
Identify at least two sociological theories and/or concepts from our class materials and discuss how they can help better explain what is happening in the article.

Purpose: For this assignment you will demonstrate your ability to apply your sociological imagination to better explain current events.

You can use your textbook and notes to help. This assignment will help you think more critically about the news and other media you consume on a daily basis, as well as to better understand and critique arguments using a sociological perspective.

Task: Your task is to identify one of the news articles from the list below that you are interested in writing about.

Identify at least two sociological theories and/or concepts from our class materials and discuss how they can help better explain what is happening in the article.

You should not simply recite what an article says, but instead add some sociology in order to better explain what is happening around us.

Explain Voodooism theological standpoint in the 21st Century. Explain how Voodooism has impacted the 21st Century.

Explain Voodooism theological standpoint in the 21st Century. Explain how Voodooism has impacted the 21st Century.

Discuss Organizational Information Systems and experimental study of managers knowledge of IT based on the additional materials below (Rainer, R. Kelly.

Organizational Information Systems and experimental study of managers’ knowledge

Discuss Organizational Information Systems and experimental study of managers knowledge of IT based on the additional materials below (Rainer, R. Kelly.

Introduction to Information Systems. include 3 quotes from the pictures below and 3 quotes from outside information at minimum


What other alternatives do we have to build bridges across the community?

A) Submit a paper, 2-3 pages critical analysis about the you tube clips. Compare and contrast the two video clips.

Are gang suppression strategies working? What large arguments can you make about the war on gangs? What other alternatives do we have to build bridges across the community?

Describe the local end of life care pathway including support provided by partner agencies

Describe (1500 words), the management of palliative care emergencies according to the wishes and preferences of the service user and loved ones. You should include:

Summarize key points of current legislation relating to end of life care

Explain your legal and ethical responsibilities with end of life patients

Describe the local end of life care pathway including support provided by partner agencies

Explain the importance of communication when dealing with end of life care

Discuss notions about cultural heritage expressed in Walker’s “Everyday Use.”

Discuss notions about Discuss notions about cultural heritage expressed in Walker’s “Everyday Use.”

Describe Considerations that should be considered when assessing a patient with a learning disability

Explain (1500 words), how to support a patient with a learning disability. You should include:

• Differentiation between learning disabilities and learning difficulties

• Describe Considerations that should be considered when assessing a patient with a learning disability

Describe considerations that should be considered when assessing an older person

Explain (1500 words), how to support a patient with dementia. You should include.

• Describe the ageing process and how

• Summarize health and social care support available to older people

• Describe considerations that should be considered when assessing an older person

How might each be appropriate in healthcare research and evidence-based management?

1. Differentiate between qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research designs.

What are the benefits of each research method? How might each be appropriate in healthcare research and evidence-based management?

As always, provide substantive support of your views and opinions using appropriate research articles.

2. What constitutes valid, reliable, and relevant evidence? Why is it necessary to always consider the validity, reliability, and relevance of a research study?

As you explain why a systematic appraisal of the evidence is necessary, consider the alternative to valid, reliable, and relevant evidence and the potential resulting outcomes.

As always, provide substantive support of your views and opinions using appropriate research articles.

Demonstrate professionalism and accountability through timely completion and submission of the assignment.

Your EBM team is interested in the leadership style of managers and the impact the leadership style may have on the retention of staff.

As such, your team determines an appropriate problem statement (hypothetical) to guide the literature inquiry and the following article is identified as relevant.
Locate the following article via the Bellevue University Library:
Chullen, C. L., Dunford, B. B., Angermeier, I., Boss, R. W., Boss, A. D., & Kirby, J. T. (2010). Minimizing deviant behavior in healthcare organizations:

The effects of supportive leadership and job Design/PRACTITIONER APPLICATION. Journal of Healthcare Management, 55(6), 381-397; discussion 397-398.

Critique this article in regard to its application to the desired outcomes of your EBM team, namely, the impact of leadership style on the retention of staff.

Would this article support or negate changes in your organization?

Provide recommendations to support the application of this article as evidence or to refute it.

If recommended, HOW will you potentially apply the information in this article to positively impact organizational goals or outcomes?

Assignment Objectives:

Appraise evidence for relevance to the problem statement.

Employ a framework for the purpose of systematic appraisal of the evidence.

Demonstrate professionalism and accountability through timely completion and submission of the assignment.