
Develop a concise position statement reflecting the research findings and recommendations by experts as they relate to workplace support for breast feeding mothers, medical marijuana services in the community.

Week 7: RN as Healthcare Policy Leader

As a health policy professional leader, communicating with lay audiences is an important skill in promoting the health of the community for master prepared registered nurses.

Develop a concise position statement reflecting the research findings and recommendations by experts as they relate to workplace support for breast feeding mothers, medical marijuana services in the community, genetic testing or applications of stem cell research, transgender care, abortion, end-of-life care, or a community service administered by Family Nurse Practitioners (if you pick this one be specific about the type of community service the FNP would work in or manage).

What, if any, monetary policy has been or will be implemented?

Managerial Economics

In this assignment, you will apply information learned about the financial sector and monetary policy to strategies their chosen company (APPLE, INC.) can use to increase revenue and profitability. What will happen to the company if the Federal Reserve raises interest rates? How will profitability be impacted by inflation or deflation? Considering these issues and the possible repercussions of changes in monetary policy are important in making sure that the company is able to weather any storm.

The current U-3 and U-6 unemployment rates
The current level of inflation/deflation according to the CPI and the PPI
The current level of GDP over the last four quarters
The five year trends in all of the above data
What, if any, monetary policy has been or will be implemented?
Using your research, forecast what impact this information will have on your company and what strategies they should employ to maximize revenue and profit.

Based on your research of the first four questions above, consider the current climate on monetary policy, and write a memo to an executive the company you’ve been researching. Using your research forecast the impact monetary policy will have on your company. Look at the data and identify any monetary policy that will likely be implemented and explain what impact that will have on the business you chose. Then identify what strategies you feel they should put to use in order to improve performance and maximize profit.


Examine the components of individual and small-group communication, including verbal (oral) and nonverbal communication.

Building a Coalition for Emergency Preparedness

Communication: The Glue That Binds Us Together

Provide a working definition of communication.

Address the manager’s critical role in employee communication.

Review the common means of communication used in the work setting.

Provide guidelines for the proper use of electronic mail (email) and social media.

Examine the components of individual and smallgroup communication, including
verbal (oral) and nonverbal communication.

Enumerate the essential components of successful interpersonal communication.

Review means of fostering, enhancing, and improving interpersonal communication
and overcoming barriers to individual communication.

Provide guidelines for personal improvement in using written communication in its
various forms.

Present the fundamentals of organization communication, including both formal and informal communication.

Differentiate between formal and informal communication in the organizational

Review the commonly encountered barriers to effective communication in the
organizational setting.

Explain the reasoning that Rawls provides to support his contention that the two principles of justice are the correct principles to organize institutions.

John Rawls offers a theory of justice that, he claims, lies within the social contract tradition. And it seeks to offer a theory of justice that locates justice in institutional design rather than in character (for instance, as Plato does in the Republic).

a. Explain the reasoning that Rawls provides to support his contention that the two principles of justice are the correct principles to organize institutions.

b. Critically consider Rawls’ principles. What worries do they generate and is there a way for Rawls to respond to them?

What is the main advantage and disadvantage that Terra Cycle has relative to this direct competitor?

Terra Cycle Case study

Which competitor should be categorized as a direct competitor to Terra Cycle Inc.?

What is the main advantage and disadvantage that Terra Cycle has relative to this direct competitor?

Direct Competitor

Advantage Disadvantage

Would it be more appropriate for Terra Cycle Inc. to implement a push or a pull strategy? Explain.

Push or Pull?

What should Terra Cycle Inc. emphasize in its promotional messaging? (3 marks)

Areas for Emphasis

What are some creative promotional strategies that Terra Cycle Inc. should continue to leverage and/or should implement?

Which role does the FTC play in the regulations of commercial speech? how can the FTC enforce rules

Which role does the FTC play in the regulations of commercial speech? how can the FTC enforce rules

How should a Democratic Society handle income inequality?

How should a Democratic Society handle income inequality?

What role did the company’s Chief Financial Officer play in creating the problems that led to Enron’s financial problems?

Monsanto Attempts to Balance Stakeholder Interests

How did the corporate culture of Enron contribute to its bankruptcy?

In what ways did Enron’s bankers, auditors, and attorneys contribute to Enron’s demise?

What role did the company’s Chief Financial Officer play in creating the problems that led to Enron’s financial problems?

Identify the company’s key resources and/or capabilities (at least four) and assess the competitive power of each of those resources and/or capabilities using VRIN Test.

Strategic Management | Capstone assessment – Written report submission

In preparation for this assessment, you are required to read the following article (attached)

Dobbs, ME 2014, ‘Guidelines for applying Porters Five Forces Framework: A set of Industry Analysis Templates’, Competitiveness Review, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 32–45.

Your task is to undertake a strategic planning exercise for your own organization, or for an organization with which you are familiar.

For this assignment, you are required to conduct a detailed assessment of various components of the strategic management process and suggest which business strategy you believe will be the most appropriate for your chosen organization and explain why.
Clearly describe the chosen organization and industry.

Identify the company’s key resources and/or capabilities (at least four) and assess the competitive power of each of those resources and/or capabilities using VRIN Test.

Analyze its competitive environment using Porter’s Five Forces Framework, assess the nature /strength of the competitive pressures and suggest whether collective strength of the five forces (in your chosen industry) is conducive to good value for the organization.

The scholarship article by Dobbs (2014), ‘Guidelines for applying Porter’s Five Forces Framework’, provides a comprehensive, structured and practical set of templates that can be used by managers to analyse the competitive environment in their industry.

You must use the templates provided in the scholarship article to strengthen your analysis in this part. Here is the Dobbs (2014) editable framework from Appendix 01 (attached) of the article.

Based on your analysis, recommend which of the five generic strategies will be most appropriate for your chosen organisation and provide justification for your recommended choice.

Critically evaluate the following two components of strategy execution in the specific context of your chosen organisation and discuss their appropriateness for the recommended strategy:

Organisation culture


Provide an overall conclusion and recommendations.

Template attached

Module reading attached

appendix 01 attached

article attached

example assignment attached

style guide attached

Compare and contrast the tax rules and treatment applicable to those three forms of organization and the major way in which the tax treatment affects the shareholders or partners.

Tax Methods and Financial Reports

Write a 4–5 page paper in which you do the following:

Use your textbook, the Internet, Internal Revenue Service | An Official Website of the United States Government, and Strayer Library to research the three major forms of corporate organizations: partnerships, S corporations, and corporations.

Compare and contrast the tax rules and treatment applicable to those three forms of organization and the major way in which the tax treatment affects the shareholders or partners.

Explain at least two reasons why a business owner might opt for one form of organization over another. Provide support for your rationale.

Identify two sources of tax guidance (for example, IRS code, Revenue Procedure) for each form of organization and how it defines a component of the tax policy for that form of organization.

Research an organization by identifying its entity type (corporation, s-corporation, or partnership) and describe how that organization’s tax methods are detailed in their financial reports.

Use the Strayer Library to find at least three academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites are not considered quality references.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment:

Evaluate the tax rules and treatment applicable to organizations and their impact on shareholders.