statute and academic commentary.