
Explain the rationale for applying the NPSG in nursing practice. Discuss some of the benefits and/or challenges of implementing the NPSG in a health care organization? How does appropriate application of the elements of performance in the NPSG reduce negative patient outcomes?

Quality of Healthcare

The Joint Commission determines the highest priority patient safety issues and how best to address them, including as a National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG). Access the Joint Commission website for the most current NPSGs. Select one or more NPSGs and address the following:

Explain the rationale for applying the NPSG in nursing practice. Discuss some of the benefits and/or challenges of implementing the NPSG in a health care organization? How does appropriate application of the elements of performance in the NPSG reduce negative patient outcomes?

Describe any legal and ethical issues involved in the crisis situation (e.g., describe issues related to confidentiality and privacy, mandated reporting, any court proceedings that did or could have occurred related to the crisis, police or law enforcement involvement, etc.). Use the ACA Code of Ethics to discuss this.

Crisis Memoir

This Paper should be on a book titled “I Am Jess”. This book is a true story discussing a woman’s relationship. The paper should focus on emotional and mental abuse that is discussed, more so than the physical abuse itself.

Crisis Memoir Analysis (100 points) Students will read a book that is a memoir (i.e., true story) of the author’s crisis experience. The memoir should be one of the crisis topics we cover in this course. These include; sexual assault, intimate partner violence, substance abuse, chronic and terminal illness, the crisis of death, child abuse (physical, sexual and neglect), school based crisis, and disaster. Students may select a memoir of their choice but must receive the instructor’s approval by the third week of class.
After reading the memoir, students will complete an analysis including the components listed below. Papers will be a minimum of 10 pages and will be in APA 7 th edition formatting. A minimum of 5 empirical articles must be cited within the paper and a reference list must be included. DO NOT choose a fictional novel; this must be a true story.

a. Introduce the protagonist

b. Describe the crisis the protagonist experienced

c. Provide information from the literature (empirical articles), books, and our textbook and discuss what you have learned about this type of crisis. How does the protagonist’s experience match up with research on this topic? This information (i.e., what is typically expected after such a crisis) should be compared and contrasted with the experiences of the protagonist.

d. Describe any legal and ethical issues involved in the crisis situation (e.g., describe issues related to confidentiality and privacy, mandated reporting, any court proceedings that did or could have occurred related to the crisis, police or law enforcement involvement, etc.). Use the ACA Code of Ethics to discuss this.

e. Describe the cultural, developmental, and environmental influences – How did the person’s environment, culture, and development impact the crisis situation and the person’s response to and ability to cope and heal from the crisis? Consider the person’s resources related to each of these factors.

f. Describe the services the protagonist received to related to the crisis. In addition, describe the following:

  • i. How could a clinical mental health/school/pastoral counselor be helpful to the protagonist in the midst of his or her crisis?
  • ii. What specific types of assessments and interventions might you have used with this person?
  • iii. Whose help might you enlist when helping this person? What types of referrals might you offer him or her?

g. Describe your personal experience of reading this person’s crisis experience. Reflect on what it might be like for you to hear this person describe his or her story to you in person. How would you manage your personal response to the client’s experience with remaining in the role of a helper to the client?

Discuss at least two examples of behaviors that can lead to physical health issues and disease. Examine ways you could advise your clients to start to change these behavioral patterns.

PSY 606 Module 2 Assignment_ Impact of Stress

Stress impacts our physical and mental health. This assignment will look at the impact of stress on both our physical and mental health, ways you can advise clients to help reduce stress and its impact, and to examine the impact of stress on yourself. In psychology, reducing stress is a big part of healing, so it is important that we understand it.


(1) Discuss at least two examples of behaviors that can lead to physical health issues and disease.
– Examine ways you could advise your clients to start to change these behavioral patterns.

(2) Describe how the experience of stress can impact psychological disorders.

(3) Explore how stress has impacted your own mental and physical health.
– Apply the ideas, terms, and concepts from this week to your own experience.

Create the template, set validation, enter formulas, and insert a combo box control. Create a new workbook from the template.

Excel 2019 In Practice – Ch 7 Independent Project 7-6

The Hamilton Civic Center is developing a template for member exercise and off-site seminars. You create the template, set validation, enter formulas, and insert a combo box control. You then create a new workbook from the template.

