
What are two reporting methods that have been implemented to assist in investigating and addressing victimization?

Residual Effects of Victimization

This week’s required readings discuss the impact that victimization has on crime victims. Victimization can have long-lasting residual effects. Over the last several decades, our awareness of these effects has been developed through the use of formal and informal reporting networks.

Address the following in your initial post:

What are two of the residual effects of victimization? The criminal justice system has responded to these residual effects with reporting assistance.

What are two reporting methods that have been implemented to assist in investigating and addressing victimization?

Are the reporting methods you discussed effective? If so, why? If not, why not?

What could be done to remedy ineffective reporting methods?

Explain what could be done to create a holistic plan for victim restitution.

Your initial post must contain approximately 400 words and reference at least two scholarly sources in proper APA format.

What were the issues that might be raised about personal and professional values that were relevant to you or the social worker in the scenario?

You are asked to write an essay about the case study below. In your writing you need to show your ideas about the following:

• Reflection on your own experience and practice, and how this would inform your work with the family in the case study.

• The integration of any knowledge or theory that was, or could have been, used to inform practice.

• Your understanding of the skills that social workers need to develop and use to meet the needs of the family and work with them in an effective way.

• Your understanding of the social worker’s role in relation to this family, applying what you have learned from the module in an analytical way.

• What were the issues that might be raised about personal and professional values that were relevant to you or the social worker in the scenario?

• Include one screenshot showing something that you think has helped you consider the issues in the case study, for example, a website or web page.

As a nation, are we improving or declining, and why is this important to our health as a country?

On the Healthy People 2030 website, the Social Determinants of Health explain that a national indicator of health is measured by the “Increase the proportion of high school students who graduate in 4 years” (USDHHS, 2020).

As a nation, are we improving or declining, and why is this important to our health as a country?

United States Department of Health & Human Services. (2020)healthy People 2030. Education access and quality.

Identify two practice-related processes or issues in your work setting that need improvement, and explain why you chose them.

Due Thursday: Respond to one of the following in a minimum of 175 words, and your response must cite a scholarly reference.

What ethical, legal, and regulatory considerations do you face or expect to face in practice? Be sure not to post any identifying information.

Identify two practice-related processes or issues in your work setting that need improvement, and explain why you chose them.

There are many aspects of ethics that must be learned, and there are also many different classifications of ethics.

Discuss the differences between medical ethics, clinical ethics, and bioethics.

Discuss ethical dilemmas that are being reported in regard to the COVID-19 pandemic.


What effects does your artifact have on other artifacts, industries, societies or the planet more generally (whether through its creation, usage, or eventual obsolescence)?

Cultural Artifact Project

Prompt: Consider the meaning of an artifact of your choice as well as what it reveals about the culture(s) it is part of.

Your essay should analyze what exactly the artifact is, its impact, and what we can learn about society as a result of studying it.

Your paper must also directly contextualize your own research within the methods or approaches displayed by any two of the three “case study” texts we have read for this class (Let’s Talk About Love, Doing Cultural Studies, Consider the Lobster) In Let’s Talk About Love, the author approached as an individual that dislikes a particular person, Celine Dion by multiple ways (going to Dion’s concert in Las Vegas and interviewed with a few of Dion’s fans).

In Doing Cultural Studies, the author specifically focused on the “circuit of culture” includes “representation, consumption, production, regulation and identity”, which is a set of values that an object has to pass in order to be considered as a cultural artifact

How have you attempted to utilize their approaches to better understand your own artifact, and what benefits and pitfalls have you encountered along the way in doing so?

Specifically, your paper must address the following:

•What does it mean to study an artifact as a cultural document? Assess the methods of two case study texts we’ve read in terms of how they have shaped your own work. How has your artifact attained meaning through its production and consumption?

•How has your artifact’s meaning has been shaped or altered through a variety of social settings or contexts?

•What effects does your artifact have on other artifacts, industries, societies or the planet more generally (whether through its creation, usage, or eventual obsolescence)?

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