


How could you contribute to an inter-professional team and patient outcomes through nursing actions of: compassion, advocacy, resilience, and evidence-based practice?

Getting Started: Inter-professional teams are part of practice trends we see developing in all aspects of care delivery. Consider you own work environment (or recent clinical setting).
For this assignment, consider the concept of inter-professional teamwork and patient outcomes.

Look to your current workplace as an example. (If you are not currently employed, look to a past workplace or clinical practice area.)

Apply the components of the iCARE concept to inter-professional teams in a short paper. (Body of the paper to be 3 pages, excluding the title page and references page)
iCARE components are:
Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)

How could you contribute to an inter-professional team and patient outcomes through nursing actions of: compassion, advocacy, resilience, and evidence-based practice?

What is marriage is bad for us-Laurie Essig and ownes.

What is marriage is bad for us-Laurie Essig and ownes.

Compare and Contrast Paper Turnitin Originality Check enabled-History & Foundations of Curriculum Models

Compare and Contrast Paper Turnitin Originality Check enabled-History & Foundations of Curriculum Models

How successful were the Reformations, both Protestant and Catholic, in diffusing new models of popular religious belief and practice and suppressing older ones?

How successful were the Reformations, both Protestant and Catholic, in diffusing new models of popular religious belief and practice and suppressing older ones?

Examine the benefits of historical research as well as the limitations inherent in using historical data, especially comparative historical data.

Compare and contrast descriptive and analytic comparative research.

Examine the benefits of historical research as well as the limitations inherent in using historical data, especially comparative historical data.

How do age, gender, and financial resources impact an individual’s ability to address intimate partner violence?

Addressing Intimate Partner Violence

Depending on the characteristics of the victim, multiple barriers could exist which make it challenging to address instances of intimate partner violence.

Address the following in your initial post:

Analyze the rise of our understanding of intimate partner violence?

What are some common risk factors associated with intimate partner violence?

How do age, gender, and financial resources impact an individual’s ability to address intimate partner violence?

Critique the criminal justice system’s responses and explain the effectiveness of the criminal justice system’s response to intimate partner violence.

Your initial post must contain approximately 400 words and reference at least two scholarly sources in proper APA format.

How does the tripod position help breathing in COPD patients?


Hector loved visiting and playing with his grandson, David. Today was David’s birthday and the whole family was at the park to celebrate. They had tons of food and lots of games to enjoy.

At one point, they had a three-legged race and David asked his grandfather, Hector, to be his partner. They gave it everything they had and crossed the finish line ahead of everyone else for the win.

Afterward, Hector started wheezing and had trouble catching his breath. He also had a tightness around his chest. Fearing that Hector may be having heart troubles, the family rushed him to the local emergency room.

Hector reported to the doctor that he had been having a chronic cough that he couldn’t get rid of and had to clear his throat of mucus every morning.

Respiratory function tests indicated that Hector had Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) as a result of chronic bronchitis. The ER physician sent him home with some medication and advised hector to assume the tripod position to aid in his breathing when he was experiencing shortness of breath.


Answer the following questions and save your responses in a Microsoft Word document. Provide a scholarly resource to support your answers.

How is ventilation different from respiration?

Ventilation is dependent upon a pressure gradient. Describe how this pressure gradient works.

What muscles are involved in ventilation?

What is COPD and how does it affect ventilation?

How does the tripod position help breathing in COPD patients?

Briefly analyze which techniques and styles are your strengths and which could use further development.

Delivery Techniques and Styles

Watch the presentation on Delivery Techniques and Styles:

Note how you will apply these techniques to an upcoming speech. Visit the following website and explore the world of inductive presentations:

Research other sites on inductive, deductive and various other speech styles. Write a paper explaining the various styles and the strengths of each style. Include information you gained from the Toastmasters Website, the PowerPoint presentation on Delivery Techniques and Styles, and any information you gleaned from your research. Briefly analyze which techniques and styles are your strengths and which could use further development.