Open the HamiltonCC-07 workbook and click the Enable Editing button. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Select cell D2 on the Data sheet and review the formula. The formula divides calories by time and rounds the results to three decimal places. Select cells D2:D10 and open the Format Cells dialog

What synergistic drug combinations for antibacterial treatment. ie what are considered the best synergistic drug combinations that have been reported in the literature. State-of the-art refers to a selection of the best research that others have published/reported.

Synergistic drug combination for antibacterial treatment

Two pages explain following

What synergistic drug combinations for antibacterial treatment. ie what are considered the best synergistic drug combinations that have been reported in the literature. State-of the-art refers to a selection of the best research that others have published/reported. Only best research result please.

Conduct an in-depth study of the company or organization at which they would like to be employed as a pilot.

Writing Question

Each student will conduct an in-depth study of the company or organization at which they would like to be employed as a pilot. This may be a company that might hire you immediately upon graduation, or one that you will aspire to be at a later point in your career.

In the paper, students should address the following topics identified by APA 7 Level 1 Heading:
 The history of the company (no more than one page),
 The current challenges faced by the company,
 The current and future opportunities available for the company in the marketplace,
 The company culture,
 The current hiring situation at the company,
 The requirements are for obtaining the position you desire(pilot) at the company, and
 The reasons you would like to work for that company.

The style required for formatting the paper is American Psychological Association (APA), 7 th edition guidelines. The paper will be graded on accuracy and completeness of information, cohesiveness, spelling and grammar, and number and quality of references. A title page is required. The paper should be a minimum of 1250-1500 words of content (double-spaced, one-inch margins, and no larger than 12- point font.) Three (3) quality references appropriately listed on a reference page are required.

What are the problems that the policy is supposed to fix? What are the solutions that fix those problems? When did the policy go into effect? Are there data available before the policy was implemented and afterwards?

Policy Solutions Paper Guidelines

The purpose of this paper is to identify how a policy is meant to solve a problem. Write as if you are explaining to measure and evaluate the policy. You will need to use a policy that is already in effect, preferably by a government agency.

  • What are the problems that the policy is supposed to fix? What are the solutions that fix those problems?
  • When did the policy go into effect? Are there data available before the policy was implemented and afterwards?
  • Who or what was the target for this policy ie who or what was this policy supposed to impact?
  • Who is affected by this policy? Have those that are affected by the policy articulated their feelings about it?
  • Is there a public discourse about the policy? If so, what is said? Are there supporters and opponents of the policy? Is their information correct?
  • Analyze the policy by discussing the outcomes of the policy. Does the policy do everything that it intended? Does the policy solve the problem?
  • Is it possible that the policy created new problems (policy paradox)?
  • Evaluate the policy by discussing cost-benefit analysis. What is the total cost of the policy? Are the benefits worth it?

-Include relevant information, but limit your scope of information. You have to continually ask yourself, is this a NEED to know piece of information, or just interesting to know.

-For research look in newspapers, legislator websites, government documents, policy journals, and official documents for organizations (Interest groups)

-Formal information: This paper will be 5-7 pages long, double spaced in 12pt Times New Roman font with one-inch margins.

When handling sterile gloves with a nonsterile hand, which of the following is not considered sterile?

Week 10

Chapter 17 Infec2on Control
Microorganisms that cause infec3ous diseases can be classified as:

  • a. Ly3c
  • b. Endogenous
  • c. Pathogenic
  • d. Nosocomial

2. The best method of preven3ng the spread of aerosol infec3ons is by:

  • a. The pa3ent wearing a mask
  • b. The healthcare worker wearing a gown
  • c. Handwashing
  • d. Wearing a sterile glove

3. All of the following are types of indirect transmission EXCEPT:

  • a. Fomite
  • b. Vector
  • c. Aerosol
  • d. Touching

4. The common cold is an example of an infec3on by a:

  • a. Bacterium
  • b. Virus
  • c. Fungus
  • d. Protozoan

5. The term that best describes the absolute removal of all life forms is:

  • a. An3sepsis
  • b. Medical asepsis
  • c. Disinfec3on
  • d. Steriliza3on
6. A person is biTen by a mosquito and develops an infec3on. This type of transmission is known as:
  • a. Vector
  • b. Fomite
  • c. Nosocomial
  • d. Iatrogenic

7. A health care worker is accidentally punctured with a contaminated needle. This type of transmission is known as:

  • a. Vector
  • b. Fomite
  • c. Nosocomial
  • d. Iatrogenic

8. A pa3ent is admiTed to the hospital. Three days later the pa3ent is diagnosed with clostridium difficile. This type of transmission is:

  • a. Vector
  • b. Fomite
  • c. Nosocomial
  • d. virus

9. An infec3ous microbe can gain entrance into the human body by:

  • a. Ingression
  • b. Penetra3on
  • c. Both a and b
  • d. Neither a nor b

10. Handwashing uses which if the following methods of infec3on control

  • a. Chemical
  • b. Physical
  • c. Sterile
  • d. Both a and b
Chapter 18 Asep2c Techniques

1. When handling sterile gloves with a nonsterile hand, which of the following is not considered sterile?

  • a. Outside of the cuff
  • b. Inside of the cuff
  • c. Finger3ps of the glove
  • d. Thumb of the glove

2. The goal of asep3c technique is to:

  • a. Protect the health care worker from infec3on
  • b. Remove all infected material
  • c. Protect the pa3ent from infec3on
  • d. Remove all viable microorganism

3. The first rule of caring for a tracheostomy pa3ent is:

  • a. Watch for secre3ons
  • b. Establish communica3on
  • c. To have the contact of the MD/RN in charge of the pa3ent
  • d. ATempt to finish the procedure as quickly as possible

4. Which part of a sterile gown is considered sterile:

  • a. The sleeves and from the waist up
  • b. The en3re gown is considered sterile
  • c. Only the front of the gown is considered sterile
  • d. Only ¾ of the sleeve is considered sterile

5. You will be scanning a pa3ent with a foley catheter. You have to move the pa3ent from the stretcher to the MRI table. You know that while moving that pa3ent the foley catheter collec3on bag has to be:

  • a. Above the level of the bladder
  • b. Below the level of the bladder
  • c. At the level of the bladder
  • d. Needs to be hung on a pole to allow gravity to drain the bag

Chapter 19 Nonasep2c Techniques

1. A female pa3ent who is total care has finished using the bedpan and needs assistance cleaning the perineum. To prevent infec3on it is important to:

  • a. Wipe the perineum in circular mo3on
  • b. Wipe from the mons pubis toward the rectal area
  • c. Wipe from the rectal area towards the mons pubis
  • d. If the pa3ent has an adult diaper no need to wipe

2. A pa3ent is scheduled for imaging of the colon. You will be instruc3ng the pa3ent on bowel prepara3on for the exam. Ader you instruct the pa3ent on what to do it is important to:

  • a. Ask the pa3ent to repeat the instruc3on just given
  • b. Recite facts to the pa3ents to make sure they understand
  • c. Give pa3ent sta3s3cal fact about the exam
  • d. Since no ques3ons was asked there’s nothing else to be done

3. You will be scanning a pa3ent with a nasogastric (NG) tube. While taking care of the pa3ent it is important to:

  • a. Have suc3on ready
  • b. Prevent accidental withdrawal of the tube
  • c. Be extra gentle moving these pa3ents because having an NG tube is uncomfortable
  • d. All of the above

4. You will be administering a barium enema to your pa3ent for their exam. It is important to posi3on the pa3ent:

  • a. Prone
  • b. Their led side
  • c. Their right side
  • d. Supine

5. Emptying of fecal material from the intes3nes

  • a. Vomi3ng
  • b. Flatus
  • c. Defeca3on
  • d. Enema

Was there always a youth culture? What was it like before modernization? Is youth culture the same throughout the world? Does youth culture affect adult culture?

Modernization of the Youth Culture

Was there always a youth culture? What was it like before modernization? Is youth culture the same throughout the world? Does youth culture affect adult culture? Give more examples be detailed when writing it should be long.

In this discussion question, evaluate and describe what the developers’ process once interfaces are released and the developers carry out continuous performance evaluations.

Evaluate and describe what the developers’ process

According to the previous assignment Evaluation and Users Experience, interface developers evaluate their designs by conducting expert reviews, usability tests (in lab settings, in the field, and “in-the-wild”), surveys, and rigorous acceptance tests. In this discussion question, evaluate and describe what the developers’ process once interfaces are released and the developers carry out continuous performance evaluations.

(Answers should be at least 250 words with complete sentences and references )